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Interesting news article re:imminent changes


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
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Well, as a matter of act, I totally understand what citizenship is and I totally understand the value of becoming a citizen of a country like Canada, I am what you can call a Patriot, eventhough I'm not yet a Canadian citizen, I care about this country, I care so much about it that I want to be part of it.

What is great about Canada is the fact that it has always been a place that gave immigrants a real chance. Immigrants, along with natural born Canadians, built Canada throughout the years, and some immigrants are more attached to this country than a lot of Canadians. As a lawful, law abiding immigrant, I refuse to pay even for a second for what a fraudulent person deserves and by making it harder for immigrants to become fully part of this country, what the government is doing is making a huge majority of honest immigrants pay a heavy price for nothing. Numbers speak for themselves, they made the lives of people who gave up everything to live in Canada and who have been living in Canada for the past 3-4-5-10 years, a living hell - they barely found 12 fraudulent applications!

With all due respect, a government is not supposed to change everything as it pleases, a government has a whole parliement to report to, put aside the fact that the electoral system in Canada has some issues whereas the number of MP's is not proportional to the number of canadians, I can safely say that most canadians don't support what Harper is doing. Most canadians lives in Ontario and in Québec, two provinces made of a huge multicultural mix that doesn't appreciate whatever the current overly conservative government is doing.

So I am for punishing all those who fraud and for allowing honest people to feel fully at home without useless reforms - Canada is making itself a huge favor when it grants its citizenship to those who contribute to its prosperity and to its future and to those who want it to become their homeland, that's not a Taboo. It is also an honor for every immigrant to become a citizen of such a great country in a timely manner and without useless electoral finger pointing!


Hero Member
Dec 15, 2010
looks like there will be post New Year appearances in other "immigrant-rich" area newspapers of the same old article published around Xmas . See this reprint from today's Windsor Star of the same old article which talks about ...while he will table a bill in the coming months, THE MAIN FOCUS will be on reducing wait times....."


Also, with trust ratings of the govt in really bad shape, plus the embarrassing scandals such as the Duffy mess :mad:, the trust is really shaken. A lot of mess-ups and non transparent botch ups have happened. Guess they cannot afford to upset the PRs any more than they already have. The world is changing and some day the PRs will all just pack up and move on elsewhere and then they will wake up and come to their senses on their major short-sighted boo-boo ! ::)


Hero Member
Feb 2, 2013
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torontosm said:
You are absolutely correct. I agree, and in fact, I did leave Canada to work overseas for a while. But, the difference is that I had every intention, and made every effort, to make Canada my home.
I see a lot of hypocrisy in these statements. In your own definition if someone worked outside of Canada they do not deserve a Canadian Passport and they got their passport with all wrong intentions, yet you have committed the same taboo and shamelessly exclude yourself from that restriction. People like you think you're all safe and so you do not want to care about others' safe landing. How selfish?

torontosm said:
I lived in Canada for well beyond the time required to obtain a passport, and then returned to Canada and continued my contributions to the economy and to the society.
That means you met the residency requirement just like any other scrupulous applicant, applied for citizenship and got one. No one is going to give you a medal of honor for sitting idly after you met the residency requirements, in fact that would give raise to questions on your intentions on staying as PR (any record, perhaps trying to hide something in the initial years that you want to get past by the rolling 4 years criteria, so on and so forth). I am sure you're a respectable and model citizen but there are always rooms for questions on even something that you wear as a badge of honor. That's my point.
Regarding your "contributions" to Canada, please dont get over your head on this. Any Canadian citizen earning in mid-east, US or in Europe earns at least twice the salary that a Canadian resident is paid in Canada. So their contributions get far more than yours and they dont even get to use the social welfare programmes like you and your family does. So I would not boast on a the peanuts that someone calls as contribution.

torontosm said:
I disagree that the "majority of applicants" are being kicked around like a football. How? By asking them to live in a country before becoming a citizen? By asking them to provide additional proof of living in said country? Or by asking them to wait until the administrative backlogs are cleared? The root cause of all three of these demands is not the Government, as you assert, but is rather the countless number of people who have cheated the system in the past and forced the government to scrutinize applications to this level.
The concern the majority of people raise here is, if you would have taken the time to read it carefully, RQ process is not accountable. They collect your info and in almost all of the cases the file is cast away in storage shelf for years. No one know why? or when they would be retrieved? or does it have to necessarily happen that way? With the backlog BS, I would like to challenge CIC on behalf of every applicant here caught in the limbo to come clean on what batch range of files they are processing now. I would say they can't. Because backlog is not the reason that those files are stowed away (and lost in some cases and not even acknowledged that it is lost!) in an old file cabinet, its all about xenophobia from this uber-conservative dictatorial government.

torontosm said:
I, for one, would rather have the citizenship process be 10 years in duration than allow one more fraudulent person to become a citizen of this country. As a result, I respect all of the efforts of the Conservatives, and hope that they continue to implement new similar measures.
Again with more than 300,000 cases on citizenship grant pulled out to be reconsidered if their citizenship was indeed a legitimate claim CIC was only able to prove a mere 12 cases. that is 0.004% which might even be lower than the CIC error margin. I would like to see all fraudulent cases prosecuted too, but I dont want to extrapolate the results to the rest of 99.996% of applicants without proper proof. If that's the case many would like to see your case analyzed too. so until someone's is proven guilty or under reasonable grounds seem to have committed a fraud you cant just simply ramble here saying there's a huge citizenship fraud going on that we need tougher restrictions enforced. in fact CIC's own finding of 0.004% fraud itself says the current process is not fatally flawed that it requires to be tightened. Your immigration from a third world country has not yet given you an opportunity to understand the civil rights in the first world nations. Your subservience to Conservative party and insanely retorting the communications in these forums with an apathy just shows that.


Hero Member
Feb 2, 2013
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us2yow said:
and yet there are no news about fixing the citizenship logjam. typical conservative attitude. :(


Hero Member
Dec 15, 2010
CanuckForEver said:
" Because backlog is not the reason that those files are stowed away (and lost in some cases and not even acknowledged that it is lost!) in an old file cabinet, its all about xenophobia from this uber-conservative dictatorial government.
Well said in your overall posting and in relation the above quote. This is the 21st Century - no longer the colonial era- in a globalized world where the BRICS are doing relatively well and the power dynamic is shifting, if immigrants continued to be treated as they were in some bygone era, one fine day they will all pack up and move on and it will be one giant slap in the face to the narrow minded policies. Maybe its the cold that makes them so mean and short-sighted. How sad for "them" not for us who still have a warmth and fire burning in us ! ;)


Star Member
May 27, 2010
us2yow said:
Well said in your overall posting and in relation the above quote. This is the 21st Century - no longer the colonial era- in a globalized world where the BRICS are doing relatively well and the power dynamic is shifting, if immigrants continued to be treated as they were in some bygone era, one fine day they will all pack up and move on and it will be one giant slap in the face to the narrow minded policies. Maybe its the cold that makes them so mean and short-sighted. How sad for "them" not for us who still have a warmth and fire burning in us ! ;)
Canada makes a living off of this immigration industry. They tweaked the FSW immigration again (which really changes every year like a little girl changes dresses on her dolls) and do you guys know what's the first question CIC asks a potential immigrant in their new online app system? What is your net worth? LOL.

O boys, it's all about money. I'll make a prediction. CIC will return your CIT apps after increasing the residency requirement this year? This can be done very soon. There's no way they'll grant all of you citizenship. Of course unless they are out of their mind! but they are not that stupid. They will force many of you to leave Canada penniless, without Canadian passport.

Smarten up boys. This is all planned out. This is Harper's agenda.


Star Member
Aug 16, 2013
corazon3 said:
Canada makes a living off of this immigration industry. They tweaked the FSW immigration again (which really changes every year like a little girl changes dresses on her dolls) and do you guys know what's the first question CIC asks a potential immigrant in their new online app system? What is your net worth? LOL.

O boys, it's all about money. I'll make a prediction. CIC will return your CIT apps after increasing the residency requirement this year? This can be done very soon. There's no way they'll grant all of you citizenship. Of course unless they are out of their mind! but they are not that stupid. They will force many of you to leave Canada penniless, without Canadian passport, like the dude here in this forum who couldn't afford a plane ticket back to his home country. Ha ha ha.

Smarten up boys. This is all planned out. This is Harper's agenda.
Canada is not perfect. Who likes it - welcome! Who does not - pack up and go back to your countries! (I am sure they were all wonderful cause otherwise why would you all come to conservative-run Canada).


Champion Member
Feb 1, 2006
I doubt very seriously they will be returning already received citizenship applications. That would be an ex post facto law and likely wouldn't pass a charter challenge. They intend to clear the backlog of Citizenship applications by increasing the residency requirement meaning there will be a year when they will receive few applications. I suppose though, that doesn't mean they won't try it.


Hero Member
Apr 26, 2013
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Decision made April 15, 2013
sad news for me, as i was hoping to send in my citizenship application by Aug 2015 :(


Hero Member
Aug 17, 2013

Some people just wait to get their passports and they increase their credit limits and the day the get citizenship they cash out all their credits and lines of credits/overdraft and leave the country. I heard of stories like that.

I was applying for a line of credit at RBC last week and the credit officer said that if I am not a citizen of Canada, I can't qualify. This didn't use to be the case when I was a loan officer last year.


Champion Member
Feb 1, 2006
Dejaavu said:

Some people just wait to get their passports and they increase their credit limits and the day the get citizenship they cash out all their credits and lines of credits/overdraft and leave the country. I heard of stories like that.

I was applying for a line of credit at RBC last week and the credit officer said that if I am not a citizen of Canada, I can't qualify. This didn't use to be the case when I was a loan officer last year.
And some natural born Canadian citizens murder people online, dismember the body, flee the country and have to be extradited at taxpayer expense.

Who cares what "some people" do?


Star Member
May 27, 2010
Dejaavu said:

Some people just wait to get their passports and they increase their credit limits and the day the get citizenship they cash out all their credits and lines of credits/overdraft and leave the country. I heard of stories like that.

I was applying for a line of credit at RBC last week and the credit officer said that if I am not a citizen of Canada, I can't qualify. This didn't use to be the case when I was a loan officer last year.
By the time they are granted citizenship, many of them go bankrupt, but they need to buy a plane ticket to their home country before it's too late, that is, before they become homeless and starve or freeze to death on the street. That's probably the only way for them to buy a ticket. Sad, but that's the reality for many of you.


Hero Member
Dec 15, 2010
I have little desire to post here after seeing the consistently rude tone adopted by corazon3. The name Corazon is supposed to mean "heart". But, corazon3 is sadly adopting an arrogant uppity approach and responding in a "heartless" way every single time - as if he or she is someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Unfortunately, this arrogance is surely not Canadian. I dont recall seeing such arrogance on this site. It was so very disappointing and off-putting that I couldn't even bother with reporting you for your rudeness. But, maybe if you keep being so rude I am certain that it will not be too long before someone on here will have no other option but to report you to the moderator for your repeated arrogant and pejorative tone toward PRs.

Finally - Corazon3 - you may also find this word useful - schadenfreude - a feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of other people


Hero Member
Aug 17, 2013
I have seen and hear that happen to some immigrants especially those who were wealthy and came here and thought they could sustain the same lifestyle like in their countries. They would come with a million or so or half a million and then couple of years later they run of money and have no choice but go back to their countries as some of their skills are not transferable to Canada and they do not want to work in survival jobs and so they have no choice but head back.