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Interesting news article re:imminent changes


Star Member
May 27, 2010
vic48912 said:
Reading Torontosm childish drivel here is really nauseating, trying to be more catholic than the pope hey! In his twisted mind, it's all bad if a first generation immigrants decide to reside outside Canada after attaining citizenship but OK for Caucasian "Sun birds" to reside in Florida or Arizona....Its not anyone business where a citizen decide to relocate, the last time I heard Canada is a free society, pursuit of happiness is one fundamental right enshrined in Canadian Charter right......The kind of argument Torontosm put forward are mostly stuffs I hear from juvenile racists.

Anyone with little brain power will see what Harper Conservatives through Jason Kenney is doing by creating this citizenship backlog. Torontosm do you think Conservative decision of gutting the Federal skill worker visa program and flooding Canada with temporary guest workers with minimal residency rights was done in isolation? Also cutting CIC budget and refusing to fill vacancy for citizenship judges while at the same time saddling CIC case workers with more irrelevant paperwork called RQ thereby creating the citizenship application backlog.......So that you don't start have funny ideas, I am a political pragmatist and not tied to any political party doctrine.....My Favourite past Canadian leader are Brian Mulroney (Conservative) and Pierre Trudeau (Liberal).....Harper Conservatives and his bunch of white supremacists ideologues most Canadians I have talk to ever expected will be their leader.

BTW maybe when I retire and living my twilight years I might intend to go back to my former country to increase my quality of life as I don't think I have the strength to shovel snow from my drive way at that age or allow my kids to have the funny idea that it's OK to stick me in a retirement home. There I wouldn't be a burden on Canadian health system as generic drugs are cheaper than in Canada and also I can stretch my meagre monthly pension income. Going by your twisted logic that make me un-patriotic Canadian!!!! The only way I can explain your nonsensical argument is either you are totally naive or you just like to re-read whatever drivel you have posted...

Ramsfe and all, I wish you all goodluck trying to argue with someone that is impervious to good reasoning.
Juvenile racists? LOL. Torontosm is a Pakistani. Ha ha ha. Sure I saw some Pakistanis pandering to racists.


Star Member
Nov 30, 2007
"Juvenile racists? LOL. Torontosm is a Pakistani. Ha ha ha. Sure I saw some Pakistanis pandering to racists!.

Ha ha you think some people don't think they are glorified white men.


Champion Member
Feb 1, 2006
Leon said:
In order to keep your health care, most provinces expect you to be living there at least 6 months a year (183 days). Using a health card that you would have lost if your health care knew you were living abroad would be considered fraud and if caught, the person could be fined and could be back charged for the health care expenses covered for them.
Actually, most provinces are changing it to where you can be out of the province up to 7 months under pressure from the Canadian Snow Bird Association. So just to be clear, there is a professional advocacy organization for Canadian Snow Birds, i.e. Canadian citizens who demand the right to spend more than half the year outside of the country and keep their precious health benefits.

Where is the outrage about this? Why are governments crumbling to their demands?


Champion Member
Apr 3, 2013
vic48912 said:
"Juvenile racists? LOL. Torontosm is a Pakistani. Ha ha ha. Sure I saw some Pakistanis pandering to racists!.

Ha ha you think some people don't think they are glorified white men.
vic, how can I take you or your comments seriously when you don't even seem to know who the Immigration Minister is? Kenny was replaced last summer.

As for your comment about "white men", sounds like you have some serious insecurity issues. Grow up little boy, this is Canada where people from all races can do well. Stop using your skin color as an excuse for your failure in life.


Star Member
Nov 30, 2007
torontosm said:
vic, how can I take you or your comments seriously when you don't even seem to know who the Immigration Minister is? Kenny was replaced last summer.

As for your comment about "white men", sounds like you have some serious insecurity issues. Grow up little boy, this is Canada where people from all races can do well. Stop using your skin color as an excuse for your failure in life.
I have problem with skin colour so I married a British of Jewish extraction and my kids are mix.....Give your head a shake dude!

From your post it is obvious critical reasoning and reading comprehension skill is not your strong point as shown from your last debate about your LMO application with @Ramsfe(you still didn't get his logic even when he try to educate you of how juvenile your line of arguments are).

At no point did I refer to Jason Kenney as the present immigration minister in my posts!! I alluded to the fact that he was responsible for the turmoil now plaguing Canada immigration system with his polarising rhetoric and deliberate racists policies when he was immigration minister. Racist policy he crafted and Harper rammed through parliaments tucked inside Omnibus budget bill that are not well taught out or debated thoroughly, whose aim is to target and vilify immigrants that have no electoral voice. After the out cry over RBC/Igate scandal when it became obvious the racist policy is affecting jobs of long established Canadian citizens, Jason Kenney was quietly demoted. However he still have multiculturalism portfolio to spout his xenophobic nonsense

I move to Canada from England hoping to run away from those kind of xenophobia because previous government made Canada welcoming for everyone until Harper got majority. All I see around me now is Harper importing those same policies that are tearing communities apart in Europe.

Your logic is akin to a house slave who think he is better than the field slaves because he work in his "master" main house....

You are living in a first world democracy now, you don't need to spout 100% what the ruling junta propaganda machinery put out because you are scared Pakistan Intelligence Bureau (IB) will come to tear down your door in the middle of the night


Champion Member
Apr 3, 2013
vic48912 said:
From your post it is obvious critical reasoning and reading comprehension skill is not your strong point as shown from your last debate about your LMO application with @ Ramsfe(you still didn't get his logic even when he try to educate you of how juvenile your line of arguments are).
I didn't respond to Ramsfe becuase his post didn't make any sense. I just read it again, and it still doesn't make any sense. If it does to you, I think that it reflects upon your inability to comprehend things properly, not mine.

vic48912 said:
At no point did I refer to Jason Kenney as the present immigration minister in my posts!!
You specifically said "Anyone with little brain power will see what Harper Conservatives through Jason Kenney is doing". That to me sounds like you believe Kenney is still executing Harper's immigration policy as a Minister. Regardless, I don't see how you can brand someone as racist who actually increased immigration numbers to record levels, introduced programs to promote the hiring of foreign workers and did a number of other things to increase mutliculturalism in Canada. You may want to open up a dictionary and see what the term racist actually means.

You seem to have a real issue with people having opinions that are different from your own. I stand behind everything I have said on this thread, and firmly believe that the immigration policies need to be changed to grant citizenship to those immigrants who truly intend to make Canada home and contribute to this country. That is my own opinion based on my own experiences and my own interpretation of right and wrong. I am never one to buy into propaganda, and have been very critical of the Conservatives, for example, on fiscal management and international relations issues.

Regardless, it is pointless arguing with you because novel ideas never seem to be able to penetrate your liberal thick skull. I never claimed to be better than anyone, but based on your last message, I now believe I am better than you. I will continue to support the conservatives on this matter, and will do so through political contributions, communications to my representatives and, of course, my vote. I invite you to do the same and let's see what Canadians think is best for their country.


Star Member
Nov 30, 2007
torontosm said:
You specifically said "Anyone with little brain power will see what Harper Conservatives through Jason Kenney is doing". That to me sounds like you believe Kenney is still executing Harper's immigration policy as a Minister. Regardless, I don't see how you can brand someone as racist who actually increased immigration numbers to record levels, introduced programs to promote the hiring of foreign workers and did a number of other things to increase mutliculturalism in Canada.
Oh yea because Jason Kenney said so it must be true......Jason Kenney increase immigration number by gutting Federal skilled worker program with permanent resident status in favour migrant guest worker who are paid 15% less than Canadian citizen for doing the same job and are sent home immediately their work visa run out so as not to upset the racial ratio of Canada..... a system that is the root cause of 2 class of people and wrecking havoc in Europe.

Jason Kenney in charge of multiculturalism and responsible for community cohesion made rant about deporting foreign Caribbean gangsters even though most of the perpetrators of that deadly Toronto shooting where 2nd, 3rd generation Canadian of Caribbean descent. That same day Hell Angel killing also occurred in suburb of Kelowna BC and he was mute about it, that is the same person you tount doing good thing about multiculturalism in Canada......your quote "the immigration policies need to be changed to grant citizenship to those immigrants who truly intend to make Canada home and contribute to this country" main while your mentor Jason Kenney and Stephen Harper believe 2, 3rd generation Canadian can still be deport or according to Stephen Harper "You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society."

how long do you think immigrants should stay that will satisfy you and your type that they are worthy to be called true Canadian.


Champion Member
Apr 3, 2013
vic48912 said:
Oh yea because Jason Kenney said so it must be true......Jason Kenney increase immigration number by gutting Federal skilled worker program with permanent resident status in favour migrant guest worker who are paid 15% less than Canadian citizen for doing the same job and are sent home immediately their work visa run out so as not to upset the racial ratio of Canada..... a system that is the root cause of 2 class of people and wrecking havoc in Europe.

Jason Kenney in charge of multiculturalism and responsible for community cohesion made rant about deporting foreign Caribbean gangsters even though most of the perpetrators of that deadly Toronto shooting where 2nd, 3rd generation Canadian of Caribbean descent.
Yes, the same Jason Kenney who was Immigration Minister when you received your PR from Ghana. Doesn't sound too racist to me.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
vic48912 said:
Jason Kenney increase immigration number by gutting Federal skilled worker program with permanent resident status in favour migrant guest worker who are paid 15% less than Canadian citizen for doing the same job and are sent home immediately their work visa run out so as not to upset the racial ratio of Canada.....
Service Canada doesn't grant an LMO unless the job has been advertised and market wages being offered. In some cases, the market wage on their records may be a bit off but it can work both ways. In some cases, an employer is able to get an LMO paying a bit less, in other cases, they are expected to pay more.

However, they know that if they don't pay market wage, they will not be keeping the worker very long because they can look for another employer with an LMO or if they stay a year, they can apply for PR under CEC, get their BOWP and go find a better job. There is no racial component to that.


Star Member
Nov 30, 2007
torontosm said:
Yes, the same Jason Kenney who was Immigration Minister when you received your PR from Ghana. Doesn't sound too racist to me.
Diane Finley was the immigration Minister when my PR came through, then I was on highly skilled migrant visa in England. would I have taken up the visa if I knew the havoc minister Jason will unleash on Canada immigration.....I seriously doubt it.


Champion Member
Apr 3, 2013
vic48912 said:
Diane Finley was the immigration Minister when my PR came through, then I was on highly skilled migrant visa in England. would I have taken up the visa if I knew the havoc minister Jason will unleash on Canada immigration.....I seriously doubt it.

Hmmm....odd, the date of your post below (Feb. 2009) seems to indicate otherwise:

Immigration Topics / Skilled Worker / Professional Immigration / Re: GOT THE VISAS!!!!!!!! on: February 13, 2009, 04:01:34 pm
Hello A-Square,

Congratulation in getting your visa, Thank God, the long wait is over.

I just receive passport request from Accra yesterday, they have given me 60 days to send ny passport for stamping.

I need your advice on the best way to send my passports to Accra for the visa stamping, how did you send yours?
DHL in England where I live told me they do not offer the services whereby they arrange to pick up my passports in CHC Accra and return to me in England. I am still trying to contact UPS and Fedex. I am beginning to get worried now because the alternative will be making expensive travel to Ghana.

Please share your experience so that i know how to go about it.




Star Member
Nov 30, 2007
Leon said:
Service Canada doesn't grant an LMO unless the job has been advertised and market wages being offered. In some cases, the market wage on their records may be a bit off but it can work both ways. In some cases, an employer is able to get an LMO paying a bit less, in other cases, they are expected to pay more.

However, they know that if they don't pay market wage, they will not be keeping the worker very long because they can look for another employer with an LMO or if they stay a year, they can apply for PR under CEC, get their BOWP and go find a better job. There is no racial component to that.
Leon, You made it sound so easy in an economy where Canadians are finding it difficult to even get jobs and we talking of guest worker seeking someone to sponsor him. Horror stories I read frequently on how temporary workers are being treated I guess is figment of my imagination. Only few month ago Saipem laid off 270 Canadian welders with cheap temporary foreign workers in Husky sunrise project, FtMac. Quit your job, apply for PR? I am sure PR application take months to process.


Star Member
Nov 30, 2007
torontosm said:
Hmmm....odd, the date of your post below (Feb. 2009) seems to indicate otherwise:

Immigration Topics / Skilled Worker / Professional Immigration / Re: GOT THE VISAS!!!!!!!! on: February 13, 2009, 04:01:34 pm
Hello A-Square,

Congratulation in getting your visa, Thank God, the long wait is over.

I just receive passport request from Accra yesterday, they have given me 60 days to send ny passport for stamping.

I need your advice on the best way to send my passports to Accra for the visa stamping, how did you send yours?
DHL in England where I live told me they do not offer the services whereby they arrange to pick up my passports in CHC Accra and return to me in England. I am still trying to contact UPS and Fedex. I am beginning to get worried now because the alternative will be making expensive travel to Ghana.

Please share your experience so that i know how to go about it.


I accept my bad he was minister when I arrive. However he didn't have the time to wreak havoc in the immigration system. Ask those folks that applied after he started his madness, I am sure they too wouldn't have anything nice to say. Where wait time balloon up to 10 years with close to a million backlog. Haha and your wonder boy reduce the backlog by fiat, he woke up one fine morning, with a stroke of the pen cancelled all the application


Star Member
May 27, 2010
torontosm said:
Hmmm....odd, the date of your post below (Feb. 2009) seems to indicate otherwise:

Immigration Topics / Skilled Worker / Professional Immigration / Re: GOT THE VISAS!!!!!!!! on: February 13, 2009, 04:01:34 pm
Hello A-Square,

Congratulation in getting your visa, Thank God, the long wait is over.

I just receive passport request from Accra yesterday, they have given me 60 days to send ny passport for stamping.

I need your advice on the best way to send my passports to Accra for the visa stamping, how did you send yours?
DHL in England where I live told me they do not offer the services whereby they arrange to pick up my passports in CHC Accra and return to me in England. I am still trying to contact UPS and Fedex. I am beginning to get worried now because the alternative will be making expensive travel to Ghana.

Please share your experience so that i know how to go about it.


This looks like a dual between a Pakistani and a Ghanese. I see this kind of stuff often in Canada. LOL.


Hero Member
Oct 12, 2008
Job Offer........
vic48912 said:
Leon, You made it sound so easy in an economy where Canadians are finding it difficult to even get jobs and we talking of guest worker seeking someone to sponsor him. Horror stories I read frequently on how temporary workers are being treated I guess is figment of my imagination. Only few month ago Saipem laid off 270 Canadian welders with cheap temporary foreign workers in Husky sunrise project, FtMac. Quit your job, apply for PR? I am sure PR application take months to process.
Canada's run like a corporation for profit of stakeholders, it's not a nation or community based country. For the top elites controlling this piece of land who are just corporate sociopaths 99% of Canadians are nothing better than immigrants or temp workers. Except Canadians have more rights and can cause more trouble, that's why they don't want to give citizenship to anyone. And you're not part of the club, Canadian or not, don't kid yourself. That's why there's usually no quality training or great workplaces in Canadian companies-- the majority of them are cheapskates and would rather hire fully trained professionals elsewhere than train and retain their fellow countrymen. At the same time engaging aggressively into marketing to inflate Canada's external reputation, which is disconnected from reality now. What kind of "nation" is that? It's just a giant corporation where lower 99% are supposed to compete fiercely for the resources to the laughter of the elites while indulging their Darwinistic worldview. Here's what a Canadian says about Canada:

"Here's my take, a native born son of this country, on what's lacking in the canadian experience compared to what I had found living in 3 other foreign countries of some substance.

1. No sense of community. Even when I was growing up and the population here was far more european, people would mind their own business. Neighbours would often not even bother saluting each other, let alone inviting each other into their own homes. How is it even possible to create an identity in such an unreceptive and even hostile social milieu? How?

2. Horrible, unruly organization of the Job market. Even when I was training for a career, it was common knowledge among my friends in school that prospective employers in our industry were actively recruiting foreign staff with many years experience with whom we were somehow expected to compete. In Switzerland they don't do this, neither do they do this in Germany. In those countries, it is virtually unheard of for trained young people NOT to assisted in joining the labour force (German unemployment rates in the young hover at the 6% range, in switz. that would be @ 3%). In Canada, you are on your own in every sense of the word and if you do not establish yourself in your chosen field it is deemed to be due entirely to some personality of character flaw rather than a systemic weakness in the organization of the society itself. Only about a quarter of the people I went to school with, who spent good money getting trained, were ever able to establish themselves in my industry. What a horrible waste of human capital."

My point is there's no point to appeal to the fact that Canadians have trouble finding jobs, everything works just as expected-- everyone has a trouble.