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Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS


Hero Member
Jul 24, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
1 Dec 2010
IELTS Request
taken and filed
Med's Request
29 Apr 2012
Med's Done....
15 May 2012
Cappuccino said:
I am just disgusted that they can sit there and pretty much refuse to tell us anything.

They know they've told people that they've completed eligiblity reviews at least into September - how long do they expect people will wait to hear if they have passed their review? For many people this represents the likeliest place their application will fail, and in a sense is the most important stage to hear about.

Any other corporation on the planet would never get away with taking $700 from you and documents which took you 2 months to gather, and then tell you nothing at all for month after month after month.

All they need to do is post something on their website to let the post June 26 applicants know what is going on. They seriously don't have 5 minutes to do that? They'd probably save hundreds of man hours in queries.

I understand your frustration, I am very much in these shoes, just like anyone of us...

our next letter would probably be very much specific addressing our core concerns in detail. this silence in the mutually beneficial process of inviting skilled immigrants to contribute to country's economy is abnormal and unacceptable. 5 minutes to type COUPLE sentences on the website - COMMUNICATION is what we miss now


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
Cam: I do think the PCC issue is worth sorting out. It is especially important for those applicants who got their docs in during the period PCCs had to be included with initial documents. Totally ridiculous to provide updated information from a country you have not revisited since last PCC was requested. Makes as much sense as getting PCCs from a country you've never been to!
I also feel for people who have BDs that are nearing the 6 month mark and they have not been encashed due to no fault of their own. What is to happen when CIO tries to cash them at 7 months and they bounce??!! Grumble, grumble.....


Hero Member
Sep 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Received 02-09-2010
Doc's Request.
Sent with App.
AOR Received.
21-12-2010 [img]http://i1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc386/hazooma/Maple.gif[/img]
IELTS Request
Sent with App.
any body can convince me how hard it is to issuue AOR for less than 4000 eligible applications recieved over more than 4 months while they were able before to issue much more AORs for pre June applicants?????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Hero Member
Mar 2, 2010
Visa Office......
London, UK
NOC Code......
0631 & 6242
Job Offer........
IELTS Request
7.5 sent with application
Reason for why they are delaying sending the AOR to post 26/6 applicants

Well according to me, the reason for delaying AORs to post 26/6 applicants is not CIC inefficiency but rather they are taking time to make sure that the application is complete and the applicant is eligible for further processing. They have said that the reason for requiring most of the visa office documents is that they want to cut off the previous 120 days time period for submission of documents to the visa office. Therefore, now they will be scrutinizing the applications more deeply than they used to do before. It will take them some time and what i assume is when they will send first AOR it will require 3 things to submit to the visa office.
1) PCC
2) Medicals
3) Any other document (depends on case to case basis).

Therefore, this is probably the reason for delaying sending the AORs. Because they cut the 120 days times and required the IELTS with initial documents because they want to reduce the time taken by applicants for submitting these documents. In addition, many applicants used to send their applications without IELTS and thought they will score full marks and will get the required 67 points but unfortunately the actual scores turned out to be much lower and they couldn't make it. Furthermore, many applicants were not able to submit documents in 120 days and visa officer had to reject their case, due to this visa office time and resources were wasted. So, i think there is a good news coming soon just be positive and optimistic as you all know these processes take time.

Note : This is just my assumption.


Hero Member
Oct 2, 2010
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
AOR Received.
13 Dec 16
canada_future said:
Reason for why they are delaying sending the AOR to post 26/6 applicants

Well according to me, the reason for delaying AORs to post 26/6 applicants is not CIC inefficiency but rather they are taking time to make sure that the application is complete and the applicant is eligible for further processing. They have said that the reason for requiring most of the visa office documents is that they want to cut off the previous 120 days time period for submission of documents to the visa office. Therefore, now they will be scrutinizing the applications more deeply than they used to do before. It will take them some time and what i assume is when they will send first AOR it will require 3 things to submit to the visa office.
1) PCC
2) Medicals
3) Any other document (depends on case to case basis).
Note : This is just my assumption.
So how much time do you think the visa office will give to submit the three items listed above. Take into consideration that most of the people will have to get PCC after they get this letter (AOR) for the 3 month validity of the PCC (which is unreasonable according to me). 30 days, 60 days 120 days?


Hero Member
Nov 4, 2010
Job Offer........
Canada_future: Thats a plausible theory, if true we really will get medical requests before the AOR! However it also raises some questions, such as should CIO be doing all this work? From what I hear they only have 40-50 visa officers. Doing it this way really seems to not be taking advantage the visa offices around the world who can assist CIO in the workload.

I do actually think that making it all centralized would be a much more elegant system, but I don't think CIO really have the staff to pull it off. Would be neat if they did though, it'd be nice just to get your passport back from CIO with the shiny visa inside :)

Canada 1

Star Member
Oct 22, 2010
Visa Office......
Buffalo/Los Angeles
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
What's the rush guys...just enjoy the ride and hope for the best...most of us will be there by end of 2011...when it's freaking cold in Canada.

Enjoy the sun and beer....Life will be hard and we will be on our toes most of the time while working in Canada if our application is selected...

We did our best to complete the application on time.

so again now it's high time to just sit back and relax...


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
Ahhhh, Canada 1, how chilled thou art! Wow.
For those of you who DON'T believe Canada 1's weather forecast (and good advice), the following link might be of interest. It was -9 Celcius and they had SNOW in Calgary last night. Brrrrrrrrrrrr! http://www.theweathernetwork.com/


Star Member
Oct 29, 2010
canada_future said:
Reason for why they are delaying sending the AOR to post 26/6 applicants

Well according to me, the reason for delaying AORs to post 26/6 applicants is not CIC inefficiency but rather they are taking time to make sure that the application is complete and the applicant is eligible for further processing. They have said that the reason for requiring most of the visa office documents is that they want to cut off the previous 120 days time period for submission of documents to the visa office. Therefore, now they will be scrutinizing the applications more deeply than they used to do before. It will take them some time and what i assume is when they will send first AOR it will require 3 things to submit to the visa office.
1) PCC
2) Medicals
3) Any other document (depends on case to case basis).

Therefore, this is probably the reason for delaying sending the AORs. Because they cut the 120 days times and required the IELTS with initial documents because they want to reduce the time taken by applicants for submitting these documents. In addition, many applicants used to send their applications without IELTS and thought they will score full marks and will get the required 67 points but unfortunately the actual scores turned out to be much lower and they couldn't make it. Furthermore, many applicants were not able to submit documents in 120 days and visa officer had to reject their case, due to this visa office time and resources were wasted. So, i think there is a good news coming soon just be positive and optimistic as you all know these processes take time.

Note : This is just my assumption.
In US, it takes 2-5 months to get PCC...so 120 days rule doesn't apply here


Hero Member
Nov 9, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
BD has been cashed out(Nov.10,2010)
In Process(February 23,2011),Centralized Intake Office Sydney (CIO-S) Eligibility Review Complete (February 26,2011)
AOR Received.
PER received February 23,2011,2nd AOR(Per) March 17,2011
IELTS Request
submitted with the rest of the documents
File Transfer...
March 24,2011
Med's Request
July 13,2011
Med's Done....
July 28,2011.Payment for processing and RPRF for my wife done in SEPT.16,2011
i hope not
Passport Req..
Jan 11,2011
April 30,2012..Successfully completed and became a permanent resident holder.
Canada 1 said:
What's the rush guys...just enjoy the ride and hope for the best...most of us will be there by end of 2011...when it's freaking cold in Canada.

Enjoy the sun and beer....Life will be hard and we will be on our toes most of the time while working in Canada if our application is selected...

We did our best to complete the application on time.

so again now it's high time to just sit back and relax...

Two thumbs up! I could not argue more.. :p :p :p


Star Member
Oct 29, 2010
Cappuccino said:
I am just disgusted that they can sit there and pretty much refuse to tell us anything.

They know they've told people that they've completed eligiblity reviews at least into September - how long do they expect people will wait to hear if they have passed their review? For many people this represents the likeliest place their application will fail, and in a sense is the most important stage to hear about.

Any other corporation on the planet would never get away with taking $700 from you and documents which took you 2 months to gather, and then tell you nothing at all for month after month after month.

All they need to do is post something on their website to let the post June 26 applicants know what is going on. They seriously don't have 5 minutes to do that? They'd probably save hundreds of man hours in queries.

I have been saying this all along....there are just 3500 applications CIC has received till now, out of these, 2500 may have passed the eligibility test and if we divide this by number of Visa offices in the whole world, it will be less than 300 per visa office which is nothing compared to past, so all the eligible applicants could have been processed concurrently. IMO, it is a sinister plan to reduce number of immigrants and focus will be on reducing the back log. Anybody knows whats happening to the backlog number these days...any movement there....


Pippin said:
Cam: I do think the PCC issue is worth sorting out. It is especially important for those applicants who got their docs in during the period PCCs had to be included with initial documents. Totally ridiculous to provide updated information from a country you have not revisited since last PCC was requested. Makes as much sense as getting PCCs from a country you've never been to!
I also feel for people who have BDs that are nearing the 6 month mark and they have not been encashed due to no fault of their own. What is to happen when CIO tries to cash them at 7 months and they bounce??!! Grumble, grumble.....
Hi Pippin:

Yes, I believe the PCC issue, if not addressed, will cause delays for some applicants. It is unfortunate. The system in place is new, I am sure with better communication between applicants and CIC, that the little glitches will be taken care of eventually. Speaking of all our impatience with the immigration process, a little perspective may be in order...

Any one of us could have been born anywhere, from the slums of Haiti or Sudan, to the UK or USA. The point is, where we are born and the life that awaits us is out of our control. Similarly, whether our parents are rich or poor, is also out of our control... It is a lottery really, some of us are born into various luxuries, and many others have to fight all their lives to obtain those same things.

Those of us who were born into injustice and poverty, but who later struggled and obtained a good education, seek to make our world a better place. Through this quest we realize there are other places on earth where life is much better, where there is respect for the individual's rights, where there is freedom, and a much better future for our children. Therefore millions of people line up to get in those few countries that offer these values, but those nations can only let a limited number to get in. For if the world was without borders, the very societies that have been created in these countries would be threatened.

There is no such a thing as a perfect immigration system or process, nothing is perfect. Canada is dealing with literally millions of people knocking on their doors, begging to get in, to share their prosperity... and they are being kind enough to accommodate as many of us as possible. It is an enormous task... and we are lucky they are letting people in to begin with. The doors have been closing to immigrants in many other Western Countries... and yes, I realize Canada needs immigrants too, but the millions that are standing in line to get in tell me, we need Canada much more than they need us...

I am as frustrated as anyone else, and remind myself daily to be patient, but I truly think they are doing the best they can under the circumstances... we have not mail-ordered something and it is late... this is real life, where millions of people have lined up looking to enter one of those few places left, that in their view is the closest thing to a utopia that currently exists.

Sorry about the rant,


Hero Member
Jul 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
01-09-2010 and received 08-09-2010; PER received 08-03-2011
AOR Received.
March 31, 2011
IELTS Request
Feb 25, 2011
File Transfer...
RBVO-April1, 2011
Med's Request
Med's Done....
May 31, 2011
Passport Req..
Hopefully in 2011
CanadaJimmy said:
April would be obscene. I mean... zero communication for 6 months? How are people supposed to know anything about whats happening. They should at least send out something saying the app is being processed, even if it's not strictly speaking an AOR.

The whole thing is already pretty offensive, especially since we were told the IELTS would speed things up.
Or just inform us that they received our package and tell us directly to wait for 33 weeks for them to evaluate, that way they will be able to shut us all and make us actually wait for 33 weeks.


Hero Member
Jul 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
01-09-2010 and received 08-09-2010; PER received 08-03-2011
AOR Received.
March 31, 2011
IELTS Request
Feb 25, 2011
File Transfer...
RBVO-April1, 2011
Med's Request
Med's Done....
May 31, 2011
Passport Req..
Hopefully in 2011
engy said:
dear friends
happy feast for all
CIC updated number of complete applications
Applications received toward the overall cap: 3,789 of 20,000 as of November 16, 2010

Applications received per eligible occupation:
Eligible Occupation
(by National Occupational Classification [NOC] code) Number of Complete Applications Received*
0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers 168
0811 Primary Production Managers (except Agriculture) 34
1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management 1,000
(Cap reached)**
1233 Insurance Adjusters and Claims Examiners 53
2121 Biologists and Related Scientists 205
2151 Architects 206
3111 Specialist Physicians 164
3112 General Practitioners and Family Physicians 203
3113 Dentists 247
3131 Pharmacists 326
3142 Physiotherapists 72
3152 Registered Nurses 580
3215 Medical Radiation Technologists 15
3222 Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists 6
3233 Licensed Practical Nurses 22
4151 Psychologists 43
4152 Social Workers 119
6241 Chefs 21
6242 Cooks 54
7215 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades 30
7216 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades 74
7241 Electricians (except Industrial and Power System) 36
7242 Industrial Electricians 45
7251 Plumbers 12
7265 Welders and Related Machine Operators 11
7312 Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics 17
7371 Crane Operators 0
7372 Drillers and Blasters – Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction 3
8222 Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service 23

*The number of complete Federal Skilled Worker applications received as of November 16, is approximate
So, what they have in their hands are just less than 4000 applications, given their experinece for the past two years, this number should not be a problem today, they should have done eligibility upto second week of october 2010.