I disagree with you. Nobody is "cursing Canada" or anybody as you said.
We are talking here about terrible job done by some bureaucrats. They messed up before when they rejected 300 000 application just because they were incompetent in their work and were not able to organize it, and this year when they messed up with forms.
What just happened with Martha is just unfair.
Every applicant had spent a lot of money, time and energy to prepare and send their application. Everybody put so much hope and expectations into this.
And they are not even able to keep the count of applications received, the least they can do, to save many people their money and time.
We are talking about tens, if not hundreds of thousands applications here. Many thousands of application packages sent back and forward, billions of dollars spent on education verifications, courier fees, translation and notary services. I am not talking about carbon footprint and emission related to this process, millions of trees wasted on unnecessary paper, millions of gallons of petrol wasted on moving all this stuff around the globe, millions of working hours of applicants wasted.
These bureaucrats are really killing us and the mother Earth, man!

And we have to be thankful for this?