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Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:


Hero Member
Jan 30, 2012
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There are still at committee level, if there were at/done with reprt stage; they would have update it on their website. Please check the link below:



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Mar 19, 2014
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shaazdeh said:
Governor Council has to pick a date after Royal Assent and it cannot be effective immediately because they have to prepare to set up their system. They cannot say we already have the system ready because in a democratic system, u are not supposed to know what will pass until it actually passes. But how long after Royal Assent, I don't know but I am confident it won't be less than one month.
Ok this makes sense :-[ At least I can sleep tonight and wait for tomorrow.
I am counting down to my day and cross off my calendar everyday now like a retard ???


Hero Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Civic, if i am not mistaken, you are eligible in 2 weeks? U have my words, u will be fine. Just make sure you have everything ready without a single mistake; so they won't return the application


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Mar 19, 2014
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shaazdeh said:
Civic, if i am not mistaken, you are eligible in 2 weeks? U have my words, u will be fine. Just make sure you have everything ready without a single mistake; so they won't return the application
Its so stressful. Even I can make it on time, it's scary to think it will be returned missing
I will be able to sign and send the application on June 17 (its June 16 to be exact but I add one day to be safe)


Hero Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Whenever you have stress, think of all the other people like me who have less chance of making it :) You are lucky... I would be eligible on 4th of Oct and I do have pre-pr time, so if I wont make it, it would be next 2 years


Hero Member
Jan 30, 2012
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If I were you, Instead of stressing out, I would have try to learn as much as possible from the forums to avoid getting my file return :) Good luck


Champion Member
Feb 6, 2010
I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again -- none of us know what's going to happen. Since it looks like the CIMM committee is not going to really study the bill, and that it is going for the 3rd reading very soon, that means that the bill could be ready for Royal Assent within 4-5 working days, at a minimum. If you're eligible to apply on July 1st, I wouldn't bet on your chances. Royal Assent is a complete black box that none of us know anything about, even the expert who's telling us in ALL CAPS that there is naught to fear.

When you have to lay a bet, bet on Harper and not the anonymous Internet commentator who never learned about lower-case letters.

All these things about how CIC needs a long period of implementation are hogwash. First of all, they can be preparing for it already (doing so has nothing to do with Canada being a democracy or not); second, what's there to prepare? Reprogram the time calculator, pass out a new list of documents that their officers need to check, include bullet points of what to look out for. There won't be too many applicants at first, since most people who are ready to apply are applying now, so they can reorganize on the fly while they work through their backlog.

I agree that it would be nice if the current government delayed implementation. But you know what? The current government is made up of jerks.
If you think the nice NDP is forming the next government, then prepare to be disappointed . . . Neither should you bet on the Liberals repealing this law -- again, it is broadly popular, and where is the political party that wants to stand up and say "I don't want immigrants to swear that they're going to live here, let them do as they please!"? That political party is deeply in the minority . . .

Finally, this IS democracy . . . If the liberals and NDP want to be listened to, they'd better win a majority of seats.


Star Member
May 6, 2014
I have been following all the analysis and posts done here for some time , I believe that discussing this without a strong positive single action on ground is simply watching passively , a protest not a petition , something that will stand up loud in the media , now not later , everyday mb , along with other media enforcements , public figures , just make a v v v loud objection within the given legal space provided , in a civilized manner , is that hard ? Please update me , mb I am mistaken !


Star Member
May 16, 2014
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civic said:
I am counting down to my day and cross off my calendar everyday now like a retard ???
So am I. ;D ;D ;D
But my due date is mid-September.


Champion Member
Feb 6, 2010
May2014 said:
I have been following all the analysis and posts done here for some time , I believe that discussing this without a strong positive single action on ground is simply watching passively , a protest not a petition , something that will stand up loud in the media , now not later , everyday mb , along with other media enforcements , public figures , just make a v v v loud objection within the given legal space provided , in a civilized manner , is that hard ? Please update me , mb I am mistaken !
So you want the rest of us to make a very, very, very loud objection using the media, famous Canadians, a powerful protest, and then tell you about it?


Jun 4, 2014
committee report already presented. i've never seen the government being more efficient on other matters.
seems they are doing everything to get it passed by Jul 1.


Star Member
Jan 28, 2014
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citizenshiper said:
committee report already presented. i've never seen the government being more efficient on other matters.
seems they are doing everything to get it passed by Jul 1.
citizenshiper where did u get this information from ?

love bird 43

Hero Member
Aug 13, 2011
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on-hold said:
So you want the rest of us to make a very, very, very loud objection using the media, famous Canadians, a powerful protest, and then tell you about it?
hi on hold,,,
sorry to say your thinking about this topic is so optimistic.


Jun 4, 2014
the bill status can be found at public website
h t t p : / / w w w . p a r l . g c .c a / LEGISInfo/BillDetails.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&billId=6401990

i thought they would not have enough time but apparently house of commons is putting top priority of letting this bill fly.

not sure about the senate though. any insights, whether the senate would act in the same manner as the house?

dandash said:
citizenshiper where did u get this information from ?