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Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009


Star Member
Mar 26, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
File Transfer...
In perhaps a twisted way, I am somehow glad for being caught up in this process of 15 and a half months and counting, as if my wife's app had been processed in the 6-9 months it was for those who had applied half a year earlier, I probably wouldn't have done anything really meaningful to draw attention to the inhumane treatment of those I found who have fallen through CIC's cracks, and overall, with the obviously politically motivated faster PR processing times of China and India.

If it wasn't for waiting so long, I probably would've been happy with my wife getting her PR in 9 months or less and never seriously challenged why 80% of applicants waiting at many other VOs were being kept separated from their spouse for over a year and up to over 20 months at some VOs simply as an accident of their residency.

Raising social awareness among Canadians is crucial, since obviously the Minister, lawyers, MPs and CIC would be singing a different tune if they were in the same situation as those of us waiting a year or more, and may God hear our pleas.


Raha said:
Nenan, sweety, I understand your situation completely! Do u believe that once i cud not see my bf(current husband) for 3 years!!!! It is more than human tolerence, but honey u need to be healthy to feel the joy after ppr.
We all have some blue days, days that nothing can cheer us up... hope no couples experience what we did! :*:*:*
Dear Raha the engaged couples may be separated for months or years,but separate normal spouses (husband from his wife and wife from her husband for year or more) ? in which religion this is normal or allowed? are we human or robot ? this situation far away and beyond normal human tolerance,my husband is Canadian resident since 7 years, he couldn't get citizenship till now so he cant come to live with me according to the CIC orders which say the sponsor must stay in Canada as long as the sponsorship case is in queue>>>then for assessment >>>then in process for how long I don't know then may be they send ppr (only Allah know when).
are we in war ? do you remember when the husband obligated to leave his wife to go in military obligatory duty
did I or my husband involved in crime and they punished us by putting us in separated jails?
nothing heal the wound, we put salt on our wounds and force our self to tolerate the pain or withdraw from this gambling in our life and start life with my husband in Iraq and try to forget this passed year.


Star Member
Jun 10, 2011
Visa Office......
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Med's Done....
Re-done 15-04-2012
Passport Req..
My Advice is to stick to what they asked. send only what they asked for.

Do not open new doors

Full_of_hope said:
Hello All,

Today my wife received this email from Amman, Alhamdolelah.
However she did the medical test long time ago and sent the green sheet 2 weeks ago!
Not sure why they sent the email!!! Also I am not sure why they didn't ask for police certificate since our application has been more than 16 months :(
Should we send the police certificate too? Any advice would be appreciated!

Dear Mrs XXXX,

This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Please return this letter with the requested document:

- Please undergo your medical exam and send us the green sheet
Please gather all requirements and submit ALL requested documents at the same time, in a single package. Do not submit documents one by one.

Only send ORIGINAL documents when requested. All documents, in a language other than English or French must be accompanied by original certified translations into English or French, except the passports.

If you are requested to submit a Police Certificate (see above), please send the original police certificate and the certified translation. Please be notified that if you do not comply with this request within 60 days of the date of this letter, your application for permanent residence in Canada will be assessed on the basis of the information already before the officer. Failure to provide the requested documents could result in the refusal of your application.

IRAQI DOCUMENTS: All civil status documents must be issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, except the passport. The police certificate must be issued by the Criminal Investigation Department. Translations into English or French are required.

JORDANIAN DOCUMENTS:All civil status documents must be issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Jordanian Ministry of the Interior, except for the passport. A clearance from the General Intelligence Directorate is required. Translations into English or French are required.

Applicants from Lebanon: All documents, representations, faxes or correspondence may be sent either to the Embassy of Canada in Damascus at the above address or to the Embassy of Canada in Beirut. Your file is being processed in Jordan. No representations, faxes, telephone calls or correspondence can or will be answered by other Canadian Embassies; all inquires must be sent directly to the visa office in Jordan.

Do NOT send your documents to any other visa office. ** To be added at MEDS stage: Passports: Please note that each person has to have his/her own passport, valid for at least 1 year. Please quote your file number, as well as your telephone & fax numbers on all correspondence and on every document you send to us.


Visa Section | Section des Visas
Embassy of Canada | Ambassade du Canada
Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan | Royaume Hachémite de Jordanie
P.O.Box | B.P.. 815403
Amman 11180 Jordan | Jordanie
Facsimile | Télécopieur : (+962-6) 520-3392
E-mail | Courriel: amman.immigration @ international.gc.ca
Web site | site Web: www.amman.gc.ca
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada


Star Member
Mar 26, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
File Transfer...
Nenan said:
Dear Raha the engaged couples may be separated for months or years,but separate normal spouses (husband from his wife and wife from her husband for year or more) ? in which religion this is normal or allowed? are we human or robot ? this situation far away and beyond normal human tolerance,my husband is Canadian resident since 7 years, he couldn't get citizenship till now so he cant come to live with me according to the CIC orders which say the sponsor must stay in Canada as long as the sponsorship case is in queue>>>then for assessment >>>then in process for how long I don't know then may be they send ppr (only Allah know when).
are we in war ? do you remember when the husband obligated to leave his wife to go in military obligatory duty
did I or my husband involved in crime and they punished us by putting us in separated jails?
nothing heal the wound, we put salt on our wounds and force our self to tolerate the pain or withdraw from this gambling in our life and start life with my husband in Iraq and try to forget this passed year.
Nenan, if my wife gets the visitor's visa she applied for in Amman, then it's a possible chance for you to get one to visit your husband if you wanted to do that. Also, I asked my MP's asst. if he could please clearly ask them to provide useful information on our case instead of being told to be patient, and he said he would keep that in mind, so I feel better thinking that something good could happen from these things.


Hero Member
Mar 25, 2012
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
december 2010
File Transfer...
Feb 7 2011
Med's Request
2010/ & JAN 2012
March, 21, 2012
Passport Req..
Feb, 18, 2013
wallahi i was gana say the exact same thing....looolll
Canada-Girl2012 said:
No fense or anything but funny how people are telling us to be patient after thy get pprs however they werent so patient themselves before getting pprs. Hypocritical if you ask me... Just saying :)


Star Member
Dec 29, 2011
Visa Office......
Ankara, Turkey
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
Hi all ... Happy Thursday! Well ... the truth is the ones who already received their PR, can't do much except to have sympathy and share their experience. I am sure that, they will be too busy with their new lives very soon and unfortunately won't be around too long. So, what really expect them to do? The ones who have waited too long got really frustrated (I haven't waited THAT long yet, but I sure understand the feeling) and if we got to wait, we have to wait and we have to do something about our files, we got to do what we got to do ... like travelling to Ankara. Let's keep the good karma around ... :)

Kurdistan-kazhal said:
wallahi i was gana say the exact same thing....looolll


Star Member
Dec 29, 2011
Visa Office......
Ankara, Turkey
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
Thank you ... I believe you mentioned to some good points here. :)

OmgVO said:
Dear all,

A newbie here - but wish to highlight a few points, hoping to address some issues that are important to all and to ensure a faster processing of your application:

1) medicals: the new rules are clear - it is now possible for VOs to extend them under specific circumstances. In many cases, a simple extension of your previous examination is granted without the need to revisit the doctor or pay additionnal fee. Redoing medical examinations without a specific form issued by the visa office is counter productive and totally inefficient. The embassy form, issued to you when another medical is required, has an IME number on it - which means that your results are downloaded directly into your file. When you redo your meds without the specific request of the embassy, since there is no IME number on your documents, the results are NOT tied to your file even when you provide your B or F file number to the doctor. And even if you send a copy of the green receipt to the embassy.... Those doing their medicals with the embassy issued form have seen their applications processed faster since it is tied to the file and all is done automatically. So this is better to wait for the Embassy request, really!

2) sending faxes, emails, over and over, is counterproductive. The visa offices are working hard to get all your files moving ahead - so all the time spent at going through emails and faxes etc..is time taken away from processing all files. The VOs are thin on resources and as such, they are devoting resources in actually making decisions and finalize your files rather than spend time in responding to enquiries, which does not help any of the cases in moving forward....

On a last note, yes, visa officers do take a look at your blogs... These are public after all!


Star Member
Feb 20, 2012
lovebirds said:
Hello everyone,

Today my husband gave his passport for the visa to be stamped and he'll get it back tomorrow at 2 pm, like samira. he said it was crowded at the embassy and there was a big line up :)
when we both were there, a month ago, there were not that many people waiting outside for visa

SO IT'S GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE !!! everything is moving much faster now ;) ;D
Inshalla always good news everything will be fine and the pr's will come to all be patient and optimistic


Star Member
Feb 20, 2012
Nenan said:
Dear Raha, I haven't see my husband for 1 year, 13 months passed since we apply, when Amman start to rain ppr? after 2 year? it is not normal to separate spouses 1 year and may be more, I know it will end for all of us one day,but when this day will come for me?
I am not happy,I am sad all the time,I am exhausted,I cant focus on any thing,I see friends here in this forum get out of this hell while I'm still inside it tortured,asking to be patient is easy,but feeling sad every day and every night and every minute is not tolerated situation.
Dear Nenan keep your faith in god inshalla very soon you will hear a great happynews , beside that may be this is a good experiment for you and your husband cz you dont know what you will see there in Canada , everything good thing has its own time and finally will come and all pain will fanish be happy, courage and patient, good luck


Full Member
Apr 16, 2012
dirtypolitics said:
A question for fellow Iranians:

is it possible to get subsidized $ from the bank before flying to Canada?

as you know to be able to buy subsidized dollar, you need to show a passport with visa and ticket.

I am sure Canadian citizen cannot get it because their iranian passport does not have visa stamp.

The reason I am asking is that we are not sure to get $400 for Turkey trip or wait to get it for Canada trip (you can buy it only once year).

Any help?
anybody knows this? arz dolati!!!


Star Member
May 5, 2012
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second 9-5-2012
Passport Req..
dirtypolitics said:
anybody knows this? arz dolati!!!
as I heard you can't get it for long term visa (up to 3 months)


Star Member
Dec 29, 2011
Visa Office......
Ankara, Turkey
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App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
As far as I am aware, getting the money is the very last step in the airport, when you are exiting the country. You can not get it before getting through the customs, etc.

dirtypolitics said:
anybody knows this? arz dolati!!!


Star Member
Jun 7, 2012
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App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
23-06- 2011
Passport Req..
dirtypolitics said:
anybody knows this? arz dolati!!!
I think you can get ( havale ) from Melli or Mellat bank and change it to dollar in the airport. maximum $1000 per person.
They don't pay it for citizens.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2011
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
April -19-2011
Passport Req..
Ishalah SOON
Hello dear all ,

My husband finally got his passport back, with his visa stamped :) and he is on his way to Canada ;D

I truly wish you all get good news this week, it's still Thursday and Friday is yet to come ! I understand it is a very tough road :( ALMOST UNBEARABLE FOR EVERYONE !

SO TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR VERY LONG : Please set up a petition and send it to many different gov places like Immigration, Harper, all the MPs, W5, ... and etc.

I already contacted W5 myself and they replied me back by email but it's better to have a petition first.

My husband and I will be definitely there for you guys too.

I wish you all the best news verrrrrrrryyyyyyy soon

Dear Vivi, Mosafer, Kurdistan, A+M,... and all those from other VO .... you 'll hear it soon. YOU ALL DESERVE IT VERRRRRRYYYYYYYY MUCHHHHHHHH.

It's very crowded at the embassy IN Ankara so they are working hard. I wish the same for the other embassies.

:-* :-* :-*


Star Member
Feb 20, 2012
lovebirds said:
Hello dear all ,

My husband finally got his passport back, with his visa stamped :) and he is on his way to Canada ;D

I truly wish you all get good news this week, it's still Thursday and Friday is yet to come ! I understand it is a very tough road :( ALMOST UNBEARABLE FOR EVERYONE !

SO TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR VERY LONG : Please set up a petition and send it to many different gov places like Immigration, Harper, all the MPs, W5, ... and etc.

I already contacted W5 myself and they replied me back by email but it's better to have a petition first.

My husband and I will be definitely there for you guys too.

I wish you all the best news verrrrrrrryyyyyyy soon

Dear Vivi, Mosafer, Kurdistan, A+M,... and all those from other VO .... you 'll hear it soon. YOU ALL DESERVE IT VERRRRRRYYYYYYYY MUCHHHHHHHH.

It's very crowded at the embassy IN Ankara so they are working hard. I wish the same for the other embassies.

:-* :-* :-*
Congratulations Lovebirds god bless you with health and happiness