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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (H1B Holders) CIC Process


Star Member
Jul 31, 2008
Hi Inge, Olu & Nat

Question for you.

My FSW file already in process since last 6 month, do I have to resubmit all the documents again ? Till now I was thinking we do not need to file again, but today I received mail from my attorney that I have to resubmit all the papers. Is it true ?

If yes, do we have to resubmit fee and notarize every document again ?

Please let me know. I will appreciate your help.

Another news, which might be helpful for other guys too, I did my FBI electronically last week and within 7 days I received my FBI clearnace certificate ? That was too fast, isn't it ? I advice everyone to do it electronically. Generally local college or University will have that facility.


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2008
Job Offer........
Hi toledoresident

FBI electronically? how do you do that? if you can post the info you might save time to other and to me if I have to do it again :))

I think you are going to need to do the forms, payment again.. or I believe you can upgrade your current CIC process with the AINP so it take less time...
If you do not want to continue your current CIC you can also withdraw your case and file a new one(AINP)...

In Any case you might want to drop them an email... I have done that and they are very responsive... it take a couple of days but the information is coming from them...

Good luck!

toledoresident said:
Hi Inge, Olu & Nat

Question for you.

My FSW file already in process since last 6 month, do I have to resubmit all the documents again ? Till now I was thinking we do not need to file again, but today I received mail from my attorney that I have to resubmit all the papers. Is it true ?

If yes, do we have to resubmit fee and notarize every document again ?

Please let me know. I will appreciate your help.

Another news, which might be helpful for other guys too, I did my FBI electronically last week and within 7 days I received my FBI clearnace certificate ? That was too fast, isn't it ? I advice everyone to do it electronically. Generally local college or University will have that facility.


Star Member
Jul 31, 2008
Thanks Inge,

I know you are also having ongoing FSW ? What will you do ? Are you going to reapply or will continue the existing one ?

I also sent a note to my attorney to ask CIC about that, will get info within couple of days.

Regarding electronic fingerprinting, I am attaching a link of the company in Ohio who does that,


The same facility was available in nearby community college so I did it from the college, but above link will help you to understand the process. Let me know if you have any questions or need more information.


Hero Member
Jul 9, 2008
In my case (FSW),

I had not gotten my AOR
My NOC was not listed in 38 occupation list.

So I withdrew my FSW. I feel if you fall into any of these above you can withdraw as it will save you the CIC fee atleast for sometime. Else, you can write to CIC and they will convert your FSW to CIC and it will fast-track your processing.

And thanks so much for Electronic FBI info.



Hero Member
Jun 19, 2008
Job Offer........
Hi toledoresident
Nop I did not file FSW ... so this is my only shot :)).. BTW thanks for the URL!!!!

toledoresident said:
Thanks Inge,

I know you are also having ongoing FSW ? What will you do ? Are you going to reapply or will continue the existing one ?

I also sent a note to my attorney to ask CIC about that, will get info within couple of days.

Regarding electronic fingerprinting, I am attaching a link of the company in Ohio who does that,


The same facility was available in nearby community college so I did it from the college, but above link will help you to understand the process. Let me know if you have any questions or need more information.


I have FSW and AOR and I'm in the 38 list, and I receive an email from my lawyer, that suggest withdraw my case, and still waiting for a more detail explanation about that.



Hey guys how about meeting on Friday 26 or Saturday 27 in the evening?, I live at Wadegreen exit from 75N, we can meet in a middle point, any good bar with chicken wings? Shot me and email: cchabert hotmail


Star Member
Jul 31, 2008
Thanks Inge Nat & CC for your answers.

Question to CC : Whenever you figure out how to deal with existing FSW and AOR please let me know. I am also in same boat, attorney himsel is little confused and he asked for some guidelines from CIC, but since last one week I haven't heard anything from him, what he did is basically sent me a checklist in which he listed all the documents required for FSW and told me to get it collected till he gets reply from CIC. As soon as I hear anything from him I will let you know and I request you to share the info if you receive any message from your attorney.



Hello everybody,
I have just sent the forms to Gingie for Pre Assesment and was told it would take around 4-5 weeks. Looking forward for all your support.



Oct 1, 2008
Hi All -

First, thanks to everyone here esp. Olu, Inge, DnA...U lead the command! :)

I received my nomination this Friday...with the date of Dec 3. U all have been a great help in diff phases of this process. God Bless! let's move to the step of CIC now.

DnA - I am in the same boat like you. I applied for FSW but didn't receive AOR. Pl guide me how to withdraw that application as I have no record for that. Even I wish to change that to PNP for fast processing, I am not sure how to do that as without AOR, I am not sure how CIC will trace it. hoping to hear from you soon. Thanks. Happy Holidays!

dnataraj said:
In my case (FSW),

I had not gotten my AOR
My NOC was not listed in 38 occupation list.

So I withdrew my FSW. I feel if you fall into any of these above you can withdraw as it will save you the CIC fee atleast for sometime. Else, you can write to CIC and they will convert your FSW to CIC and it will fast-track your processing.

And thanks so much for Electronic FBI info.



Hero Member
Jul 25, 2008

Congrats men thats good news what were your timelines? and what are the last 3 digits of your employee file number ?


Hero Member
Nov 29, 2008
Congrats Veergara ...great news... all the best ..
Can you please let us know your timelines and last 3 digits of file no.


Hero Member
Jul 9, 2008
veerjara said:
Hi All -

First, thanks to everyone here esp. Olu, Inge, DnA...U lead the command! :)

I received my nomination this Friday...with the date of Dec 3. U all have been a great help in diff phases of this process. God Bless! let's move to the step of CIC now.

DnA - I am in the same boat like you. I applied for FSW but didn't receive AOR. Pl guide me how to withdraw that application as I have no record for that. Even I wish to change that to PNP for fast processing, I am not sure how to do that as without AOR, I am not sure how CIC will trace it. hoping to hear from you soon. Thanks. Happy Holidays!
Congratulations on your PNP nomination.

If you have not got your AOR you have the choice of withdrawing your FSW or updating CIC about your PNP nomination.

I suggest the following. You submit your CIC forms and state in a covering letter about your FSW application. Better still call CIC and see where you stand w.r.t your FSW. If you fall in one of the 38 categories then ask them to convert your FSW with PNP. Else write to them to withdraw your application stating your first and last name and date of birth (these two are the data points they trace your application). First call them and find out where you stand. Then only decide. After you call post their reply here. Then forum members and I can suggest something. I know its tricky.

Good luck!!


Hero Member
Aug 23, 2008
rascojenkins said:

Congrats men thats good news what were your timelines? and what are the last 3 digits of your employee file number ?

Could you post the timelines and file number please.