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Effective date of Bill C24


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
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Dear All :)

No One knows when 4/6 rule will be come in force. So be patience and be happy enjoy your life.

Yesterday i call CIC she said rule can be implement between 1st June to 19th June 2015 but she was not confirmed.

I am also eligible on 30 Nov 2014.

Take Care Bye.


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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The CIC call centre agents are not reliable source of information... ie Nothing official... Rumours.... Speculations... Personal presumptions

That Mystery will go on


Star Member
Oct 20, 2014
MUFC said:
All the residents who will be impacted by this law, will vote against the conservatives on the next elections. Like someone here already mentioned... "I will never vote for a party who made me a second class citizen."
I think that the conservatives now realise the potential future danger for them to be on the loosing side for a long time, because meanwhile all these residents will be citizens until next elections and they will have the right to vote.
Sure thing. Under normal circumstances I would be naturally inclined to vote for the PC (at least economically). However, some changes of Bill C24 are a complete deal breaker, and I hope they eventually be ruled unconstitutional

Moreover, it is not only about the future.
- I decided to make a hefty contribution towards my, and my wife's RSP this year (we are also on a high marginal tax brackets). I know it is a very very small part of the overall budget, but I sure prefer to shift my taxes from this government (especially in the election year) to any future post Harper government

- I'm exploring ways to donate to one of the opposition parties. Does anybody know If I'm (as not yet citizen) eligible to do donate and claim that donation on my tax return this year?


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Feb 6, 2014
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DND said:
- I'm exploring ways to donate to one of the opposition parties. Does anybody know If I'm (as not yet citizen) eligible to do donate and claim that donation on my tax return this year?

Please excuse me if my opinion/suggestion is not helpful. Here is my 2 cents on your question above

I don't know if you can claim election donation on your tax. If you are doing it for the tax reasons then please do it. If not then doing it for revenge of Bill c-24 isn't going to solve your problem. You would have spent more money and may end up with no feasible solution. The new government could have the same notion. We are in this forum and seems to us that this may be a very big problem. Majority of Canada are oblivious to this Bill C-24. Instead donate that to a charity or spend it on you or loved ones and enjoy.

We will eventually be Canadians and for all you know one of us may end up a Minister of CIC and look at the issue through our eyes.


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Apr 2, 2010
DND said:
It is almost February. I'm eligible approximately end of June
It would be prudent for this government to declare the cut off date well in advance, so people can arrange their application in time (University records, language tests etc)
Is this too much to ask?
You are among tens of thousands on the cusp.

Many are betting that the coming into force date will indeed be July 1, 2015. But that is just a bet. Other bets with comparable odds include June 1, 2015. Obviously that will have a big impact on you, and tens of thousands of others as well.

But that would be true of any date the amended version of section 5(1) comes into force. And as many observe over and over again, we do not know what the date will actually be.

Sure, it would be prudent for the government to declare the date well in advance. One might ask, rather facetiously of course, "what's that got to do with this government?"

And, no, enough notice for people to plan their lives is not too much to ask. Good luck getting a response from this government.

Even among those who lean toward the Conservative side of things politically, I really do not understand the extent of support there is for this government. If Harper's lips are moving it is quite likely he is lying. In the meantime Harper's style and manner of governing has been rooted in secretive and manipulative tactics, dominated by a pattern of bullying and recalcitrance, focused on consolidating power with far too much disregard for the welfare of far too many Canadians. Forget Bill C-24, that's just a small slice of a huge, huge mud pie the Harper regime has dumped on a country which deserves so much better.

I believe Canadians are ready, very ready, for a change. But, I fear for how these things go. I fear the NDP and Liberals will split the vote in too many ridings and allow the Harper machine to reap the spoils. It is mid-winter, another cold, gray day, and my optimism is waning.


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dpenabill said:
I believe Canadians are ready, very ready, for a change. But, I fear for how these things go. I fear the NDP and Liberals will split the vote in too many ridings and allow the Harper machine to reap the spoils. It is mid-winter, another cold, gray day, and my optimism is waning.
Politics aside, how did you think the Chretien Government managed to get 3 liberal majority government? Chretien also reaped the spoils by vote splitting between Reform and PC parties.


Star Member
Oct 20, 2014
dpenabill said:
Even among those who lean toward the Conservative side of things politically, I really do not understand the extent of support there is for this government. If Harper's lips are moving it is quite likely he is lying. In the meantime Harper's style and manner of governing has been rooted in secretive and manipulative tactics, dominated by a pattern of bullying and recalcitrance, focused on consolidating power with far too much disregard for the welfare of far too many Canadians. Forget Bill C-24, that's just a small slice of a huge, huge mud pie the Harper regime has dumped on a country which deserves so much better.

I believe Canadians are ready, very ready, for a change. But, I fear for how these things go. I fear the NDP and Liberals will split the vote in too many ridings and allow the Harper machine to reap the spoils. It is mid-winter, another cold, gray day, and my optimism is waning.
Don't have the data to know how many of the ridings are going to be split. My guess is that we won't see the split of the last elections (which created the majority for the PC) For instance, I would guess that Quebec has more support for liberals this time

Anyway, things seem to unwind fast, and if Harper is reelected he will have to deal with all the mess he himself created. So maybe there would be some poetic justice in that ...


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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dpenabill said:
Even among those who lean toward the Conservative side of things politically, I really do not understand the extent of support there is for this government. If Harper's lips are moving it is quite likely he is lying. In the meantime Harper's style and manner of governing has been rooted in secretive and manipulative tactics, dominated by a pattern of bullying and recalcitrance, focused on consolidating power with far too much disregard for the welfare of far too many Canadians.
This is exactly what seems to happen here with the cut off date too... They say something vague like "Approximately", after that they start to spread unofficial rumours... and at the end of the day the cut off date might be completely different.

Of course meanwhile everything is covered in mystery


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Apr 2, 2010
screech339 said:
Politics aside, how did you think the Chretien Government managed to get 3 liberal majority government? Chretien also reaped the spoils by vote splitting between Reform and PC parties.

Chretien explicitly stated that the first order of business for a government is to stay in power. He meant it.

But must say, there is no "politics aside" angle to this. This is pure politics.

No government is perfect, but this government . . . even most U.S. Republicans eventually stopped supporting Richard Nixon's government.

Thus, as to Harper: Enough already. Time for the country to move on, toward better things I hope. I say with trepidation.

That said, the outcome of the election, however, will have very little if any impact on the implementation of the provisions in Bill C-24. It is law. It will be implemented. It is not likely to face significant revision for a long while to come regardless of which party sits in the Prime Minister's office.


Hero Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Shouldn't there be a notice for the implementation date of C-24? I.e a 6 month notice that it will be implemented in July 2015?


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
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Different dates and different thoughts but it looks 19th June 2015 will be the 4/6 citizenship rule.

Nuwa said:
Just now I called CIC, and the agent told me that Bill C24 is already in force, but the 4 years residence requirement will affect to anyone who apply after June 19,2015.
It seems that there won't be any other official announcement of cut-off date, and the date is June 19,2015.
Raman_Ram said:
I called yesterday. Agent said as far as their office is informed its June/July 2015 for the 4/6 frame. He also mentioned that most of the other rules were already in force or being implemented.
And also confirmed that they won't go retroactive, if 4/6 gets implemented in the future. So the date you apply and they receive is final.
Raman_Ram said:
I called a few days ago for some address related query and they told me that the 4/6 year rule will be applied only from 19 June 2015. Atleast thats what they have been told.

Now its up to us to get all anxious about early surprises. Not that CIC doesn't do last minute implementations without any warnings. They have in fact consistently done such things.

And the probables are too many anyways even if you apply today. Say applicants from Western provinces don't bother about this 3/4 or 4/6 at all as it takes 2 to 3 years for normal applicants anyways.
And there are applications that simply got lost and been told to reapply after 6 months or simply one gets an RQ for quality assurance purpose.

And the only advantage as of now is that the intent to reside is yet to be enforced "legally" which means if you get to go somewhere for job and the Judge denies you, you can go to court and win it as per current rules. Someone from Montreal did last month. But his application took more than 3 years. Thats the price he was ready to pay to duke it out with such illegal enforcements under current rules. But he can't win the same case if he had applied post June 2015.

zwho said:
I called the CIC one more time just minutes ago. This time it was a different agent. She said the effective date is going to be June 19th, 2015. That's she knows about it so far.
zwho said:
FYI guys, I called the CIC today and the agent said effective date is June 19th, Next year. Just 1 year after the Royal Assent. He said it is a confirmed date and sent me the CIC issued statement from June 19, 2014 which we already read a few months ago.
tiarachel85 said:
According to rexdale community legal clinic 'it won't come into force until next June,'

Please visit http://www.thestar.com/news/immigration/2014/08/04/residents_urged_to_apply_for_canadian_citizenship_to_avoid_hurdles_on_horizon.html

MUFC said:
I was told today again that the 4 out of 6 rule is expected to be implemented during the second half of 2015 and no residence calculations change is planned until the end of June 2015.
oldfriend said:
Hi ,
I came across this short video regarding the cut off date for 3/4 years and the start of 4/6 years requirement .
Please check it in this link :


I feel so frustrated because I will be short of just a couple of days .

Please be hurry , do not postpone your applications and do apply immediately once you became qualified .
Good luck to all
bigben3 said:
Just Called the CIC Call Center. The Cut-Off date is 18th June 2015. CONFIRMED...!!!!!!!!

greeki78 said:
Ok here's "the news" after one of my friend called CIC.

Bill C-24 is applicable to everyone,past present and future citizens. :eek:

The only Clause which is not effective is "4 out of 6 years" for existing Applications or those application that arrived in CIC before Jun 01 ,2015. :p

In 2015, these final changes will be in force:

provisions to give citizenship to more “Lost Canadians”;
new residence requirements;
new intent to reside requirement;
expanded age requirements for language and knowledge testing;
requirement to demonstrate knowledge of Canada in an official language;
strengthened offences and penalties for fraud;
prohibitions for foreign criminality and activities against national interests;
new authority to designate a regulatory body for citizenship consultants;
improved information sharing authorities; and
new revocation model and new grounds for revocation of citizenship.

Changes with respect to a new revocation decision-making process and new grounds for revocation of citizenship may come into force earlier than the above-listed provisions.


staralihaider said:
Dear All :)

No One knows when 4/6 rule will be come in force. So be patience and be happy enjoy your life.

Yesterday i call CIC she said rule can be implement between 1st June to 19th June 2015 but she was not confirmed.

I am also eligible on 30 Nov 2014.

Take Care Bye.


Hero Member
Feb 6, 2014
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I asked CIC today about the effective date 4/6 rule . The rep mentioned that it is June 1st 2015. I asked him when will they release it officially. He does not know thinks they will announce it closer to April or early May. Shortly after he said they will change the new application packet and calculator.


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Okay..I think even if your application get's submitted before the cut-off date. What if your application starts getting processed after the cut-off date. Will that be considered under old Rule ?? Cos the time they start opening the application file...the NEW RULE will already be in Effect...and mind it..they will not guess on the Rule to apply on Files they pick randomly for Processing.. :p ;D :D :D


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dpenabill said:

Chretien explicitly stated that the first order of business for a government is to stay in power. He meant it.

But must say, there is no "politics aside" angle to this. This is pure politics.

No government is perfect, but this government . . . even most U.S. Republicans eventually stopped supporting Richard Nixon's government.

Thus, as to Harper: Enough already. Time for the country to move on, toward better things I hope. I say with trepidation.

That said, the outcome of the election, however, will have very little if any impact on the implementation of the provisions in Bill C-24. It is law. It will be implemented. It is not likely to face significant revision for a long while to come regardless of which party sits in the Prime Minister's office.
I still stick with the "politics aside" comment. The changes needed to be made to reflect today's modern of globalization networking. Today people can now travel all over the globe with ease. So the citizenship bill has to be updated to reflect the new changes and reduce abuse of our citizenship process. People applying for citizenship on their way to the airport. So yes "politics aside" still applies as it should have been updated no matter who's in government. The current government is simply updating the bill to reflect with the times.


Champion Member
Aug 12, 2013
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aries9811 said:
Okay..I think even if your application get's submitted before the cut-off date. What if your application starts getting processed after the cut-off date. Will that be considered under old Rule ?? Cos the time they start opening the application file...the NEW RULE will already be in Effect...and mind it..they will not guess on the Rule to apply on Files they pick randomly for Processing.. :p ;D :D :D
They always process any application according to the rules in effect on the day they receive it. It's always been like this, be it PR or citizenship or visa application.