Hi, I think we need to differentiate first the true budget and show money from CIC perspective. Your true budget for expenses is just for your internal purposes. CIC will not look after you and monitor your daily expenses once they've approved your visa. The Show Money portion - is the required amount that you have to present together with your application. Basically the amount required by them for your allowances is CAD10,000 per year plus your tuition fee (ranging from CAD15,000 - 20000 depends on your school but college is definitely cheaper than Univ). If you are in a 2 yr course, I think they just require 1 yr tuition but if you can have it full that's an advantage on your application. If you have spouse coming with you, the 1 yr daily allowance is CAD4,000 and for child - CAD3,000.
On the other hand, if you have sponsors to take good care of your basic needs, you need to secure a statutory declaration saying they are willing to sponsor you during your stay plus proof of financials which covers the same amount mentioned above. I think it will be suspicious if they show less of the amount required and might create possible doubts from CIC so just be sure they have the enough funds as required.
School hours - based on my inquiry with those who are already there, it depends on your subjects but you will probably spend 20-25 hrs per week. Some of our colleagues wasn't able to look for a job because of their unfriendly schedule of subjects
