Hi! have a bit of strange situation here. Yesterday got a mesage on my CIC with the following info:
Dear **************
Express Entry Profile:
You are not eligible for Express Entry
To qualify for Express Entry, you must meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the Federal Skilled Worker
Program, and/or the Federal Skilled Trades Program and/or the Canadian Experience Class. Based on your
profile, you do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria for any of these programs. Reasons you would not be
eligible for Express Entry include:
• not having a valid language test
• language test results that are more than two years old
• a language test score that is too low
• not having enough relevant work experience
• not having the required education level
• not having enough funds....."
The THING is - it's NOT my application number. My is - E******25!!

(ITA - 27 mar, AOR - 1 may, ECAS In process since june 17, FSW, outlander.
Before that a had three lines in my cic:
1)E******42 - early profile which i made not elligeble myself (it was my first attempt) (status - Profile Ineligible)
2) E*****25 - Permanent Residency (staus - submitted )
3) E*****25 - Express Entry. Here before this stupid mail status was something like "ITA accepted" and now it's become "not eligible"
The questions are:
Why I'm receiving messages with regards to someone's profile??? Will it affect my aplication somehow???
Guys, will be more than thankful for any responce.