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Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS


Hero Member
Sep 3, 2010
London, ON
Job Offer........
Cam1234 said:
Hallelujah, Amen, Allahu Akbar in whichever order you like...

Look, the explanation is written for us in black and white; why are we choosing to create imaginary lines in between and speculate? Here is the link again:


Total complete applications received since June 26, 2010... Applications received toward the overall cap: 2,226 of 20,000 as of October 19, 2010

The statement above could not be clearer, as of October 19 there were 2,226 applications that passed the completeness check and now count towards the cap. By studying the immigration guides, the procedure is spelled out further. When the applications arrive they are checked for completeness, if all the forms are correctly filled out and the application can be considered as complete, then the money is cashed and the application will count towards the cap. Now, the next part is equally important:

Between June 26, 2010, and June 30, 2011, a maximum of 20,000 complete Federal Skilled Worker applications will be considered for processing. Within the 20,000 cap, a maximum of 1,000 Federal Skilled Worker applications per eligible occupation will be considered for processing within this same time frame.

It is written in black and white for us; they are only considering 20,000 complete applications (those that are considered complete and have been successfully cashed) toward the cap. What they are saying here is that once they have 20,000 complete applications they will stop accepting applications (the 1000 NOC caps are also respected)... and whatever number of applications within these fail, they will simply be returned. They are not saying they will give 20,000 PR visas, only that they will accept 20,000 complete applications. No other applicant will replace those applications that fail. After this stage they will go through the eligibility phase explained below... BTW, "considered for processing" means, will go to the eligibility phase and then given to VO.

The next phase, CIO eligibility procedure, is quite simple . They see what NOC code you have applied under and whether your documentation sufficiently meets the requirements for that job. If it does, you pass eligibility.

The thing to remember is that just because you pass eligibility, it does not mean you are home free; far from it. Once the application is given to the visa office, they will assess the remaining criteria, 67 points, IELTS results, reference letters, bank documentation, background checks, etc...until the medical records are submitted. At every stage of this process above one can fail and the application could be returned.

That is my 2cents and I hope I have not offended anyone. :)
Well said man. God bless you!


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
asaif said:
Well said man. God bless you!

Well it really cannot be "black and white" when the forum is so divided as to what this means. At least 3 or 4 regular posters on this thread completely disagree with the above.

My personal view is that if CIC are chosing to add applications into the cap which have only passed a completeness check, then they stand to have possibly thousands of applications with insufficient work experience, insufficent language skills, insufficient points etc - taking up a "place" in the cap limit and preventing genuinely eligible applicants from applying.

It is pure lunacy IMO.

And if the 2226 figure represents all the applications which have passed completeness check (and we see that completeness check/encashment now takes only a few days) then we are saying that in almost 4 months of the 2010-2011 year CIC RECEIVED only 2200 application (maybe 10% were incomplete so around 2500 total). In May and June ALONE they received around 50,000.

The numbers just don't stack up and it defies all logic.

Anyway, I of course respect everyone else's opinion, but my opinion is still very strongly leaning towards the 2226 number representing the number of complete applications which have passed their eligibility review.

Come on let's think logically here people? :)



carl128 said:
I totaly agree with you. but the questions are:

1) Are they gonna send us 1st AOR just like from the previous set up or are they gonna send the "eligibles" directly to their corresponding Visa Offices and their the ones to send us notifcations to send our Originals?

2) Since we are in a fast track application and the system have been changed compared before when applicants send applications and "some" documents only compared to us when we submitted everything (Photocpies)including original IELTS in accordance with their respective Visa office requirements; Are we going to be requested to submit the Original documents just like the procedure before or the photocopies that we submitted were enough for their verification purposes (That saves them time and money in sending back the original documents once their done with the review). and just send us MR outright.
Hi Carl:
I think we will get one AOR after the eligibility. Some lucky applicants should see the first ones next week I hope... Regarding your second point, I think the photocopies are fine, that is what they asked for in the first place.

Travel Dream

Hero Member
Sep 20, 2010
please I want to know if any application have been received N.Gracie
because i haven't been encashed yet i am worried about the delivery status to CIO ( delivered to wrong address)
so any one know this name please tell me to make me feel better


migchery said:
Photos are required when you submit your application to the CIO in Sydney.
Follow these steps: Step Action
Take the Photo Specifications sheet (found in Appendix B of this guide) to a photographer.
Ask the photographer to provide you with the number of photos required in Appendix A of the Visa Office specific instructions for yourself and each family member.
On the back of one photo of each person, write the name of the person in the photo and his or her height and eye colour.
Enclose the photos of each person in an envelope and seal the envelope.
Write your name and date of birth on the outside of the envelope.
Staple the envelope to your application form. Be careful not to staple or bend the photos.

THIS IS FROM E37155(Beijin visa office Specific Instructions)
Supply six (6) photos for each member of your family and yourself. Follow the instructions provided in section How to Complete the Forms of the application guide and in Appendix B: Photo Specifications.
On the back of each photograph, write the name and of birth of the person who appears in the photo as well as the date the photo was taken.
Oh my god, I sent four pictures, the other guide, I don't remember the number, said four... :(


Hero Member
Sep 3, 2010
London, ON
Job Offer........
Cappuccino said:

Well it really cannot be "black and white" when the forum is so divided as to what this means. At least 3 or 4 regular posters on this thread completely disagree with the above.

My personal view is that if CIC are chosing to add applications into the cap which have only passed a completeness check, then they stand to have possibly thousands of applications with insufficient work experience, insufficent language skills, insufficient points etc - taking up a "place" in the cap limit and preventing genuinely eligible applicants from applying.

It is pure lunacy IMO.

And if the 2226 figure represents all the applications which have passed completeness check (and we see that completeness check/encashment now takes only a few days) then we are saying that in almost 4 months of the 2010-2011 year CIC RECEIVED only 2200 application (maybe 10% were incomplete so around 2500 total). In May and June ALONE they received around 50,000.

The numbers just don't stack up and it defies all logic.

Anyway, I of course respect everyone else's opinion, but my opinion is still very strongly leaning towards the 2226 number representing the number of complete applications which have passed their eligibility review.

Come on let's think logically here people? :)

Wayne, I'm surprised that you quoted my comment and not the original post.
And frankly, I don't see any logic in continuing this Byzantine argument. Whatever the true meaning of the given info is, it, most probably, won't affect us. And even if it does, we have nothing to do about it.


Sep 16, 2010
Hi! I am really worried cause my application was received on the 1st of september.Its going to be almost 2 months in a week since it was received.But my BD is yet to be encashed and I haven`t got my application back.Please advice me on whatever you guys think about this.Those who got there applications returned please let me know how long it took?


Hero Member
Jul 24, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
1 Dec 2010
IELTS Request
taken and filed
Med's Request
29 Apr 2012
Med's Done....
15 May 2012
Cappuccino said:

Well it really cannot be "black and white" when the forum is so divided as to what this means. At least 3 or 4 regular posters on this thread completely disagree with the above.

My personal view is that if CIC are chosing to add applications into the cap which have only passed a completeness check, then they stand to have possibly thousands of applications with insufficient work experience, insufficent language skills, insufficient points etc - taking up a "place" in the cap limit and preventing genuinely eligible applicants from applying.

It is pure lunacy IMO.

And if the 2226 figure represents all the applications which have passed completeness check (and we see that completeness check/encashment now takes only a few days) then we are saying that in almost 4 months of the 2010-2011 year CIC RECEIVED only 2200 application (maybe 10% were incomplete so around 2500 total). In May and June ALONE they received around 50,000.

The numbers just don't stack up and it defies all logic.

Anyway, I of course respect everyone else's opinion, but my opinion is still very strongly leaning towards the 2226 number representing the number of complete applications which have passed their eligibility review.

Come on let's think logically here people? :)

Wayne, logic is different to logic ;D but I am on the '2226 eligible' part. I derive this view from post of our friend (I don't remember his name), whose and two cousins' packages were returned with sequential numbers in the corner all marked. and numbers in that month in the corner were around 600 in NOC 1122 only.

Although May and June numbers cannot necessarily be extrapolated to post-26 June applications due to initial slow-down with docs collection, still number of applications found 'complete' by CIO appears to be too small. during months of Sep and Oct CIO must have been flooded with applications from people rushing to jump in the cap, and this could be compared to May and June.

there are forumers who called (Canady) and told by staff at CIO eligibility review of applications to end of August was in process. this all gave me reason to think that on 19 October 2010 CIO realized number of applications counted towards end of August and found worth sending into processing was only 2226. further count towards Sep and Oct will increase number of 'complete and worth further processing' (in my view 'eligible') if this concept is valid.



Hero Member
Jul 24, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
1 Dec 2010
IELTS Request
taken and filed
Med's Request
29 Apr 2012
Med's Done....
15 May 2012
asaif said:
Wayne, I'm surprised that you quoted my comment and not the original post.
And frankly, I don't see any logic in continuing this Byzantine argument. Whatever the true meaning of the given info is, it, most probably, won't affect us. And even if it does, we have nothing to do about it.
if only CIO added more clarity on their website, we would have no room for speculations on this topic ;D


VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
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App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
asaif said:
Wayne, I'm surprised that you quoted my comment and not the original post.
And frankly, I don't see any logic in continuing this Byzantine argument. Whatever the true meaning of the given info is, it, most probably, won't affect us. And even if it does, we have nothing to do about it.
My apologies, I couldn't actually find the original quote offhand and just wanted to show which line of conversation I was replying to.

As Coffee rightly says, if CIC were more clear we would not even be discussing this point. But the reason we discuss it is to raise awareness of the ambiguity and maybe someone will find something and link it which will help clarify things. I don't find the argument byzantine at all, I find it necessary until we can get some definitive answers on this, because to my mind in "clarifying" these numbers on their website all CIC really seem to have done is to introduce further confusion to an already confusing process.

The original post was saying how this is completely "black and white", but in my opinion and many others' opinion it is anything but black and white. A rainbow of ambiguity, in fact.



Hero Member
Sep 28, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
6th Jan 2011
File Transfer...
25th feb 2011
Med's Request
March 8, 2011
Passport Req..
Travel Dream said:
0016139444000 then dial 1..2..1..2..1
Thx a lot


Cappuccino said:
My personal view is that if CIC are chosing to add applications into the cap which have only passed a completeness check, then they stand to have possibly thousands of applications with insufficient work experience, insufficent language skills, insufficient points etc - taking up a "place" in the cap limit and preventing genuinely eligible applicants from applying.

Hi Wayne, I wrote the original post. This conversation is getting old, and this will be my last post on the subject. The news release on that web page says what it says, if you want to add things to it that are not written there and make other assumptions, it is your prerogative.

Under your "logic" though, an application can never count towards the cap until the final stage of medical records have passed and the applicants passport is given a PR visa; because until that very end any application can be denied for a variety of reasons.

I respect your view, don't agree with it, and am dropping the subject.

Thank you,

Canadian Love

Sep 26, 2010
We do we constantly over analyze the situation. I told you all weeks ago that the number of applications received by CIO was small. I spoke to am agent and the numbers posted aree the total applications received that have passed the completeness check. These all count towards the 20000 cap. I think we all need to relax. No body knows what the process is like post june. I know there are individual here who feel that they are "senior" but i am asking that you do not bring across your opinions as if they are facts.



VIP Member
Jun 23, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app - 8.5 band score
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
27-Aug-2011[br][br]ECAS[br]Recd By VO.....: 11-Feb-2011[br]In Process.......: 15-Mar-2011[br]Decision Made.: 25-Jun-2011
Cam1234 said:
Hi Wayne, I wrote the original post. This conversation is getting old, and this will be my last post on the subject. The news release on that web page says what it says, if you want to add things to it that are not written there and make other assumptions, it is your prerogative.

Under your "logic" though, an application can never count towards the cap until the final stage of medical records have passed and the applicants passport is given a PR visa; because until that very end any application can be denied for a variety of reasons.

I respect your view, don't agree with it, and am dropping the subject.

Thank you,
Yes clearly the line must be drawn somewhere. It would be unfair for an applicant to go all the way to medical records, pay for those, and then be "dropped" right at the end due to cap limits.

But equally IMO it is unfair for blatently ineligible applications where the applicants just happened to have filled something in all the boxes on the forms to take up places in the cap limits, when all the information to decide its eligibility is there for CIC to see. Clearly at visa office stage there are background checks to make and medicals to request etc, so this is a different matter further along the line.

If you choose not to continue taking part in this conversation that's of course your perogative, I am just really struggling to believe that CIC would count applications only just received as being part of the cap.

Perhaps I am being naive and have false confidence that CIC will do the sensible/logical thing? :)


Travel Dream

Hero Member
Sep 20, 2010
Travel Dream said:
please I want to know if any application have been received N.Gracie
because i haven't been encashed yet i am worried about the delivery status to CIO ( delivered to wrong address)
so any one know this name please tell me to make me feel better
please I want to know if any application have been received N.Gracie
because i haven't been encashed yet i am worried about the delivery status to CIO ( delivered to wrong address)
so IF any one know this name please tell me to make me feel better