I have added another column to the spreadsheet. It is to the right of "Outland Visa Office". It lists what the current processing time for the indicated visa office is in months. I will update it quarterly when the website is updated.
For those with Mississauga listed there is no estimated processing time listed for Mississauga, so the spot for you is blank. I know that andyb2404 has confirmed his second stage will be processed in Mississauga, but I am not sure about the others.
p0ppet, CANANICA, kangaroduck and natodincan you all have Mississauga listed as your visa office abroad. Has this been confirmed or did you accidentally put Mississauga because that is where the first stage is being processed? If you could let me know, or update the spreadsheet yourself that would be great!
Puzzled101- You have Quebec listed but this is not where your second stage would be processed. What visa office abroad will your application be forwarded to? If you could let me know, or update the spreadsheet yourself that would be great!
esma, ic162k, alcal2014, spiram82 and ontariobound: can you please update the spreadsheet or let me know what your visa office abroad is so that I can update the spreadsheet for you.
I figured now that we are all slowly moving past the AOR/SA stage it will be helpful to know where the applications are being sent so that in the future we are not comparing our process with someone who has an 18 month or 9 month processing time so we do not get frustrated.