For Mickey in India
I'm born here in Canada and lived all my life here. No, you never get used to the climate.
Snowbirds - retirees who can afford it, go south to Florida for several months of the winter
to escape the long cold dreary season.
Perhaps I should explain a little truism about Canada.
I've met a few people from warm countries, including a friend in southern India, one in northern African continent, etc.
Every time I ask about the weather and temperature they say something like, it's okay, it's the same, it's not raining,
so it's the same.
In Canada people monitor the weather closely and we talk about it every day, every day, every day.
Because it changes so frequently and the range of temperature change is so great.
In every water cooler conversation somebody will mention the anticipated weather that
day and the next few days. They want to be ready for change.
But don't worry about that.
You'll get used to it.
~~ This is just a little humor Mickey. I hope you are not sensitive or get upset from this.
I am sponsoring my husband from a very warm country with no winter and he is constantly
saying he is very afraid of the cold and the winter - and I am mercilessly joking with him about it.
Heat, ice, sand storms, snow storms, torrential rains - the whole world has unpleasant weather days at times
Humans adjust, sometimes just by staying indoors and drinking a nice hot chocolate by the fire until the weather improves.