They can play mischief with person information even when they are at the office. So it makes no difference. So what if they dont have a dedicated work space? Neither do I and I am expected to work at the same pace as before, as do millions of others! The only difference is, govt workers are never fired for poor performance and have a union, I don't have those luxuries.So you would be happy for your personal/ confidential information to be pushed out to an employees home where it could be seen or even shared with anyone who happens to be located or visits said home or worst case mislaid. That’s a pretty big responsibility to place on a government employee, sure maybe workable for any online work but paper submissions that might be a whole different thing. Plus of course would assume an employee has a dedicated home office space and not just kitchen table to stack up a pile of confidential papers.
So much concern and sympathy for well paid, gold plated pension receiving govt workers, but none for immigrants?