Good Sunday Morning everyone! We are finally back from our travel adventures so my first order of business is to get together with our Latino friends!! SO, who's up for another fiesta Latina for immigration groups friends??? We are willing to host a get together at our humble home in Cayley, Alberta, just south of High River, which is just south of Okotoks, which is just south of Calgary lol. It's about a 30 minute drive from the south limit of Calgary so plan accordingly, i.e. pack a lunch

.Our target date is Saturday June 4th (before everyone gets busy with summer activities) at 4:00pm until Midnight. We would like to do de traje pot luck again but as the host house we will do a carne asada. Plan to bring your best latin pot luck dish again as well as any beverages you may wish to enjoy for the occasion. It'd be great to improve on the number of attendees over our first awesome get together. Whether you live in Calgary, Fort Mac, Edmonchuk, Lethbridge, Cranbrook, Medicine Hat or out in the boonies, you are welcome! We will likely need some of you to bring a couple chairs as our house is not near as big as Kevin Aughey 's was. I have posted this on Mexi-can spouses as well. Please reply here so we can gauge how many will be attending. Looking forward to seeing all of you again!! Nadia and Marc