Like everyone on this forum, l'll be moving on from here too. I'd like to appreciate and give my kindest regards to everyone on here who helps the fellow stranger on issues regarding this damned immigration process. Believe it or not, for most people like me this is our only source of credible information that we find here. Without the knowledge of experienced people here, newbies like me would be lost.
I know this process is frustrating and very taxing on our emotions but please keep your calm and never give your spouse false hopes about time it takes. I sometimes would get frustrated about the length and demands of this process but I tried to keep my emotions checked with my wife and be her support through this time and never showed my frustration. Told her to believe in Allah and keep praying namaz and pray for a good future together.
Also, every day someone here slams our beautiful country Pakistan. Yes, I agree our process is the longest but please don't blame it on the country. I moved to Canada many moons ago but my heart always stays in Pakistan and it always hurts when someone gets up to say 'we live in this shitty country'. Everyone eventually gets their visa. You always will have Pakistan's name stamped on your Canadian passport as place of birth. When you abuse your country, you abuse your own self. Please stop abusing yourself and start to respect yourself. Please start respecting your country. If the people of this country wont respect it then why would you expect an outsider to respect it??? Change starts from within first.
Jazakkallah kher.