Hi @ JHWife2011, I honestly feel you. I know how hard it is. I'm the sponsored person, hubby is the quebequer. My husband's family hated me since the beginning, without even knowing me. But I know why, simply cuz Im not quebequer. They come from a little village in Quebec and they dont like immigrants, they feel that we have no good intentions whatsover and thought that I will take advantage of their only son (the youngest of 5, all girls!). The road has been long and hurtfull, I have been bad treated, they took away hubby's grandparents heritage (a house in Laval and a Chalet somewhere in the woods) and gave it to his sisters. He was already living in that house when we met but it wasnt at his name yet, so he got kicked out when he said ill move in. I do speak french (ill say really good) but my accent cant be avoid, so they are always correcting me and remembering me "how perfect his ex was, so quebequer, so beautiful, so white..." even when I know by hubby and friends that she was a real b-itch and that she was just possesive and a gold digger. Hubby took a decision to stop talking to them, so we stop visit and calling and i was really feeling better, but his grandmother died, this is a woman who raised him! So i had to be present and talk to them again. Im a mixed person, my dad has arabic blood and my mom is italian-spanish and I was born in Peru. Ive learn to embrace all believes and cultures and never judge no one... but they hate everyone who is not a national! And i was done with all the immigrant jokes and crap.
So hey, long story short, I understand how you felt, cuz i saw my hubby suffering and heartbroken, and I know how your hubby felt. So... chin up! We're almost done with immigration and soon we will rise up!

Big hug!