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EE Application rejected after AOR received: "missing education credential assessment"!!!


Star Member
Jan 27, 2015
albertarian said:
I also received the cancellation message for no ECA on April 24.

I had already uploaded IELT and ECA in letter of explanation(Feb 14). When I uploaded my documents I checked more than 5 times.

Since I sbmitted all documents on Feb 14 and submitted medical result on Feb 11, my process has never changed.

And then CIC sent cancellation message on April 24.

But I can still now see the file name which I uploaded ECA in my CIC.

But CIC cancelled my application because there was not proof of education. damn it.

Why didn't CIC request a additional document?
When I created my appliction before ITA, I had entered WES#, issue date.

By the way, cancel?

This is my time line until April 23.

ITA: Jan 31
medical submit: Feb 11
AOR: Feb 14
Eligibility: in process(Feb 14)
Background:in process(Feb 14)
medical: not received


just one line

We received your application on Jan 8

Therefore, I am sure that CIC didn't review my eligibility and background on Feb 14.

I have never thought the canncellation.

I have no energy any more.

Somebody also can experience like me.

April 27, I cannot find my status in my ECAS .

I already applied for specific inquire. But I have no idea.

I wish you don't receive the message.

I just wrote to share my situation.

good luck guys!
What are you planning to do?


Star Member
Mar 5, 2015
Job Offer........
Your mistake was that you confused pilot license with education degree. These two are different. You need ECA for your highest education which in your case is high school. Your pilot license is not a degree. Just get ECA now and submit your profile. You are still good.


Star Member
Feb 13, 2015
Singalingali said:
Well, if it says you should have Secondary School Certificate, I honestly think it is your fault for not getting an ECA. I mean that's the easiest thing to do. You already have a Secondary School Certificate, just get an ECA of it. You are not required to do an ECA of secondary School Certificate if you actually attended a proper university.
I think your case is quite different from situations beyond one's control such as an obstinate boss who will not write the reference letter with full details because he is unhappy that you seek life outside his organisation. Your case is also different from some who have complained that their banks will not write that letter for legal reasons and will only give bank statement. Your case is different because it was entirely within your control to just get ECA. But I wish you best of luck.
what an arrogantly stupid thing to say.

All NOC codes have some form of education requirement but CIC's website clearly states that CEC doesnt need education assesment.

All I can say to the OP is this sucks big time, you probably have two choices

1) go get a ECA for your pilots liscense somehow (is there a governing body who can issue you some kind of successful completion considering liscenses are standardised world wide)

2) get a lawyer who can possibly fight it


Jan 8, 2015
Did you get points for your education in express entry? If so, you'll have to have all of the credentials externally assessed. I got 678 point doing the CEC route and didn't list any qualification..they shouldn't by right ask for credential that I didn't list to try get more point.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2015
Calgary, Canada
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Express Entry
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I understand the fustration.

My previous FSW application was refused on a lack of work experience proof, even though to work in Canada to get Red Seal in my trade they contacted all previous employers for 10 years and ratified them. But that doesn't satisfy the 'box' they need to tick. I have learned that now if they want something then just supply what they want exactly, logic or reason plays no part at CIC!

So I waited for a few months and applied under CEC stream, which they returned as not having an original IELTS certificate (which they kept as part of my FSW application, i even wrote a letter explaining that they had it with a copy of it, by the time I managed to get a new copy and send it back the 'quota' had been met....so now into EE.

Previous employers don't exist now so i have just ONE employment letter in the format they want. All my other experience is not on my EE profile.

I also think that the $$$ for points model is wrong. For CEC ECA is not required, yet without it I am 112 points less...........so pay out $350 for that....

I am currently sitting at 425 points, and no looking to spend out another $1000 to get my wife's ECA and IELTS, which would give us 453 points........(20 for english and 8 for degree).....even though there is NO requirement for the CEC PR stream for any of these things.

I do have 163 points in section C. Skill Transferability Factors........but thats capped at 100 points....which also seems crazy to me...surely that would mean I am very qualified and experienced.....

I am trying to get an LMIA (my wife is a student and i have an open work visa), but my employer has been told by ESDC that it is 'unlikely' they will issue one............so here we sit in limbo, not able to move on with our lives.

Waiting to see if there's a draw on Friday or not. It's kinda depressing.

My advise is put in (on EE) only what you can prove to THE EXACT requirements of CIC...don't think it will suffice and that logically to have one thing you must have something else, if you can't prove that something else......everything and anything else just doesn't work.

Good luck


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2014
Sighman said:
I understand the fustration.

My previous FSW application was refused on a lack of work experience proof, even though to work in Canada to get Red Seal in my trade they contacted all previous employers for 10 years and ratified them. But that doesn't satisfy the 'box' they need to tick. I have learned that now if they want something then just supply what they want exactly, logic or reason plays no part at CIC!

So I waited for a few months and applied under CEC stream, which they returned as not having an original IELTS certificate (which they kept as part of my FSW application, i even wrote a letter explaining that they had it with a copy of it, by the time I managed to get a new copy and send it back the 'quota' had been met....so now into EE.

Previous employers don't exist now so i have just ONE employment letter in the format they want. All my other experience is not on my EE profile.

I also think that the $$$ for points model is wrong. For CEC ECA is not required, yet without it I am 112 points less...........so pay out $350 for that....

I am currently sitting at 425 points, and no looking to spend out another $1000 to get my wife's ECA and IELTS, which would give us 453 points........(20 for english and 8 for degree).....even though there is NO requirement for the CEC PR stream for any of these things.

I do have 163 points in section C. Skill Transferability Factors........but thats capped at 100 points....which also seems crazy to me...surely that would mean I am very qualified and experienced.....

I am trying to get an LMIA (my wife is a student and i have an open work visa), but my employer has been told by ESDC that it is 'unlikely' they will issue one............so here we sit in limbo, not able to move on with our lives.

Waiting to see if there's a draw on Friday or not. It's kinda depressing.

My advise is put in (on EE) only what you can prove to THE EXACT requirements of CIC...don't think it will suffice and that logically to have one thing you must have something else, if you can't prove that something else......everything and anything else just doesn't work.

Good luck
I totally agree with you...also i see that you have a lot of experience.. I just wished CIC asked for what they wanted.... they just keep every one in confusion and after that just provide a letter...

The Robust

Hero Member
Dec 15, 2014
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Doc's Request.
Applied in Express Entry
My highest qualification is Masters and I have taken ECA for that, but some people on form said I need ECA for Bachelors as well is it true ?


Star Member
Oct 31, 2014
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
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App. Filed.......
EE: 26 May, 2015
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
albertarian said:
I also received the cancellation message for no ECA on April 24.

I had already uploaded IELT and ECA in letter of explanation(Feb 14). When I uploaded my documents I checked more than 5 times.

Since I sbmitted all documents on Feb 14 and submitted medical result on Feb 11, my process has never changed.

And then CIC sent cancellation message on April 24.

But I can still now see the file name which I uploaded ECA in my CIC.

But CIC cancelled my application because there was not proof of education. damn it.

Why didn't CIC request a additional document?
When I created my appliction before ITA, I had entered WES#, issue date.

By the way, cancel?

This is my time line until April 23.

ITA: Jan 31
medical submit: Feb 11
AOR: Feb 14
Eligibility: in process(Feb 14)
Background:in process(Feb 14)
medical: not received


just one line

We received your application on Jan 8

Therefore, I am sure that CIC didn't review my eligibility and background on Feb 14.

I have never thought the canncellation.

I have no energy any more.

Somebody also can experience like me.

April 27, I cannot find my status in my ECAS .

I already applied for specific inquire. But I have no idea.

I wish you don't receive the message.

I just wrote to share my situation.

good luck guys!
Sorry to hear about your situation albertarian. just 1 questions, was your WES# that your entered of the form 1234567/abc or 1234567IMM?


Star Member
Oct 31, 2014
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
EE: 26 May, 2015
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Max Continuous said:
So I would have been one of the first people to apply under the new EE system earlier this year. I'm a skilled worker with more than 12 months work in the country (helicopter pilot), I used to have a work permit through an LMIA and I am employed full time by a qualified employer.

All this gave me a bit over 1000 points so I was invited. I received my AOR within days of submitting the application, this was in February.
I submitted all the required documents that I was asked for. My proof of training/qualification are my various pilots licenses including my current Canadian one, and I added a letter of explanation, explaining this.

Today I got the dreaded message in my account:

"Your application is rejected for being incomplete.
Specifically, your application does not include the following elements:
- Proof of education
You did not provide an Education Credential Assessment."

No further explanation, EE profile cancelled, fees refunded, goodbye please try again.

My questions:

1) What do I do now? I have until January 2016 on my open WP. Obviously I need to apply again, but my points will have changed because I no longer have an LMIA, since I have an open WP instead.

2) Can anyone guess what sort of ECA they want? Do I need to go back to the flight school that originally issued my license 10 years ago in the US and ask them to print me off a letter of graduation or something? This is rather unusual in my profession, when you finish your training you simply get a license. There is no diploma, in the same way that you don't get a diploma when you do your drivers license..

3) WHY WHY WHY did they reject everything and make me start from square one? WHY wouldn't they simply sent me an email asking for the supposedly missing document, or an explanation?

I first tried applying for PR last year under the old system and missed the cap by 48 hours. I am at this point getting extremely irritated with CIC.

Edit: Oh god, how long are police certificates valid for these days? 6 months or a year? Because I had to submit them from three overseas countries, and the process of getting them and getting them translated took... a little while. And cost a lot of money.
Hey Max Continuous,

I am sorry to hear about your situation & while I will not comment on the ECA part of your message, CIC has reduced the work needed on your Police Certificates

"For countries where you have lived for six months or more, the police certificate must be issued after the last time you lived in that country."



Champion Member
Nov 23, 2014
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
Sighman said:
I understand the fustration.

My previous FSW application was refused on a lack of work experience proof, even though to work in Canada to get Red Seal in my trade they contacted all previous employers for 10 years and ratified them. But that doesn't satisfy the 'box' they need to tick. I have learned that now if they want something then just supply what they want exactly, logic or reason plays no part at CIC!

So I waited for a few months and applied under CEC stream, which they returned as not having an original IELTS certificate (which they kept as part of my FSW application, i even wrote a letter explaining that they had it with a copy of it, by the time I managed to get a new copy and send it back the 'quota' had been met....so now into EE.

Previous employers don't exist now so i have just ONE employment letter in the format they want. All my other experience is not on my EE profile.

I also think that the $$$ for points model is wrong. For CEC ECA is not required, yet without it I am 112 points less...........so pay out $350 for that....

I am currently sitting at 425 points, and no looking to spend out another $1000 to get my wife's ECA and IELTS, which would give us 453 points........(20 for english and 8 for degree).....even though there is NO requirement for the CEC PR stream for any of these things.

I do have 163 points in section C. Skill Transferability Factors........but thats capped at 100 points....which also seems crazy to me...surely that would mean I am very qualified and experienced.....

I am trying to get an LMIA (my wife is a student and i have an open work visa), but my employer has been told by ESDC that it is 'unlikely' they will issue one............so here we sit in limbo, not able to move on with our lives.

Waiting to see if there's a draw on Friday or not. It's kinda depressing.

My advise is put in (on EE) only what you can prove to THE EXACT requirements of CIC...don't think it will suffice and that logically to have one thing you must have something else, if you can't prove that something else......everything and anything else just doesn't work.

Good luck
You are in somewhat the same situation as I am - working on an open work permit obtained through a partner who is a student. I also am in a job that is very unlikely to be issues an LMIA.

In my case, though, I thought it was worth it to have my partner's IELTS and ECA add points, and we ended up at 466 - enough to get an ITA on March 27. We also had our 2014 CEC applications returned because the cap had been reached.

I agree that dollars for points is an unfair system, and I agree that there is no rhyme or reason to CIC's rules. Why is it that someone who has a steady income in Canada under an open work permit has to show a fat "resettlement" bank account if issued an FSW invitation, but someone outside Canada who will, in fact, have to resettle if invited, and who does not have a job on arrival, does not have to show those same funds if invited under CEC? No logic, no sense.

It's unfair, it's expensive, but it's how it works, and we have to jump through those hoops to get what we want. Once we are permanent residents, we can get on with our lives and forget all about it. So, if I were you, I would swallow the unfairness of it and get those documents and points for your wife, and get an ITA sooner rather than later. Good luck!


Star Member
Jan 30, 2015
hi all,

I Created my Express entry profile and says CEC met becos i put the funds less than 10000$

questions are :

1. i have a canadian masters degree and indian Bachelors degree [Do i need an ECA] PLEASE HELP I READ LOT OF POSTS NOT ABLE TO GET TO A CONCLUSION
2. Though i have experience in India I have not mentioned it in Express Entry Work History. is that ok ??

please help


Mar 8, 2015
Hi , mine too got rejected last week missing of credential but I have WES credential I update tat one in my profile I do know wat is the status ..... If u guys know any after refused what they did as a next step Tanx.....