This process is really killing me. My wife did her Chest Xray for Remed on October 4th, 2012 and I have a weird feeling that it is lost somewhere because my wife did her Remed (without chest xray due to pregnancy) and sent her Passport all around Sep 14, 2012. Then after the Visa Office called and said we cannot give you visa until chest ray she did do it but didnt have her passport, etc withher at the IOM in Islamabad. Neither did they give her a recipt or anything for the chest x-ray. I need her here by November 20, 2012 since my uncle is coming to Canada on that day and it is better for her to go with him since he can speak english, etc and also after November 20 she wont be allowed on the plane due to expecting soon.
I have missed every Eid with my wife since I have been married in 2010. I have cheated on my wife millions of times not because I dont love her, bue because she is not here and is too far away from me. I am not a phone type of person and hate even talking to my friends on the phone and would rather just be face to face. Halloween came by and again Shaitan is straying me on the wrong path and all this could be solved just by my wife being here