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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (H1B Holders) CIC Process


Nov 17, 2008
Thanks for ur help. I hve 1 more question, my dad has investment in saving schemes, can I show that if my dad give an affidavit or funds has to be in the applicants name. Is there any possibilty that my dad could show that he will bear my expanses.

cchabert said:
These funds could be in the form of:

* cash
* securities in bearer form (for example, stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills) or
* negotiable instruments in bearer form (for example, bankers' drafts, cheques, travellers' cheques or money orders).


No houses or land.

Hope this help


Hero Member
Sep 2, 2008
For those ones that already applied for CIC few weeks or months ago,

Did you receive any confirmation that your papers were ok? Did you receive at least a confirmations that they received your papers?
If you did, how long did it take for you to receive any confirmation?

The doc they sent with nomination says that it can take up to 3 months (for you to receive an ok, or to receive all your documents back if it is missing something), but their website says one month.

I am asking that because if you received any acknowledge in one month I should be fine, but I don't know if I will have my job 3 months from now, and I will probably need to move back to my country....
I am afraid that the docs/confirmation get lost or something....



Hero Member
Jun 19, 2008
Job Offer........
The average that I've seen in trackitt.com is around 2 months...

BTW it's been 15 days since I sent my documents and I haven't heard anything from CIC... :)

akk said:
For those ones that already applied for CIC few weeks or months ago,

Did you receive any confirmation that your papers were ok? Did you receive at least a confirmations that they received your papers?
If you did, how long did it take for you to receive any confirmation?

The doc they sent with nomination says that it can take up to 3 months (for you to receive an ok, or to receive all your documents back if it is missing something), but their website says one month.

I am asking that because if you received any acknowledge in one month I should be fine, but I don't know if I will have my job 3 months from now, and I will probably need to move back to my country....
I am afraid that the docs/confirmation get lost or something....



Full Member
Oct 29, 2008
Proof of Fund
Can  your  balance in IRA , TRADITIONAL ROTH or SIMPLE be provoded as proof of Fund?

This is what is there in the CIC website:

Provide proof of unencumbered and readily transferable funds in a convertible currency available for settlement in Canada (for you and your family members):
• current bank certification letter; or
• evidence of savings balance; or
• fixed or time deposit statements



Star Member
Aug 15, 2008
Hi stylguy,

Thanks for your reply.

Today i went to Indian Consulate in NY directly and applied in person for PCC application with Photocopies of Passport. They verified the Original Passport and returned immediately. And told me to come with original passport, once they get clearance.

And also i applied Birth Certificate in Indian consulate and they provided an certificate on evening itself. Its quicker than i expected.

Now waiting for PCC from home country and FBI in US.


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2008
Job Offer........
FYI... I provided as a proof of funds my current 401K statement...

mythdot said:
Proof of Fund
Can your balance in IRA , TRADITIONAL ROTH or SIMPLE be provoded as proof of Fund?

This is what is there in the CIC website:

Provide proof of unencumbered and readily transferable funds in a convertible currency available for settlement in Canada (for you and your family members):
• current bank certification letter; or
• evidence of savings balance; or
• fixed or time deposit statements



mythdot said:
Proof of Fund
Can your balance in IRA , TRADITIONAL ROTH or SIMPLE be provoded as proof of Fund?

This is what is there in the CIC website:

Provide proof of unencumbered and readily transferable funds in a convertible currency available for settlement in Canada (for you and your family members):
• current bank certification letter; or
• evidence of savings balance; or
• fixed or time deposit statements

Another one: Can you show the wife savings account?, she's not the principal applicant


Star Member
Jan 21, 2009
ingegarcia said:
It depends on the visa office where you file your case... below is the link for the different visa office instructions

I hope this helps

alberta1978 said:
stlguy said:

I received my nomination today.

My file number is 37x and my NOC is 2171

Here is my timeline :

APINP Invitation Pkg Received - Nov 10, 2008
Sent APINP Application - Nov 17, 2008
Tracked online (Delivered) - Nov 18, 2008
Received File Number - Nov 25, 2008
Date of the nomination letter - Jan 13 2009
Arrive at home - Jan 26 2009

Thanks for all the help! This is a great forum.
Congrats stlguy. For the benefits of others who are still waiting for the nomination, can you please tell us what all documents and other proofs are needed for CIC process so that we can start preparing.
If possible can you please provide some links or a list of documents that would be needed to be send alongwith the CIC documents; and what can we start preparing now...
Thanks a lot !!!.


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2008
Job Offer........
Well I would say that if it is your wife then her money is also yours.... unless you signed a prenup... :))

cchabert said:
mythdot said:
Proof of Fund
Can your balance in IRA , TRADITIONAL ROTH or SIMPLE be provoded as proof of Fund?

This is what is there in the CIC website:

Provide proof of unencumbered and readily transferable funds in a convertible currency available for settlement in Canada (for you and your family members):
• current bank certification letter; or
• evidence of savings balance; or
• fixed or time deposit statements

Another one: Can you show the wife savings account?, she's not the principal applicant


Star Member
Aug 15, 2008
Those who want to know the FBI clearance timeline :

Sent Finger Print forms on Jan 23rd.

Received the FBI Card and stamped backside saying that No Arrest Record on today Feb 4th.

So it tooks just one week........ It is very quicker then i expected.



Hero Member
Jul 25, 2008
Yes a bank account in your wife's name even if she is not the principle applicant is acceptable.
401k too is very acceptable it falls under what is called FIXED OR TIME DEPOSIT STATEMENT.


Thank you Rasco.. I'm assuming that also a CD is a good proof of funds right?


Star Member
Jan 31, 2009
I would be somewhat careful with 401K because it is taxable when you withdraw the funds. If your 401K statement shows you have a certain amount, say $11,000, when you decide to with draw the funds some of it may be subject to taxation and some may be subject to a 10% penalty for early withdrawal. Therefore, the amount that shows in your 401K statement may not entirely be unencumbered and transferable. Therefore, I suggest that you use your 401K as a proof of fund only if you have an amount that is reasonably higher than your minimum fund requirement to account for taxation and penalty.

I am not an expert, and this is just my opinion.

Good luck



Hero Member
Jun 19, 2008
Job Offer........
That is correct you need to check what is the vested balance of your 401k, most of the companies set 5 years to have access to 100% of your balance. But even if you are 100% vested or you have access to 100% of your money... you are still subject to what "V" described in the previous comments... It is actually 10% penalty for early withdrawal minus 20% for taxes, so it would come down to around 30%.. Additionally if you want to withdraw 100% of that money you need to resign/get fired/layoff.....

So if you have 10 dollars in your account you might end up with 6-7 dollars or even less if you are not 100% vested.....
As V said if you are going to present your 401k as a proof of funds you should call/contact your mutual funds company to find out how much you are eligible for at the moment of your resignation.

I hope this helps....

BTW I am not an expert either...

V said:
I would be somewhat careful with 401K because it is taxable when you withdraw the funds. If your 401K statement shows you have a certain amount, say $11,000, when you decide to with draw the funds some of it may be subject to taxation and some may be subject to a 10% penalty for early withdrawal. Therefore, the amount that shows in your 401K statement may not entirely be unencumbered and transferable. Therefore, I suggest that you use your 401K as a proof of fund only if you have an amount that is reasonably higher than your minimum fund requirement to account for taxation and penalty.

I am not an expert, and this is just my opinion.

Good luck