CIC has updated its website today, September 5 2014, to reflect the processing time as of September 3 2014. Accordingly, the processing time for inland sponsorship has increased to 13 months. They have processed July 30 2013 applications for the past 3 weeks with no movement. Furthermore, CIC has been stuck with July 2013 applications since February 2014, meaning 7 months has passed and CIC still cannot move on. For the past 7 months, they have stopped working on new applications received after July 30 2013.
Many complaints and concerns have been addressed to CIC officials through public and different media channels, but things remain unchanged. As the summer recess for Parliament is ending, the Members of Parliament will soon return to their Ottawa offices, we urge all affected people to contact your local MPs immediately and request in-person meetings with them to address this issue. Please ask the MPs to present the case to Parliament and question Minister of Citizenship & Immigration Canada, Chris Alexander, as to why his department does not want to move on with Inland sponsorship, leaving thousands of Canadian families in extreme financial and emotional hardship. If CIC is not able to move on right now, we want an official answer from the Minister for why this has happened, and when it will be justified.
Together we must do our parts in sending a stronger message to the Government. As of today, we have already had more than 700 signatures collected during the 4 month period of this petition campaign. Please continue spreading the story to your friends, family members, for them to support us. Please feel free to use any article and data in this campaign website to convince your MPs about what is going on.
Thank you
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