Thank you caninfoseeker! 
For the sequence of forms/ documents, the very first document should be the ITA letter, second should be the Explanation letter, then the Checklist, and then further the arrange the forms and documents as per sequence in the checklist.
In the explaination letter i will suggest the following:
PO Box 8020, STN T CSC
Ottawa, ON
K1G 3H6
Dear IRCC Officer,
I want to declare that due to the urgency and short time period available to put my parents name in the EOI form, I might have entered the wrong family size in the online EOI form.
My actual family size is X, this family size includes, my father, mother, myself, my spouse……….. This is the family size I am including it in the application package.
Please note that, we meet the income requirements for sponsoring my parents.
(Use this line if some one is co-sponsoring)
Please note that, I meet the income requirements for sponsoring my parents.
(Use this line if there is no co-sponsor)
Date of Birth