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Bill C-6: Senate stage


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spyfy said:
The problem isn't actually that there is a debate. I agree, that's how parliaments work. The Opposition has a right to have their voice heard. The actual problem are the archaic rules of business that the Senate has.

In the HoC, they allocate X hours for the debate, then the Government and the Opposition both send their speakers in and they can say all they want. That usually takes one or maybe two days and then the vote happens.

In the Senate, one single senator speaks on an issue per day, then some other senator can hold the debate indefinitely and then say something days or weeks later. This can hardly be called a debate.

I would be all OK with the Conservative Senators voicing their concerns. But it's just stupid that they don't say "OK on March 8th, we allocate 30 minutes of speaking time to the conservatives, and 30 minutes to the liberals and 30 mins to the Independents. Now please speak" Then everyone can speak and raise their concerns. Then they vote.

For me, no matter if from the perspective of a Liberal, a Conservative or an Independent, I don't see why they have this procedure of dragging it out over weeks, one speech per week. I mean by the time the next senator speaks on the subject, most of them have already forgotten what the last one said a month ago. How is that a debate?
Complaining about how archaic and old fashioned the rules and regulations are is not going to help in any way and they are not going to implement an exception to this bill for any reason. There is bureaucracy built in and it is not going to disappear any time soon.

For us, we are impatient because it is so close and has already taken so long but think of it from the other perspective. If this bill was on the verge of getting defeated, would you not want your senators to keep debating for it as long as they can? The transparency and ease with which all of us are able to follow the debates/progress is already many times better than the system where I come from and I suspect it is the same for most. I am only asking for patience and practicality.


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Jun 29, 2016
monalisa said:
They are going to vote dont worry but first let her introduce the amendments tomorrow, then they are going to vote ;)
I'm not so sure why everyone's all happy that Sen O. gave the opposition Senators hell for holding up the bill while at the same time cheering for her to put forward her amendment. You realize that if she dropped the amendment and did a separate bill the law would probably pass this week and you'd be returning to 3/5 years super quick. If her amendment goes through as you're crossing your fingers for, it'll have to go back to the House and spend months there through another set of hearings, etc... There's 0 guarantee that it'll speed through the house like you think it will.

You're one vote shy of it becoming law.

Whose the REAL one holding up progress here?


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Dec 6, 2016
Coffee1981 said:
I'm not so sure why everyone's all happy that Sen O. gave the opposition Senators hell for holding up the bill while at the same time cheering for her to put forward her amendment. You realize that if she dropped the amendment and did a separate bill the law would probably pass this week and you'd be returning to 3/5 years super quick. If her amendment goes through as you're crossing your fingers for, it'll have to go back to the House and spend months there through another set of hearings, etc... There's 0 guarantee that it'll speed through the house like you think it will.

You're one vote shy of it becoming law.

Whose the REAL one holding up progress here?
It was a very good debate today, its a good start.
If someone tells you that your decision was wrong, and at the same time you believe that you were right, then how your going to defend your decision?

Its the same thing going on about c6. Tomorrow she is going to introduce the amendments, and on 29 March they will debate but hope they will transfer it to HoC before april vacation ;D


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Jun 29, 2016
monalisa said:
It was a very good debate today, its a good start.
If someone tells you that your decision was wrong, and at the same time you believe that you were right, then how your going to defend your decision?

Its the same thing going on about c6. Tomorrow she is going to introduce the amendments, and on 29 March they will debate but hope they will transfer it to HoC before april vacation ;D
But my point is that they could pass this legislation by the end of the week, as is. It could be law by the end of the month, as is. That would help everyone who wants the requirement to go back to 3 out of 5 years.

Instead, because of the amendment, it's going to go back to the House and who knows how long it's going to hang around there. It could be another year before it comes back again.

That's why I'm saying that Senator O, as well intentioned as she may be, isn't doing anyone any favours right now. She should just put a second bill forward and let C-6 go through as is.


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Feb 26, 2012
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Coffee1981 said:
But my point is that they could pass this legislation by the end of the week, as is. It could be law by the end of the month, as is. That would help everyone who wants the requirement to go back to 3 out of 5 years.

Instead, because of the amendment, it's going to go back to the House and who knows how long it's going to hang around there. It could be another year before it comes back again.

That's why I'm saying that Senator O, as well intentioned as she may be, isn't doing anyone any favours right now. She should just put a second bill forward and let C-6 go through as is.
This isn't about passing legislation at any cost. Her amendment is valid and it should be put forward at this point. Think bigger picture.


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Jun 29, 2016
jsm0085 said:
This isn't about passing legislation at any cost. Her amendment is valid and it should be put forward at this point. Think bigger picture.
I'm just saying... nobody better complain when the bill goes back to the HoC and dies a slow death on the order paper when the government decides to prorogue the House of Commons, and we have to start this process all over again during the next session.

It's happened before. Be careful what you wish for.


Star Member
Dec 4, 2013
Dont be selfish man .. This bill isn't just for you alone

Coffee1981 said:
I'm just saying... nobody better complain when the bill goes back to the HoC and dies a slow death on the order paper when the government decides to prorogue the House of Commons, and we have to start this process all over again during the next session.

It's happened before. Be careful what you wish for.


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Aug 12, 2016
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Coffee1981 said:
I'm not so sure why everyone's all happy that Sen O. gave the opposition Senators hell for holding up the bill while at the same time cheering for her to put forward her amendment. You realize that if she dropped the amendment and did a separate bill the law would probably pass this week and you'd be returning to 3/5 years super quick. If her amendment goes through as you're crossing your fingers for, it'll have to go back to the House and spend months there through another set of hearings, etc... There's 0 guarantee that it'll speed through the house like you think it will.

You're one vote shy of it becoming law.

Whose the REAL one holding up progress here?
Coffee1981 said:
But my point is that they could pass this legislation by the end of the week, as is. It could be law by the end of the month, as is. That would help everyone who wants the requirement to go back to 3 out of 5 years.

Instead, because of the amendment, it's going to go back to the House and who knows how long it's going to hang around there. It could be another year before it comes back again.

That's why I'm saying that Senator O, as well intentioned as she may be, isn't doing anyone any favours right now. She should just put a second bill forward and let C-6 go through as is.
Coffee1981 said:
I'm just saying... nobody better complain when the bill goes back to the HoC and dies a slow death on the order paper when the government decides to prorogue the House of Commons, and we have to start this process all over again during the next session.

It's happened before. Be careful what you wish for.
I agree, that's why I tweeted this yesterday:

Marceau ⚽Blétard ⚜ ‏ @MarceauBletard Mar 7
@SenJaffer @UshaPerera If you could convince Senator @ratnaomi of doing a separate Bill instead of an amendment that'd be amazing #C6Delays

And Senator Jaffer responded this:

Sen. Mobina Jaffer‏ Verified account @SenJaffer Mar 7
@MarceauBletard @UshaPerera @ratnaomi do not think so.We have to get this Bill right. @ratnaomi Senator Omidvar is doing a great job #senCA


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Jul 14, 2014
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MarceauBletard said:
I agree, that's why I tweeted this yesterday:

Marceau ⚽Blétard ⚜ ‏ @MarceauBletard Mar 7
@SenJaffer @UshaPerera If you could convince Senator @ratnaomi of doing a separate Bill instead of an amendment that'd be amazing #C6Delays

And Senator Jaffer responded this:

Sen. Mobina Jaffer‏ Verified account @SenJaffer Mar 7
@MarceauBletard @UshaPerera @ratnaomi do not think so.We have to get this Bill right. @ratnaomi Senator Omidvar is doing a great job #senCA
There is some kind of a hidden game here. If they really wanted to make this Bill a Law they would have done it long time ago. It is obvious that this Bill is NOT a real priority for the Liberals.


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MUFC said:
There is some kind of a hidden game here. If they really wanted to make this Bill a Law they would have done it long time ago. It is obvious that this Bill is NOT a real priority for the Liberals.
It will be a big priority right before the next election when they will ram it through and remind voters of it.


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Sept 2013
Today was the first day of third reading.....
Don't get depressed, even if it is amended, it wont delay for months, may be days...
Based on Sen Omidvar speech today, it seems that the bill, when passed, will be implemented much early....


Star Member
Jun 29, 2016
asifmehmood said:
Today was the first day of third reading.....
Don't get depressed, even if it is amended, it wont delay for months, may be days...
Based on Sen Omidvar speech today, it seems that the bill, when passed, will be implemented much early....
She can't promise that. She's a Senator and has no power in the House of Commons or in the government.

She's literally screwing hundreds of thousands of people over who wants 3/5 by holding the bill hostage while she has a hissy fit over something that affects like .00001% of the population.

She could stop being selfish and just letting this pass and putting her own bill up tomorrow.


Champion Member
Jul 26, 2012
keesio said:
It will be a big priority right before the next election when they will ram it through and remind voters of it.
if they do it right before election there's no way to make those people eligible to apply and get citizenship in time to vote for them, it needs to be in effect at least a year before the election


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Jul 14, 2014
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keesio said:
It will be a big priority right before the next election when they will ram it through and remind voters of it.
Frankly I have the impression that the majority of Canadians (the old stock Canadians as described by Harper ;D )actually support the current C24 so it would be very interesting how that new proposed Bill C6 will affect the Liberals when elections come.