saima13 said:
Habibiti I have been reading your posts during appeal process as I have the same timeline. My husband recently got his pasprt back and is landed this weekend. Ours took almost five years for the whole process. Right now we are so excited...but it creeps me out to think this could also happen. I hope things get better for you and he values you and your love for him.
Congratulations Saima13!!!
What an exciting time! and a challenging one too! lol
Do not worry too much... it is normal there is a period of adjustments and compromises the first few months. It requires patience, strength, endurance and sacrifices. My husband has been here for 3 months now and I must say that the last 7 days were very happy and harmonious days. It is true what the other member said. When you live far apart from each other day after day, month after month, year after year, you imagine how will be your life with your partner when he or she starts living with you. I must say that most of it won't happen the same way you imagined it. What you thought would be easy turns out to be difficult and what you thought would be difficult turns out to be easy. For the first few months, there is a lot of imbalance. I feel that my husband and I reached a plateau of understanding this week. Now I know which buttons not to press and which ones to press and it is the same for him
My husband is still looking actively for work. He went to Labor Unlimited one morning this week and he was not the only one waiting for a job. He was sent home and some other people too without a job
He went to a job fair and he was told by employers there that he must be in Canada for at least a year (???). Most of the jobs require a BC driver's licence
In the meantime, my account is still overdraft and we cannot pay the bills anymore. I keep the little I have for food and gas. Last time I wrote on this forum that my husband wanted to spend his Friday evenings at the mosque and I accepted. Last night was Friday night... as I am an opportunist, I turn every situation to my advantage. I decided I would go for a ride in the countryside and go close to the US border to fill my car with gas as it is much cheaper. When my husband heard of my plan, he decided not to go to the mosque, but come with me lol lol (reverse psychology?). We had an AMAZING evening! After 45 minutes of driving, we stopped for iced tea. My husband passed his written driving test earlier this week and last night he drove so he can learn how to drive better for his road test. After iced tea, he drove for another 30 minutes and we got at the gas station. After we filled the cars, we bought donuts. On the way home, we listened to very loud country-rock music. We felt so mellow. From the time we left home and the time we return home, we talked a lot and laughed so so much!
So... be loving, giving, understanding and patient with your husband during his first few months. It will touch his heart and in return you will have the most caring and devoted husband. Last night my husband told me how happy he is with me and he added: "You are such a good woman!"
And another advice... try to add a little fantasy here and there to uplift his spirits. For example, one morning this week, I was going to work and my husband came with me so he could have a ride to go to this job fair. Halfway, I decided to stop at a park he has never seen. A park along the water. It was so beautiful with all the pink Japanese trees. We spent 5 minutes there admiring the view. It was so inspiring and because of that we had an excellent day.
Again all my congratulations to you and your husband! Wow! After 5 years.... I clap my hands!