Just got back from the Fedex office in Emeryville. My Passport is back with that beautiful visa stamped in there!!!!

.....OMG that was quick.
They got my Fedex envelope on the 12th and today just 8 days later I've got everything: CoPR, and stamped visa in Passport. That was indeed shockingly fast and unexpected!! CoPR has a original photo I sent them with the app stuck to it and there are 2 copies CIC copy and applicant copy. Thanks once again to all of you guys for the support during what seemed like an eternity for something to happen. ;D
To all of you waiting at various stages, just hang in there!! As I said before, CPCO is very unpredictable and eventually they get their act together and unexpectedly things just start rolling along!!
They have given me a visa validity till the end of March, when my medical expires. That was good, because I don't plan to "land" until around the 2nd week in February 2016. After about 22 years in the US there are so many things to take care of! In some ways it really is bitter-sweet as I was practically raised here. So many goodbyes to say and so many memories to leave behind ......Oh well!!