Adverts that have the potential to upset people have no place in a civilized society,Agree /disagree
Those advertisements that may disappoint people should never exist in an educated society.
In my opinion this is too extreme, like with the very first sentence of your essay you leave no space for a debate. I suppose that if the question asks you whether you agree or disagree, it means there is at least some room for the opposite point of view, too. That’s why most of essay questions and answers start with “some people think” or “it is argued by some” etc. Hope I could explain my thoughts 
I think that since the prime motive of advertisements is to inform customers about goods and services, they should be free from discrimination and concealment, which can upset many a person.
You see, you’re more answering to a question “what is the initial goal of ads and what content they should have?”. To get 7 and above you need to show the examiner you have clearly understood the instruction you’ve been given. Your question is “Do you agree or disagree that there should be no advertisements that hurt people’s feelings?”, right? So your position can be “I agree that there should be no upsetting ads” or “I think any ad can be published” or “I mainly agree, with some exceptions”. Now, after you’ve taken time to fully understand what you’re asked, you need to understand which of the above mentioned points you can best support. In this case, you went for option 1. Now you also need to state WHY you agree. What I always did is I first talked about one aspect in BP 1 and then another aspect in BP 2. By doing this you 1) won’t run out of ideas and 2) will be able to stay on track. In your case reason 1 - social stratification; reason 2 - you may choose business aspect (in your bp 2 you will then explain that by losing potential consumers’ trust businesses can also have significant drop in sales). The proper intro will look something like: “Some people think that advertisements that may disappoint people should not exist in an educated society. (In my opinion), I agree to the above mentioned point of view, since offensive ads may have a detrimental/negative impact both on the society and business.
people get upset (
too general, like in your previous essay I reviewed, they get upset ok, so what? That’s not the real reason why those ads should be banned, the real reason is that discrimination in ads gives rise to social stratification, right?) after seeing discrimination in advertisements
that are used to sell a product or service in a market (no need to explain to the examiner what an advertisement is. If you want to give more details bring examples instead e.g. say - ads whether on tv, social media or outdoor... If I were you this sentence would be changed into “Foremost, upsetting content in advertisements, whether on tv, radio or in social media, may give rise to social stratification”.) Differentiation is shown on the basis of caste, creed
(isn’t this the same with religion?), race, religion, gender, and color
in some adverts this should be somewhere else in the sentence, at the beginning for example to
create drag the attention of viewers to increase the demand for goods and services. These elements have a tendency to upset those people who favor equity
equality?, mutual understanding, harmony, and peace between persons, communities, and nations.
For example not necessary, a violent rage was erupted in 2015 between Africans and Americans when Lakme, a cosmetic company, showed black skin tone as a sin in its advert in America. Although the prime objective to telecast advertisements to viewers is to inform them about the product, it should be done in such a way that it must not harm the sentiments of a particular community or religion.
ast (you are not asked about only one type of ads, don’t drag yourself onto a wrong path))) advertisements
to viewers (if you read the sentence without a particular word and the meaning has not changed - remove it) is to inform them about the product, it should be done in such a way that it must not harm the sentiments of a particular community or religion.
Another point to consider is the potential loss of trust by people after coming across with an offensive ad. Some people may also not like commercials that contain false information. Companies often conceal facts related to their products in their promotion campaigns, which people know after buying them. For instance, hidden information related to false ingredients, lack of purity and wrong results is not uncommon in the food and beverage sector nowadays. When people buy a product or avail any service and they do not get experience what they wanted, it agitates them.
As a result business can have a significant decline in sales and will have to deal with losses. As a moral duty, associations must refrain themselves to provide customers with the wrong information in their advertisements. Implementing fines and suspending companies' licenses to operate are some of the harsh steps that may be taken by governments if companies continue to do so despite several warnings.
This is not a problem/solution essay, you are not asked to suggest solutions on how to restrict offensive content.
In conclusion, people of a civilized community feel happy and entertained when adverts do not contain anti-social elements like discrimination and fraudulent information.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that ads that give rise to a disappointment (negative feelings) in people should not be published, due to the detrimental effect those may have on the communities and on the companies themselves.