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Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

Swift Turtle

Hero Member
Dec 29, 2020
I really believe that this conversation is moving in the right direction. In order for our voice to be heard, whether by the media, Parliament, or a lawyer, we'll need to speak in unison.

The latter can only be achieved if we nominate a spokesperson who we can all agree has the knowledge and charisma to represent us. S/he will also be able to act as a liaison with Ihsan Omar, who I believe is the head of the another pressure group and who's made great strides in bringing our cause to the limelight.

Please share your thoughts.
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Hero Member
Jan 4, 2015
Toronto, ON, Canada
First we need to decide our case is against the Government or IRCC . Then start a petition get as many signatures. Then getting a lawyer, i do not think we need a good or bad lawyer . We need a lawyer who represents us . It has never been done because there has not been a situation like this but now the pandemic is almost over, millions of people are vaccinated while CIC is not even moving, they cant use that excuse anymore. You can have in person ceremonies with physical distancing. If places like Service ontario or SAAQ Quebec (automobile ) is open why cant IRCC offices open and follow social distancing ? They have no planning nothing , its garbage.
With ON re-opening slowly (& I believe other provinces too) & vaccination ramping up, I see no harm in restarting in-person oath ceremonies / tests with social distancing.

Swift Turtle

Hero Member
Dec 29, 2020
With ON re-opening slowly (& I believe other provinces too) & vaccination ramping up, I see no harm in restarting in-person oath ceremonies / tests with social distancing.
I feel exactly the same way. I'm somewhat hopeful that with all the Provinces reopening, in-person services should resume. An IRCC agent once told me that prior to Covid they were able to administer 300 tests in one sitting, so you do the math. But I've yet to see any indication that IRCC will resume in-person services.
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Full Member
May 27, 2021
I feel exactly the same way. I'm somewhat hopeful that with all the Provinces reopening, in-person services should resume. An IRCC agent once told me that prior to Covid they were able to administer 300 tests in one sitting, so you do the match. But I've yet to see any indication that IRCC will resume in-person services.
I hope in person starts soon as well.

Would not be easy getting IRCC back to work in person especially when they have gotten used to "remote work" (No work and full salary) during the pandemic.
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Hero Member
Jan 4, 2015
Toronto, ON, Canada
I hope in person starts soon as well.

Would not be easy getting IRCC back to work in person especially when they have gotten used to "remote work" (No work and full salary) during the pandemic.
While we all are pissed (& rightfully so), we shouldn't forget pandemic has affected the employees too & their families as well. It can be a challenge working simultaneously & juggling family at home.

Sometimes I think we all need to develop a little empathy for IRCC employees as well.
Dec 4, 2020
I hope in person starts soon as well.

Would not be easy getting IRCC back to work in person especially when they have gotten used to "remote work" (No work and full salary) during the pandemic.
That is the truth!

I really believe that this conversation is moving in the right direction. In order for our voice to be heard, whether by the media, Parliament, or a lawyer, we'll need to speak in unison.

The latter can only be achieved if we nominate a spokesperson who we can all agree has the knowledge and charisma to represent us. S/he will also be able to act as a liaison with Ihsan Omar, who I believe is the head of the another pressure group and who's made great strides in bringing our cause to the limelight.

Please share your thoughts.
Agree that there is a need for a person who really cares and has the leadership ability to drive this home. But most activists are in it for their personal gains and hence no progress is ever made.

I sent emails to the champions of democracy including that clown who's the leader of NDP. Got an automated response and never heard a word after. He pictures himself as the messiah of immigrants and talks about issues but only "talks". When I become a citizen and if I go to vote, I'll never in my life vote him that's for sure. At least the conservative MP from my area had the decency to send me a personalized email(he was a waste of time too but at least responded).

Overall, political parties don't care so talks of liberals, conservative, etc is garbage. The issue is with bureaucracy and has always been but once the issue becomes political, all the politicians are automatically involved because there is something to gain. So, the bottom line is how can people like us show why granting citizenship faster to us should be govt responsibility.


Hero Member
May 4, 2021
While we all are pissed (& rightfully so), we shouldn't forget pandemic has affected the employees too & their families as well. It can be a challenge working simultaneously & juggling family at home.

Sometimes I think we all need to develop a little empathy for IRCC employees as well.
WTF! Are they the only ones who have been affected? Many of us have also been working simultaneously and juggling family from home. And we don't have employers who will just say "sure, just collect you pay and do whatever you like at home most of the time". Where is the empathy for us?


Hero Member
May 4, 2021
I hope in person starts soon as well.

Would not be easy getting IRCC back to work in person especially when they have gotten used to "remote work" (No work and full salary) during the pandemic.
And while they are enjoying that life someone says "have empathy for IRCC employees, all juggling work and family", as if the rest of the world has not been doing that ...


Champion Member
Dec 21, 2020
While we all are pissed (& rightfully so), we shouldn't forget pandemic has affected the employees too & their families as well. It can be a challenge working simultaneously & juggling family at home.

Sometimes I think we all need to develop a little empathy for IRCC employees as well.
empathy for CIC employeeS? The big time muggers. they have robbed me of the word " in process"


Champion Member
Dec 21, 2020
And while they are enjoying that life someone says "have empathy for IRCC employees, all juggling work and family", as if the rest of the world has not been doing that ...
I have not seen my parents for almost 5 years because of the pandemic and i still work not remotely but in public. what about those people working at walmart , mcdonalds etc etc


Star Member
Feb 27, 2020
While we all are pissed (& rightfully so), we shouldn't forget pandemic has affected the employees too & their families as well. It can be a challenge working simultaneously & juggling family at home.

Sometimes I think we all need to develop a little empathy for IRCC employees as well.
That will only encourage them to do what they are already doing.
Using covid 19 as an excuse to keep all of us waiting forever.
No one knows what to expect but that doesnt mean the rest of the world has stopped working.
Its time for IRCC to move on from those lame excuses And Pickup their responsibilities like a big boy.


Champion Member
Dec 21, 2020
That will only encourage them to do what they are already doing.
Using covid 19 as an excuse to keep all of us waiting forever.
No one knows what to expect but that doesnt mean the rest of the world has stopped working.
Its time for IRCC to move on from those lame excuses And Pickup their responsibilities like a big boy.
Since when did Cockroaches In Cart =CIC take responsibility ? They use covid 19 excuse so much that it seems that Covid is a real monster who tells cic not to work everytime they pick up a file .


Hero Member
Aug 10, 2020
While we all are pissed (& rightfully so), we shouldn't forget pandemic has affected the employees too & their families as well. It can be a challenge working simultaneously & juggling family at home.

Sometimes I think we all need to develop a little empathy for IRCC employees as well.

Oh, poor little ones, I almost want to shed a tear! :( ... Ohhhh, my heart hurts, what a sad story! ... Get out the violins, and the sad music! :(, Ooooohhh

Empathy for people who ABUSE public money, really? ... You are serious ??

(Code 699 is basically a VACANCY code, i.e. full rate wages paid with honest workers' taxes - most people here - ... Code 699 is a provision which allowed them to STAY AT HOME WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING, WHILE BEING PAID ... This is not telework, but a vacancy code, ie no production of work, = zero).

And don't anyone come and tell me I'm exaggerating ... Please, a little intellectual honesty is the truth, and you know it ...

My final proof is the directive which orders the end of abusive uses of code 699 ordered by the secretariat of the treasury council of Canada, see here:


Of course, the union of these "noble" people for whom you want us to have empathy, has not stopped fighting to demand the maintenance of code 699, without conditions !! ... Without any shame. They filed legal grievances, and even took legal action to preserve the "right" not to work with taxpayer money. Shame on them !!



Hero Member
Aug 10, 2020
** While writing my last message, and looking again on the site of the federal public service union, I noticed that there is something new concerning their '' legal struggle '' to '' preserve their rights '' to use the vacancy code 699 (i.e. salary without work, with salary at full rates).

Indeed, it seems that the public hearings before the justice will begin ... It will be a disaster if these abusers of public money wins their legal case ... A disaster ... Surely that even the little telework that they will be stopped ... To be continued.


PSAC said:
PSAC will defend the use of 699 leave for federal public service workers during the pandemic at adjudication hearings with the Federal Public Service Labour Relations Board August 30 to September 3, 2021. This will be a virtual public hearing.