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CHC, Islamabad Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2011 -2012

Omar Mirza

Hero Member
Dec 20, 2011
Visa Office......
phantom said:
Hello Everyone,

I need some input. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

I am going to send the Embassy some supporting documents. I applied in March 2011 as Nikah only case. They have not yet reviewed my case ( I am expecting it'll be reviewed around April/MAy time frame). However, I just got my rukhsati done as well and would like to send my Rukhsati/Walima pics and my honeymoon pics to the embassy.

My question is:- should I send all original supporting documents (i.e. original boarding passes, tickets, etc) or photocopies. The reason I am asking is what if I send them originals and the mail gets lost? Or, what if they dont file my supporting documents becuase they havent asked for them yet and when they actually review my file in April/MAy, they ask for it again?

Also, I am in pakistan right now and will be leaving for canada in 5 days. should I send all supporting documents from here or should I wait till I get back to Canada and send it from there?

Please help!


Nationals of Pakistan:
The following documents are required for you, the principle applicant, and for each of your dependent family members, if applicable to your situation:
•Original birth certificates for yourself and your family members including your spouse or common-law partner. A birth certificate is acceptable if the registration of the birth was made shortly after the birth.
•Certified copies of your national identity card (CNIC).
•Original marriage certificate for you and your spouse (Nikkah Nama).
•Original death certificate(s) if your sponsor's or your former spouse(s), common-law or conjugal partner(s) is/are deceased.
•Original divorce certificate for you or your spouse's previous marriages. If a divorce has been obtained in Pakistan by a sponsor residing in Canada, you must submit evidence that either party of the divorce resided in Pakistan for at least one year prior to the divorce. Alternatively, you may submit evidence that either party to the divorce had a substantial connection to Pakistan such as frequent visits, property ownership, and/or active businesses in Pakistan.
•Official documentation confirming your relationship to your sponsor and both of your rela-tionships to the other family members on your application. This may include family lists and household registries.
•Original educational documents for you and your family members such as transcripts indicating a list of courses taken, scores achieved as well as certificates obtained.


Champion Member
Mar 23, 2011
Visa Office......
ISLAMABAD - Wife case
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
22 Dec 2010
File Transfer...
27 Jan 2011
Med's Request
Re-medical April 23rd, 2012
Med's Done....
April 24th, 2012
Passport Req..
April 23rd, 2012 - PP sent on May 1st, 2012
June 1st, 2012 .. Alhumdulillah .. Total time = 17 months and 8 days
Jun 17th, 2012 .. Alhumdulillah :)
phantom said:
Hello Everyone,

I need some input. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

I am going to send the Embassy some supporting documents. I applied in March 2011 as Nikah only case. They have not yet reviewed my case ( I am expecting it'll be reviewed around April/MAy time frame). However, I just got my rukhsati done as well and would like to send my Rukhsati/Walima pics and my honeymoon pics to the embassy.

My question is:- should I send all original supporting documents (i.e. original boarding passes, tickets, etc) or photocopies. The reason I am asking is what if I send them originals and the mail gets lost? Or, what if they dont file my supporting documents becuase they havent asked for them yet and when they actually review my file in April/MAy, they ask for it again?

Also, I am in pakistan right now and will be leaving for canada in 5 days. should I send all supporting documents from here or should I wait till I get back to Canada and send it from there?

Please help!

Scan the documents and keep an electronic copy and a paper copy with you and send them the originals. Leave your documents with your spouse and when you come back send your spouse the passport copy of the entry and exit stamps. Your spouse can send the documents with a cover letter of what you are sending in support of your relationship.


sha123456 said:
Thanks again, what do you mean when u say "getting a TRV is also not easy if previous traveling history is not involved". What would be your suggestions/tips when she applies for her TRV?
well simply for the visa of Canada and USA a visa officer checks if the applicant has previously traveled to other countries or not.
then they see how strong is applicant's financial situation and what are the chances that applicant will return back to their country after the end of their trip.


Hero Member
Jan 5, 2012
Job Offer........
bestplace4u said:
well simply for the visa of Canada and USA a visa officer checks if the applicant has previously traveled to other countries or not.
then they see how strong is applicant's financial situation and what are the chances that applicant will return back to their country after the end of their trip.
It will hopefully very soon will be the end of ur trip.
Is this true that ur case can be sold at someone? They sell most cases to oher people. :'(


*AFREEN* said:
It will hopefully very soon will be the end of ur trip.
Is this true that ur case can be sold at someone? They sell most cases to oher people. :'(
There was a a guy on 09-10 thread who said his wife's visa was sold by the visa officer of Islamabad.
But I highly doubt the authenticity of his statement.


Hero Member
Jan 5, 2012
Job Offer........
bestplace4u said:
There was a a guy on 09-10 thread who said his wife's visa was sold by the visa officer of Islamabad.
But I highly doubt the authenticity of his statement.

Another bad news :(
let me ask u genius something else .
The person who did a lilttle of my forms with me made a big shall I say or small mistake.
She added the reason why I did not visit my country but met my hubby and did the marriage some where else. She added due to her safety she did not attend etc .........
Now I wana go live with my hubby until the damn processing is done. Right now chances are very very less that they will ask him for interview. But Now if I go will this effect? :'(


Star Member
Aug 30, 2011
Omar Mirza said:
Hey Sha!

Do not apply for TRV before or after you have applied for the immigration. If you apply before, they will say that your spouse is eligible for immigrationship and also they will ask you to provide strong grounds that she/he will be coming back to pakistan after her stay. Thats what happened to me 8 months ago. If he/she has a full time job in Pakistan and could possibly prove that she/he needs to come back may be coz of business,work or studies........ there might be a chance!

If you apply after you have submitted her immigration, chances are very low that you will get. Actually chances are next to 0%. I guess the best thing to do would be to wait like everyone is. I applied for my spouse immigration back in september 2011 and the case after being accepted after 2 months was transfered to Islamabad in November 2011.

Patience is a virtue :)
Agreed . . . ! That's why I told if he really wish to apply for TRV its even better to apply before sponsoring her. In case, if she is lucky enough to get the visa, there will be no wait time for him. It's really difficult to get TRV, but he must give it a try as there's no harm or it will not effect your sponsorship file.
Sha . . . . . you must have to prove that she will return back to Pakistan after expiry of her TRV.


*AFREEN* said:

Another bad news :(
let me ask u genius something else .
The person who did a lilttle of my forms with me made a big shall I say or small mistake.
She added the reason why I did not visit my country but met my hubby and did the marriage some where else. She added due to her safety she did not attend etc .........
Now I wana go live with my hubby until the damn processing is done. Right now chances are very very less that they will ask him for interview. But Now if I go will this effect? :'(
sorry they way u actually wrote the reason thingy I really cant understand.


Star Member
Jan 13, 2012
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
truefriend said:
Agreed . . . ! That's why I told if he really wish to apply for TRV its even better to apply before sponsoring her. In case, if she is lucky enough to get the visa, there will be no wait time for him. It's really difficult to get TRV, but he must give it a try as there's no harm or it will not effect your sponsorship file.
Sha . . . . . you must have to prove that she will return back to Pakistan after expiry of her TRV.
Thanks all for your help. See that was my concern and therefore raised the question of applying for student visa instead. If she gets admission to a university here. Are there more chances of getting a student visa while outland PR application is in progress or the visa officer would look it in a negative way?


sha123456 said:
Thanks all for your help. See that was my concern and therefore raised the question of applying for student visa instead. If she gets admission to a university here. Are there more chances of getting a student visa while outland PR application is in progress or the visa officer would look it in a negative way?
I am the biggest example in front of u who got the visit visa :)


Star Member
Jan 13, 2012
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
bestplace4u said:
I am the biggest example in front of u who got the visit visa :)
bestplace, you are the only one who have been successful in getting TRV. Otherwise I have found everyone to be against applying for TRV. I would give it a try after a couple of months when her file is in Islamabad. No harm in that i guess.


sha123456 said:
bestplace, you are the only one who have been successful in getting TRV. Otherwise I have found everyone to be against applying for TRV. I would give it a try after a couple of months when her file is in Islamabad. No harm in that i guess.
Thats right nothing is wrong in applying at least it will make ur spouse application more stronger
if u research on 09-10 thread there were few other members also who had the visit visa.


Star Member
Jan 13, 2012
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
bestplace4u said:
Thats right nothing is wrong in applying at least it will make ur spouse application more stronger
if u research on 09-10 thread there were few other members also who had the visit visa.
good things like that always sounds good you know :). She has visited NewZealand, Europe, Midd East, Indonesia. So I guess in that regard she has a good chance of getting the TRV.


sha123456 said:
good things like that always sounds good you know :). She has visited NewZealand, Europe, Midd East, Indonesia. So I guess in that regard she has a good chance of getting the TRV.
Bingo! she definitely has very good chance to get the TRV