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Bill C-6: Senate stage


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Aug 12, 2016
Montréal, Québec
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sivabalan said:
I have posted my comments on Senator Ratna Omidvar's tweet about her speech in the senate today. May I request you all to tweet and encourage Senator Ratna Omidvar.
She made a good speech but I will not congratulate/encourage her for delaying this even more by passing an amendment and also risking the Bill to fail because of that amendment.


Champion Member
Feb 26, 2012
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MarceauBletard said:
She made a good speech but I will not congratulate/encourage her for delaying this even more by passing an amendment and also risking the Bill to fail because of that amendment.
Yes. God forbid anyone would fight for the integrity of Canadian legislation and ultimately for what is right. She is ensuring that all future Canadians are protected. You obviously haven't devoted anytime to understanding what could happen without this amendment.

The amendment in no way risks the bill. If you watched or followed any of the committee discussions or testimony, you'd know this is needed.

Stop being so selfish guys.


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Aug 12, 2016
Montréal, Québec
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Montréal, Québec
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jsm0085 said:
Yes. God forbid anyone would fight for the integrity of Canadian legislation and ultimately for what is right. She is ensuring that all future Canadians are protected. You obviously haven't devoted anytime to understanding what could happen without this amendment.

The amendment in no way risks the bill. If you watched or followed any of the committee discussions or testimony, you'd know this is needed.

Stop being so selfish guys.
"You obviously haven't devoted any time to understanding..." EXCUSE ME???
I've been following this Bill every single day for a year. How dare you!
Plus, you are the one being selfish by thinking your agenda is the only correct agenda.
I gave my opinion, that's it, it's not being selfish.

Correct me if I'm wrong, you're already a Citizen, eh? So you don't care about delays or applying soon, you just care about your citizenship's protection.
So please, tell me again, who is being selfish here?

Me, under previous-C24 terms, I would've applied for Citizenship in June 2016.
I badly need my Citizenship for different personal reasons.
So do many others.

I'm not saying she doesn't have a point. But why couldn't have she done her own S- Bill later?
By putting an agenda on the table, it's more risk of the Bill being rejected and at the very least, delayed.
This is my opinion, you're free not like it but I won't allow anyone here to call me selfish or any other pejorative descriptive.


Champion Member
Feb 26, 2012
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MarceauBletard said:
"You obviously haven't devoted any time to understanding..." EXCUSE ME???
I've been following this Bill every single day for a year. How dare you!
Plus, you are the one being selfish by thinking your agenda is the only correct agenda.
I gave my opinion, that's it, it's not being selfish.

Under previous-C24 terms, I would've applied for Citizenship in June 2016.
I badly need my Citizenship for different personal reasons.

I'm not saying she doesn't have a point. But why couldn't have she done her own S- Bill later?
By putting an agenda on the table, it's more risk of the Bill being rejected and at the very least, delayed.
This is my opinion, you're free not like it but I won't allow anyone here to call me selfish or any other pejorative descriptive.
Even your response is selfish. Hello - I'm waiting on 3/4 etc etc etc myself. But I completely think the Senate have a job to do - and it's ensuring it's a good law. Those who are fighting to do that aren't the ones who have been delaying it. Yesterday, it was made explicitly clear that the delays around C6 have been unacceptable. We all need our Citizenship for different reasons - but that doesn't mean the Canadian Government should ignore needed amendments just to pass this law slightly quicker. That isn't how this works. The amendment has been welcomes by the previous immigration minister, experts, fellow immigrants and somewhat by our newest immigration minister.

Sit back, calm down and it'll pass soon. But it SHOULD NOT pass at any cost.


Champion Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Basically what I'm saying is a law should not be passed quickly just to suit you - while ignore other immigrants who need protections also. The amendment is about ensuring a citizen is a citizen. It's about ensuring it isn't born Canadians vs immigrant Canadians. It's about protecting Citizenship and ensuring that's exactly what it is for everyone - when they become one. Why people feel like this should be sidelined is beyond me.


Star Member
Dec 5, 2016
Guys, chill why the accusation to each other? if you all remember till Dec 15th everybody thought this bill is dead and will never see the light till Sen. Omidvar stepped up and pushed to the committee while all the Lib senators watching the ping pong game between the cons Senators to defeat this bill

Even at the committee a lot of negative energy that this bill will not go though discussion till the holidays will start
even after the report a lot expected it will not go on order till another month or 2

look to the facts the bill is moving forward, we can't deny it is moving like a turtle but it is moving,
even with the amendment which is not about changing the bill clauses but is about improving it by giving the right to appeal in case of a citizenship revocation, mentioning that Sen. Frum will not interfere for more delay was a smart point, which implies her approval to the bill so the cons can relax

Sen. Omidvar mentioned if the HOC will not approve the amendment she will have a special bill for it, so it means it is not a fundamental and the bill still can pass without it

and before anyone will accuse me of being selfish bill C-24 affected me by 2 YEARS delay

So, happy new sitting everyone may today bring us a bit closer to the other side of the tunnel


Champion Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Montreal101 said:
Guys, chill why the accusation to each other? if you all remember till Dec 15th everybody thought this bill is dead and will never see the light till Sen. Omidvar stepped up and pushed to the committee while all the Lib senators watching the ping pong game between the cons Senators to defeat this bill

Even at the committee a lot of negative energy that this bill will not go though discussion till the holidays will start
even after the report a lot expected it will not go on order till another month or 2

look to the facts the bill is moving forward, we can't deny it is moving like a turtle but it is moving,
even with the amendment which is not about changing the bill clauses but is about improving it by giving the right to appeal in case of a citizenship revocation, mentioning that Sen. Frum will not interfere for more delay was a smart point, which implies her approval to the bill so the cons can relax

Sen. Omidvar mentioned if the HOC will not approve the amendment she will have a special bill for it, so it means it is not a fundamental and the bill still can pass without it

and before anyone will accuse me of being selfish bill C-24 affected me by 2 YEARS delay

So, happy new sitting everyone may today bring us a bit closer to the other side of the tunnel
Totally. I would already have been a Citizen if it wasn't for C-24.


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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If the Liberals really wanted to help you ASAP they could have tabled a Bill only with one amendment for the 3 years rule.


Hero Member
Apr 1, 2013
thank you montreal101.

Guys , please , we were ALL affected by this LONG process and by c24 before that . Everyone has its own reason why he needs his citizenship so bad . Whatever it is , don't let the frustration get into your head and start blaming valuable members who contributed to provide up to date informations regarding this bill and helped in the best possible to support other members and ultimately this cause.
Frustration , we all have it , i was also affected by c24 for a few days ,yes a few days , then started to have hope from february 2016 and got frustrated so bad along the way since the bill hasn't been passed it(most likely won't benefit from c6 = double frustration) but still , i think that RESPECT and COURTESY is a must towards each other.
We all have different opinions and agendas ,obviously all different , but respecting other's thoughts and opinions and debating, exchanging ideas in properly manners is the MINIMUM.
PATIENCE has also been tested in this thread , where answers to 100 questions( all the same actually) were just a few lines above ...
So please guys remember , RESPECT , COURTESY , is always more pleasant and creates more productive discussions in order to make this journey smoother.

Thank you


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Hey guys,

I am really lost, what is the state of the bill ? is there a chance that it will pass today ?


Star Member
Dec 5, 2016
imm_leb_01 said:
Hey guys,

I am really lost, what is the state of the bill ? is there a chance that it will pass today ?

It is in the senate for third reading debate, the sitting will start at 1:30 pm
and the chances for the bill to pass today is 0 to none, unless Sen Omidvar doesn't present any amendment and they vote for the bill which most likely will not happen

Just sit, watch and wait


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Montreal101 said:
It is in the senate for third reading debate, the sitting will start at 1:30 pm
and the chances for the bill to pass today is 0 to none, unless Sen Omidvar doesn't present any amendment and they vote for the bill which most likely will not happen

Just sit, watch and wait
Thanks for the answer, i am not very familiar with how bills are processed but based on other bills i searched for i saw that once in the 3rd reading the bill is very close to pass (days away) ... can we hope for something in the next few days ?


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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It is obvious that itsmyid is just sick and tired from the trolling optimism here which goes on and on for more than a year and still counting.


Star Member
Dec 5, 2016
imm_leb_01 said:
Thanks for the answer, i am not very familiar with how bills are processed but based on other bills i searched for i saw that once in the 3rd reading the bill is very close to pass (days away) ... can we hope for something in the next few days ?
The short version of the answer is "No", unless a miracle happens, that's why we need to see how today's sitting will go
Some pro-bill senators hoping for June for the bill to pass, see let's see

Divine Favour

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u guys need to take a chill pill. we are all waiting for the same result. no need to bicker. I see the stress is getting to all of us. RELAX, BE POSITIVE, HOPE FOR THE BEST.