hello guys!I'm just new here in the forum and very happy to know and read all the topics and i find it very helpful so i started to join here..i started to send my spousal inland application last june 23 and they recieve it on the 24th of june...and for that my waiting time starts already..since i know that this is a long wait to go,i didn't think of it yet and started to become busy cause i don't want to think of my application yet..then months past,i tried to log in into ecas and still i wasn't able to log in..so i just ignore the time then continue with normal life!lol!

,then right now is october so i decided to try to log in into ecas and i was very surprise cause i was able to log in into ecas already and i was happy that i can see my name in there already which states that my application for permanent residency is now IN PROCESS!!wow!!i can't imagine that..but at first its only the start of process so lots of time to wait until it will gonna end..and still hoping and praying that my application will run smoothly and hoping that theres no problem already..

Guys out there i just wanna ask because i sent my application last june 2011 and the ecas states that my application is in process..
We have recieved you application for permanent residency on january 24 2011...
we are starting to process you application on june 29,2011.....
my question is that...
1.i didn't send any application last january,instead last june 24 2011 and how come it stated there january 24,2011...very wiered but i just think of that they maybe type it as typothetical error?
maybe anyone here with the same thread of mine maybe we can discuss it will all cross our fingers that our all application will run smoothly and no major problems already...i'll pray for all of us..!!!thank you and GOODluck to all of us!!!
inland application vegreville-IN PROCESS
application recieved-june24,2011
start processing--june 29,2011