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Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS


Hero Member
Mar 2, 2010
Visa Office......
London, UK
NOC Code......
0631 & 6242
Job Offer........
IELTS Request
7.5 sent with application
kolhapuri said:
So how much time do you think the visa office will give to submit the three items listed above. Take into consideration that most of the people will have to get PCC after they get this letter (AOR) for the 3 month validity of the PCC (which is unreasonable according to me). 30 days, 60 days 120 days?
I think Visa officer will give 60 days time to submit these things.


Hero Member
Mar 2, 2010
Visa Office......
London, UK
NOC Code......
0631 & 6242
Job Offer........
IELTS Request
7.5 sent with application
CanadaJimmy said:
Canada_future: Thats a plausible theory, if true we really will get medical requests before the AOR! However it also raises some questions, such as should CIO be doing all this work? From what I hear they only have 40-50 visa officers. Doing it this way really seems to not be taking advantage the visa offices around the world who can assist CIO in the workload.

I do actually think that making it all centralized would be a much more elegant system, but I don't think CIO really have the staff to pull it off. Would be neat if they did though, it'd be nice just to get your passport back from CIO with the shiny visa inside :)
No, i said when applicants will get AOR they will have to mention these 3 things not before AOR. If CIC does this then it is not actually taking burden of visa officers work rather they are just trying to forward only those cases to them about which they have satisfied themselves and if they require medicals with the first AOR then actually they are again trying to reduce the work of visa officer because in that way they will not have to waste time on the cases whose medicals results are not up to the standard.


Full Member
Sep 23, 2010
South Africa
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
13-08-2010, Credit Card charged 08-09-2010
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Originals sent with full application to CIO
canada_future said:
I think Visa officer will give 60 days time to submit these things.
We got our police clearances end of July and wanted to submit it with our full application (we posted it 10 Aug) - but then they changed their immigration plan on 4 Aug and now we only have to submit it once it's asked for and then it must NOT be older than 3 months either!
We waited 9½ weeks for our police clearances and we are really concerned that it will take this long the 2nd time around as well.
I therefore think we are rather going to re-apply next week just in case we hear from Canada soon. And if we have to do it a 3rd time around, so be it, at least we will be ready and prepared when asked to send it in.
Gosh I think all of us can write a book by now! ;)


Hero Member
Jul 24, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
1 Dec 2010
IELTS Request
taken and filed
Med's Request
29 Apr 2012
Med's Done....
15 May 2012
Cappuccino said:
Just a thought, it is worth our sending an online enquiry to our own visa offices regarding some of our concerns (especially the long delay up to 33 weeks for AOR)? They may be able to give a clearer picture as to the reason for the delay.

I have sent request to clarify only AOR timing part of our bigger letter to the Moscow VO today. I will share any info once received.


Full Member
Sep 23, 2010
South Africa
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
13-08-2010, Credit Card charged 08-09-2010
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Originals sent with full application to CIO
Thank you Coffee, much appreciated!!


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
Coffee said:
I have sent request to clarify only AOR timing part of our bigger letter to the Moscow VO today. I will share any info once received.
Ok cool. Even if the visa offices cannot control what goes on at CIC, they must surely be privvy to the reasons behind the big delays being quoted?



Star Member
Jun 2, 2010
Job Offer........
Hi canada_future

New rules were released by CIO in the month of June with the intention to clear the backlog of applications which had piled up over the years when there was no such cap on the accepted applications.

Having said this I strongly feel CIO is giving priority to the applications already in the queue, so it looks like the new applications(post June, 10) will have to wait until the queue clears.

But lets be positive and hopeful!

Good Luck to Everybody!!!

canada_future said:
Reason for why they are delaying sending the AOR to post 26/6 applicants

Well according to me, the reason for delaying AORs to post 26/6 applicants is not CIC inefficiency but rather they are taking time to make sure that the application is complete and the applicant is eligible for further processing. They have said that the reason for requiring most of the visa office documents is that they want to cut off the previous 120 days time period for submission of documents to the visa office. Therefore, now they will be scrutinizing the applications more deeply than they used to do before. It will take them some time and what i assume is when they will send first AOR it will require 3 things to submit to the visa office.
1) PCC
2) Medicals
3) Any other document (depends on case to case basis).

Therefore, this is probably the reason for delaying sending the AORs. Because they cut the 120 days times and required the IELTS with initial documents because they want to reduce the time taken by applicants for submitting these documents. In addition, many applicants used to send their applications without IELTS and thought they will score full marks and will get the required 67 points but unfortunately the actual scores turned out to be much lower and they couldn't make it. Furthermore, many applicants were not able to submit documents in 120 days and visa officer had to reject their case, due to this visa office time and resources were wasted. So, i think there is a good news coming soon just be positive and optimistic as you all know these processes take time.

Note : This is just my assumption.


jeanne said:
We got our police clearances end of July and wanted to submit it with our full application (we posted it 10 Aug) - but then they changed their immigration plan on 4 Aug and now we only have to submit it once it's asked for and then it must NOT be older than 3 months either!
We waited 9½ weeks for our police clearances and we are really concerned that it will take this long the 2nd time around as well.
I therefore think we are rather going to re-apply next week just in case we hear from Canada soon. And if we have to do it a 3rd time around, so be it, at least we will be ready and prepared when asked to send it in.
Gosh I think all of us can write a book by now! ;)
Hi Jeanne:
I'm doing the same, re-applying end of this month... what a pain :(


Hero Member
Mar 22, 2010
Job Offer........
If below would have been the reason no one could have stop CIC to stop receiving any new application post 26 June, effected from 26 June 2010. They would have just stoped receiving the new application post 26 June and would have clearded the 5 years backlog. Then started receiving new application from June 2011.

Some thing is going one which is out of their control, may be some new software getting implimented at CIC. People may be not trained how to go about it, just holding everything

Just a thought here

nitinkalra99 said:
Hi canada_future

New rules were released by CIO in the month of June with the intention to clear the backlog of applications which had piled up over the years when there was no such cap on the accepted applications.

Having said this I strongly feel CIO is giving priority to the applications already in the queue, so it looks like the new applications(post June, 10) will have to wait until the queue clears.

But lets be positive and hopeful!

Good Luck to Everybody!!!


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
nitinkalra99 said:
Hi canada_future

New rules were released by CIO in the month of June with the intention to clear the backlog of applications which had piled up over the years when there was no such cap on the accepted applications.

Having said this I strongly feel CIO is giving priority to the applications already in the queue, so it looks like the new applications(post June, 10) will have to wait until the queue clears.

But lets be positive and hopeful!

Good Luck to Everybody!!!

The reason why I think this would be completely idiotic is because they brought out an in-demand list representing the skills that Canada needs NOW, today (well, on June 26th 2010). If they process a massive chunk of the backlog first, and we don't get applications to visa office until summer 2011, then visas won't be issued until summer 2012.

That's TWO YEARS after they compiled the in-demand list before anyone on FSW1 can actually move to Canada to get a job using their visa. By which time the in-demand list will not be in-demand any more.

Whereas I don't rule out this, I don't think CIO are that stupid that they would do it like this. Really they'd be better off, if this was the case, not having an in-demand list at all and simply processing the first 20,000 applications with 67 points, once they'd cleared a chunk of backlog.

My 2 cents,


wenstumped said:
Hi Kolhapuri,

Thanks for your response. I honestly hadn't thought of the number of applications for 1122. I'm amazed that they made such a uniform cap system with just 1000 per occupation given that the cap for 1122 was filled so quickly while they're still trying to get the 'crane operator' egg hatched.

Does anyone think that as we near June and the other occupations still remain half filled, some of the 1122 applications who didn't make the cap may be put through?
Hi wenstumped:
I don't think so, because the 1000 per occupation cap is there to ensure they don't get too many people from any one occupation. They are seeking a balance. For example, a few years ago when they asked for college professors, they got thousands of applications. Now they have way too many professors and not enough jobs.


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2010
Visa Office......
Buffalo >> Transferred to NYC
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
28-10-2010 CC Charged.........: 03-11-2010
Doc's Request.
submitted with application; new PCC resubmitted with MR
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
submitted with application
File Transfer...
received by Buffalo VO >> transfer to NYC
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Many of you are intelligent, detail oriented fellows yet you seem to miss rather obvious picture:

Way too many people applied for Canada in past 12-15 years , well above what CIC could (or Canadians as whole were willing to) handle.

What is a CAP? It's essentially limiting the number of applicants (that will, no matter what CIC does or what we guess, inevitably result in limited number of tasks, thus decreased time in processing and ability to eliminate backlog).

What do we see happening now? Essential decrease in numbers of intake apps in NS, barely over 3000 accepted so far (vs hundred/s of thousands by that time in years past).

CIC is doing what it's mandated to do.

Yes you are all frustrated, but blame the contries you come from that created cirucmstances that unleashed a flood of way too many migrants wanting to escape for one or another reason, and Canada simply won't accomodate all of us, and rightfully so.

What seems high in CIC priority list now? Decrease backlog, limit/CAP the number of new apps. They are effectively doing it right now, as we post here.

Sending AOR is not on priority list (why should it be?).

The demand vs supply is disproportionately in favor of demand (since supply is overflowing) so under most rational scenario the demanding party has nothing to lose by chosing and picking whatever method of processing apps they chose , they can even take your apps and not issue you AOR in 10 years. What will you do? Withdraw your app? So much better to help reduce the backlogs ;D

This is what inevitably must happen if supply far exceeds demand.

The only way to reverse the trend would be for ALL applicants in backlog , pre and post June 26, mass mail CIC NS and their respective VO's with request to withdraw and leave ZERO apps to process on CIC hands.
Nothing short of doing so (which is, of course you alkl understand, is imposibility) nothing will put you, an applicant, in a position to demand anything from a party that has way too many replacements for you.

I wish you all good luck with letter you send to CIC, i really hope Canadian officials will answer and they may since they seem to have unusual , under circumstances, custom of actually caring to read and respond to inquiries in writing.

My intention is not to bring you down (after all i am one of applicants too) , but be realistic and see whole picture. You should still strive and hope for the best, but expect the 'worst' (we will have to patiently wait until whatever time we get AOR), given the fact of oversupply of applicants vs demand.


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
canada0801 said:
Many of you are intelligent, detail oriented fellows yet you seem to miss rather obvious picture:

Way too many people applied for Canada in past 12-15 years , well above what CIC could (or Canadians as whole were willing to) handle.

What is a CAP? It's essentially limiting the number of applicants (that will, no matter what CIC does or what we guess, inevitably result in limited number of tasks, thus decreased time in processing and ability to eliminate backlog).

What do we see happening now? Essential decrease in numbers of intake apps in NS, barely over 3000 accepted so far (vs hundred/s of thousands by that time in years past).

CIC is doing what it's mandated to do.

Yes you are all frustrated, but blame the contries you come from that created cirucmstances that unleashed a flood of way too many migrants wanting to escape for one or another reason, and Canada simply won't accomodate all of us, and rightfully so.

What seems high in CIC priority list now? Decrease backlog, limit/CAP the number of new apps. They are effectively doing it right now, as we post here.

Sending AOR is not on priority list (why should it be?).

The demand vs supply is disproportionately in favor of demand (since supply is overflowing) so under most rational scenario the demanding party has nothing to lose by chosing and picking whatever method of processing apps they chose , they can even take your apps and not issue you AOR in 10 years. What will you do? Withdraw your app? So much better to help reduce the backlogs ;D

This is what inevitably must happen if supply far exceeds demand.

The only way to reverse the trend would be for ALL applicants in backlog , pre and post June 26, mass mail CIC NS and their respective VO's with request to withdraw and leave ZERO apps to process on CIC hands.
Nothing short of doing so (which is, of course you alkl understand, is imposibility) nothing will put you, an applicant, in a position to demand anything from a party that has way too many replacements for you.

I wish you all good luck with letter you send to CIC, i really hope Canadian officials will answer and they may since they seem to have unusual , under circumstances, custom of actually caring to read and respond to inquiries in writing.

My intention is not to bring you down (after all i am one of applicants too) , but be realistic and see whole picture. You should still strive and hope for the best, but expect the 'worst' (we will have to patiently wait until whatever time we get AOR), given the fact of oversupply of applicants vs demand.
And, with respect, I think you are missing several obvious points.

#1 - Which I have already outlined several times, why bother with an "in-demand" occupation list if they are going to give priority to the backlog and therefore by the time our visas are issue our occupations are no longer in demand? The previous 38 list lasted just over 2 years. If we aren't issued AORs until April/May/June 2011 then we won't get visas until Summer 2012, by which time we'll need a new "in-demand" list to accurately reflect Canada's immigration needs

#2 - Nobody is questioning why CIC are implementing a cap. Most of us probably agree it's a good and sensible thing. What most of us dislike is the utter lack of courtesy and communication shown by CIC to the post-June-26 applicants.

Nobody is asking CIC to magic AORs to us. We are simply asking for them to improve their communication and let us know what is going on. If there is to be a 33 week delay, then at least let us know WHY. Although they haven't officially even announced the delay, they have simply left a total and utter void instead of the information they should be giving everybody.

It would take someone, at most, 30 minutes to draft a paragraph or so about what's going on with post June 26 applications and post it on their web site.

So far they have had just under 4000 complete applications. I reckon most people spent at least 40 hours putting those applications together (some people considerably more) and probably an average of $1000 on the application fee.

That's 160,000 man-hours and CAD $4,000,000 that post-June-26 FSW1 applicants have given to CIC. Is it really too much to ask for 30 minutes of 1 person's time in return to give us some courtesy and stop keeping us in the dark?

/Rant over.


Hero Member
Sep 1, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
27/06/2011 RPRF Sent...:27/06/2011 RPRF Cashed...: 29/06/2011
Passport Req..
14/07/2011 Passport submitted...: 10/08/2011
canada0801 said:
My intention is not to bring you down (after all i am one of applicants too) , but be realistic and see whole picture. You should still strive and hope for the best, but expect the 'worst' (we will have to patiently wait until whatever time we get AOR), given the fact of oversupply of applicants vs demand.
Correct, "Hope for the BEST, Prepare for the WORST" as Tomorrow is ever unpredictable for everybody! I simply trust that CIC will create the best option to trim the waiting times for Post June applicants within their capableness, but CIC would have a certain reason to hold the AOR here and now as we dont know exactly the other side of the coin.Cool it ,New Year is around the corner and X'mas presents from CIC to you all might be on the way :) Who know!