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Interesting news article re:imminent changes


Star Member
Nov 30, 2007
Harper brand of conservatism is the same in Europe and USA. They peddle racism and xenophobia disguise as national policy.

Nothing will change about the citizenship backlog and it will continue to grow. Conservative party is old white men's club. Tory party is aware new immigrants are engaged politically and normally vote during election. Most vote liberal or NDP. Tory party would have been the natural party for most new immigrants as most come from conservative third world country where they pay little tax, however racism within conservative party (subtle and overt} scare the heck out of immigrants.

Election time Harper will send Jason Kenney to minority communities where unapologetic racist Jason does some meaningless photo shoot in sikh or hindu Temple to promote vague visa program to bring migrants parents and grand parents to canada......Less palatable details of the program will be announced after the election like only 5000 application/yr will be granted.......I am sure immigrants community have learnt their lesion after they where fooled in helping harper win majority.

Harper is scared people of colour attaining electoral strength so he is using citizenship fraud to undermine potential electorate that will not vote for his party. The only way i can explain it is to use Stephen Harper own quote

— "You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society." Stephen Harper quote from Report Newsmagazine, January 2001.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
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The worse enemies of immigrants are immigrants themselves.... What a shame ! If some people think that it is "uncanadian" to criticize the way things are done in Canada, then you don't deserve to live in a democracy. It is everyone's right to be critical of the government's actions, this is what caring about one's country means !

As for all the crap about immigrants not being honest, well i am sure that proportionally, natural born canadians are as dishonest as immigrants. Rob Ford is a true canadian, yet he is disgusting... Gerald tremblay, Applebaum and Gilles Vaillancourt are all good natural born canadians, yet, they robbed their country and their cities - and we are talking here not about millions, but about billions of dollars of tax payers money! Does this make all canadians criminals ?

Senators Duffy and Brazeau are also natural born canadians, how much did they rob with the help of harper's office ???? Does this make all canadians criminals ?

Luca Magnota is a good natural born canadian... He dismembered a guy ! Does this make all canadians criminals ?

Do you really think that criminality and dishonesty are related to one's origines and status in Canada? Thats what the third Reich was about ! Give us a break and stop polluting our lives with your hate filled speech, this is a very good begining for a criminal offense for hate speech and a clear violation of the charter of rights and freedoms.


Champion Member
Apr 3, 2013
CanuckForEver said:
I see a lot of hypocrisy in these statements. In your own definition if someone worked outside of Canada they do not deserve a Canadian Passport and they got their passport with all wrong intentions, yet you have committed the same taboo and shamelessly exclude yourself from that restriction. People like you think you're all safe and so you do not want to care about others' safe landing. How selfish?
There is no hypocrisy at all. As I have maintained all along, people are welcome to come and go so long as they actually do intend to make Canada home. As for me, I lived here for 10+ years after becoming a citizen, maintained strong ties during my absence and then returned to live here again and continue contributing. if you can't see the difference between that and someone who leaves on day 1096 after landing, then you need more help than I can provide on this forum.

I don't believe that I am special, and I'm not wearing this as a badge. I think similar ties to Canada should be expected of all citizens. and if that means that the residency period should be extended, I am fully supportive of such a change.

As for my contributions vs. those of foreign residing citizens, you obviously seem to be confused. Canadian citizens no residing in Canada do not pay income tax in canada. So what exactly are the contributions of the thousands of "citizens" that took passports and returned to Lebanon, for example? Zero. But, rest assured, they do avail the same benefits as the rest of us, and if you doubt that, just read about the number of people that return to Canada to use the healthcare system at times of need, or those that send their kids to universities here for subsidized education. Obviously you are ill-informed about such matters, and it's dangerous for you to speak on subjects that you are ignorant about.

Finally, again your confusion is clouding the issue of the RQ. the figures you are quoting about the success rate relate to investigations of fraudulent applications made by shady immigration consultants. They have nothing to do with RQ's. The success of the RQ program is clearly visible on this forum alone, where hundreds of people have withdrawn their applications once they learn they will be subject to further scrutiny. If they have nothing to hide, no one would voluntarily abandon their citizenship application simply because of an elongated processing time. As such, I applaud the conservatives for introducing this system, and hope they make it even more rigorous in the future.

As for your personal attack, I won't lower myself to your level, but will say that I have a stellar first world education, an impeccable professional record with blue-chip firms and an understanding of issues that seem to continue to elude you, despite your so-called first world upbringing.

Your immigration from a third world country has not yet given you an opportunity to understand the civil rights in the first world nations. Your subservience to Conservative party and insanely retorting the communications in these forums with an apathy just shows that.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
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Everyone is entitled to have his own opinions, however this doesn't mean at all that you have the right to insult all those who don't share your views. We don't agree on the measures the government is taking and we clearly don't have the same sources of information, but let's be clear about one thing : personally i am totally opposed to the idea of citizenship of convenience, i am opposed to all those who think that fraud is ok and i am opposed to all those who think that citizenship is simply a passport to use whenever you need to show off. I don't share at all your ideas about how to reduce all these offenses and I am totally convinced that a huge majority of current and past immigrants are honest and respect the rules and don't deserve the treatment that a minority of frauds deserve. The difference between my views and those of the conservatives is that i believe that people are good at heart... I totally refuse to see threats everywhere around me.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
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torontosm said:
There is no hypocrisy at all. As I have maintained all along, people are welcome to come and go so long as they actually do intend to make Canada home. As for me, I lived here for 10+ years after becoming a citizen, maintained strong ties during my absence and then returned to live here again and continue contributing. if you can't see the difference between that and someone who leaves on day 1096 after landing, then you need more help than I can provide on this forum.

I don't believe that I am special, and I'm not wearing this as a badge. I think similar ties to Canada should be expected of all citizens. and if that means that the residency period should be extended, I am fully supportive of such a change.

As for my contributions vs. those of foreign residing citizens, you obviously seem to be confused. Canadian citizens no residing in Canada do not pay income tax in canada. So what exactly are the contributions of the thousands of "citizens" that took passports and returned to Lebanon, for example? Zero. But, rest assured, they do avail the same benefits as the rest of us, and if you doubt that, just read about the number of people that return to Canada to use the healthcare system at times of need, or those that send their kids to universities here for subsidized education. Obviously you are ill-informed about such matters, and it's dangerous for you to speak on subjects that you are ignorant about.

Finally, again your confusion is clouding the issue of the RQ. the figures you are quoting about the success rate relate to investigations of fraudulent applications made by shady immigration consultants. They have nothing to do with RQ's. The success of the RQ program is clearly visible on this forum alone, where hundreds of people have withdrawn their applications once they learn they will be subject to further scrutiny. If they have nothing to hide, no one would voluntarily abandon their citizenship application simply because of an elongated processing time. As such, I applaud the conservatives for introducing this system, and hope they make it even more rigorous in the future.

As for your personal attack, I won't lower myself to your level, but will say that I have a stellar first world education, an impeccable professional record with blue-chip firms and an understanding of issues that seem to continue to elude you, despite your so-called first world upbringing.

Your immigration from a third world country has not yet given you an opportunity to understand the civil rights in the first world nations. Your subservience to Conservative party and insanely retorting the communications in these forums with an apathy just shows that.
Hi torontosm,

I found this on the forum :

torontosm said:
I sent in my application in late October 2012 (the 29th or 30th, I believe). My LMO approval was received on January 10, 2013. This was probably delayed a bit by the Christmas and New Year holidays, but could serve as an indication of processing times.
Since you say that you have been a citizen for all that time, why did you need a LMO ? This is what a potential temporary foreign worker would need... Not a long time citizen. You are an employer ? If yes, then why did you feel the need to hire foreigners while you seem to be overly "canadian" ? Is it because foreign labour is cheaper ? More qualified ? I'm very curious to know all about that. It is very easy to criticize a system, but as I can see, you are using it... Maybe to bring family members and friends to Canada using the LMO system to avoid all the hardship of proper immigration procedures?

I am not accusing you of anything by the way, i am just trying to show you how easy it is to jump to really nasty and mean conclusions about one's intentions.


Champion Member
Apr 3, 2013
ramsfe said:
Hi torontosm,

I found this on the forum :

Since you say that you have been a citizen for all that time, why did you need a LMO ? This is what a potential temporary foreign worker would need... Not a long time citizen. You are an employer ? If yes, then why did you feel the need to hire foreigners while you seem to be overly "canadian" ? Is it because foreign labour is cheaper ? More qualified ? I'm very curious to know all about that. It is very easy to criticize a system, but as I can see, you are using it... Maybe to bring family members and friends to Canada using the LMO system to avoid all the hardship of proper immigration procedures?
if you read the entire thread, you would have seen I was sponsoring a live-in caregiver as a nanny for my kids. I had tried to hire a Canadian, but only found other TFW's that applied for the position. In the end, I did find a Canadian and stopped my sponsorship process. i am paying above the minimum wage requirements stipulated by the regulatory authorities, and have nothing to hide.

Next time to try to play Sherlock, investigate a bit more before screaming eureka.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
Job Offer........
torontosm said:
if you read the entire thread, you would have seen I was sponsoring a live-in caregiver as a nanny for my kids. I had tried to hire a Canadian, but only found other TFW's that applied for the position. In the end, I did find a Canadian and stopped my sponsorship process. i am paying above the minimum wage requirements stipulated by the regulatory authorities, and have nothing to hide.

Next time to try to play Sherlock, investigate a bit more before screaming eureka.
The purpose of my post was to show you that it is easy to jump to dumb conclusions when you only have small parts of the reality in front of you, and your reaction is a perfect example of how honest citizenship applicants feel today. Thanks for proving my point. So... Eureka!


Champion Member
Feb 6, 2010
I just want to say that regardless of what you think about 'Canadians of convenience', they aren't committing fraud -- they're following the actual rules that Canadians have set up. This isn't a situation where you get to say, "Yes, but the spirit of the rules is different.' In the Western tradition, people are expected to follow the law as it's written -- that's why a baby born on a plane above Nova Scotia is Canadian, why a person born abroad in certain situations who has never been to Canada is Canadian, and why your citizenship application can be rejected for being a week short. A Canadian of convenience has contributed more to Canada than an 18-year-old who picks up and goes to college in the States, finds a job down there or gets married, and never comes back to pay taxes. Let me tell you, there are a lot of those, and they don't come in for criticism.


Hero Member
Feb 2, 2013
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on-hold said:
I just want to say that regardless of what you think about 'Canadians of convenience', they aren't committing fraud -- they're following the actual rules that Canadians have set up. This isn't a situation where you get to say, "Yes, but the spirit of the rules is different.' In the Western tradition, people are expected to follow the law as it's written -- that's why a baby born on a plane above Nova Scotia is Canadian, why a person born abroad in certain situations who has never been to Canada is Canadian, and why your citizenship application can be rejected for being a week short. A Canadian of convenience has contributed more to Canada than an 18-year-old who picks up and goes to college in the States, finds a job down there or gets married, and never comes back to pay taxes. Let me tell you, there are a lot of those, and they don't come in for criticism.
More importantly, person for person if we want to keep a count, it is not the Lebanese, Chinese, Indian immigrants who exploit the citizenship for convenience, it is the Canadian born Caucasians that do it! Do you know how 100s of 1000s of caucasians go down to the states to earn there and never want to live a routine life in Canada? But when they have a health complication they come up here to stay briefly to get problems fixed. I dont have anything against caucasians. I have even seen a bunch of caucasians do this in my line of work, they dont think its wrong, they dont mind others doing this. I dont judge them, Im only stating what's happening around. But people like torontosm will comfortably forget about that as they are his/her white masters and lebanese are somehow underneath him/her because they look different inspite of the fact that torontosm himself/herself has come from under the same third world "rock" that these people came from. How come your restrict prospective immigrants of something which the current multi-generational citizens are already enjoying?


Hero Member
Jun 9, 2009
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CanuckForEver said:
More importantly, person for person if we want to keep a count, it is not the Lebanese, Chinese, Indian immigrants who exploit the citizenship for convenience, it is the Canadian born Caucasians that do it! Do you know how 100s of 1000s of caucasians go down to the states to earn there and never want to live a routine life in Canada? But when they have a health complication they come up here to stay briefly to get problems fixed. I dont have anything against caucasians. I have even seen a bunch of caucasians do this in my line of work, they dont think its wrong, they dont mind others doing this. I dont judge them, Im only stating what's happening around. But people like torontosm will comfortably forget about that as they are his/her white masters and lebanese are somehow underneath him/her because they look different inspite of the fact that torontosm himself/herself has come from under the same third world "rock" that these people came from. How come your restrict prospective immigrants of something which the current multi-generational citizens are already enjoying?
Once you get Canadian Citizenship you are free to come and go as you please. Yes it is wrong that they are using the Canadian healthcare system without paying for it but as citizens they are allowed to move freely.

This thread is talking about imiigrants who are NOT citizens yet abusing the system to GET Canadian citizenship under false pretenses. COMPETELY DIFFERENT STORY


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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In order to keep your health care, most provinces expect you to be living there at least 6 months a year (183 days). Using a health card that you would have lost if your health care knew you were living abroad would be considered fraud and if caught, the person could be fined and could be back charged for the health care expenses covered for them.


Star Member
Nov 30, 2007
Reading Torontosm childish drivel here is really nauseating, trying to be more catholic than the pope hey! In his twisted mind, it's all bad if a first generation immigrants decide to reside outside Canada after attaining citizenship but OK for Caucasian "Sun birds" to reside in Florida or Arizona....Its not anyone business where a citizen decide to relocate, the last time I heard Canada is a free society, pursuit of happiness is one fundamental right enshrined in Canadian Charter right......The kind of argument Torontosm put forward are mostly stuffs I hear from juvenile racists.

Anyone with little brain power will see what Harper Conservatives through Jason Kenney is doing by creating this citizenship backlog. Torontosm do you think Conservative decision of gutting the Federal skill worker visa program and flooding Canada with temporary guest workers with minimal residency rights was done in isolation? Also cutting CIC budget and refusing to fill vacancy for citizenship judges while at the same time saddling CIC case workers with more irrelevant paperwork called RQ thereby creating the citizenship application backlog.......So that you don't start have funny ideas, I am a political pragmatist and not tied to any political party doctrine.....My Favourite past Canadian leader are Brian Mulroney (Conservative) and Pierre Trudeau (Liberal).....Harper Conservatives and his bunch of white supremacists ideologues most Canadians I have talk to ever expected will be their leader.

BTW maybe when I retire and living my twilight years I might intend to go back to my former country to increase my quality of life as I don't think I have the strength to shovel snow from my drive way at that age or allow my kids to have the funny idea that it's OK to stick me in a retirement home. There I wouldn't be a burden on Canadian health system as generic drugs are cheaper than in Canada and also I can stretch my meagre monthly pension income. Going by your twisted logic that make me un-patriotic Canadian!!!! The only way I can explain your nonsensical argument is either you are totally naive or you just like to re-read whatever drivel you have posted...

Ramsfe and all, I wish you all goodluck trying to argue with someone that is impervious to good reasoning.


Star Member
Aug 16, 2013
vic48912 said:
Reading Torontosm childish drivel here is really nauseating, trying to be more catholic than the pope hey! In his twisted mind, it's all bad if a first generation immigrants decide to reside outside Canada after attaining citizenship but OK for Caucasian "Sun birds" to reside in Florida or Arizona....Its not anyone business where a citizen decide to relocate, the last time I heard Canada is a free society, pursuit of happiness is one fundamental right enshrined in Canadian Charter right......The kind of argument Torontosm put forward are mostly stuffs I hear from juvenile racists.

Anyone with little brain power will see what Harper Conservatives through Jason Kenney is doing by creating this citizenship backlog. Torontosm do you think Conservative decision of gutting the Federal skill worker visa program and flooding Canada with temporary guest workers with minimal residency rights was done in isolation? Also cutting CIC budget and refusing to fill vacancy for citizenship judges while at the same time saddling CIC case workers with more irrelevant paperwork called RQ thereby creating the citizenship application backlog.......So that you don't start have funny ideas, I am a political pragmatist and not tied to any political party doctrine.....My Favourite past Canadian leader are Brian Mulroney (Conservative) and Pierre Trudeau (Liberal).....Harper Conservatives and his bunch of white supremacists ideologues most Canadians I have talk to ever expected will be their leader.

BTW maybe when I retire and living my twilight years I might intend to go back to my former country to increase my quality of life as I don't think I have the strength to shovel snow from my drive way at that age or allow my kids to have the funny idea that it's OK to stick me in a retirement home. There I wouldn't be a burden on Canadian health system as generic drugs are cheaper than in Canada and also I can stretch my meagre monthly pension income. Going by your twisted logic that make me un-patriotic Canadian!!!! The only way I can explain your nonsensical argument is either you are totally naive or you just like to re-read whatever drivel you have posted...

Ramsfe and all, I wish you all goodluck trying to argue with someone that is impervious to good reasoning.
Why wait before your retirement age?! F..k off to your home country right now.