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  1. C

    Will I be denied or application delayed?

    have you paid the fees? if so then why dont you just apply to extend your visitor status (make sure to send in the app BEFORE your status expires) then youll have more time as you will be on implied status while they determine if they are going to extend your visitor record. as for the rest...
  2. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    I got the same response earlier this week :) Hoping its a good sign :) (Though I must remember to fax Buffalo the receipt showing I paid the fees...Mississauga has it so I need to make sure Buffalo does :) ) We can do this just gotta find things to take your mind of the crazieness that is...
  3. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    sigh! so I sent an email to buffalo to get an update and got this response: "Your application is in process. We are unable to provide a date when the processing of your application will be complete." so on the one side this is the second time they've told me its in process so hopefully they...
  4. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    Congratz! glad to see a december PPR Finally!
  5. C

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I think the stop complaining part was a bit much. While I agree its good to have patience when dealing with immigration its also not easy. What good is having a place to talk to others in the same situation if you cant vent alittle? its hard to speak with others not going through this process...
  6. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    Hey Amaranth! my partner in timelines :P Welcome back :) come on immigration make some December people have a very happy friday :)
  7. C

    advise any cheapest way for illegal immigration

    Horde are not the good guys! there are a few that aren't bad (Thrall for example) but Alli are totally the good guys! (the horde attacked SW killing Wrynn's father and making him hate orcs, can't blaim him ;) the blood elves have been cast out, the forsaken keep trying to take land that's not...
  8. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    emiled buffalo last night and asked them for an updated status report and confirmation that they received the fbi check, medicals and receipt showing we paid the fees. Hopefully this earns more then a copy paste response of 'your file is in process' really getting frustrated with people...
  9. C

    advise any cheapest way for illegal immigration

    Sorry but If you cannot get into Canada Legally then find somewhere else to go.
  10. C

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    yes Ecas is useless if you want up to date information regarding your account. It's not reliable in terms of some people will get updates and others will not. Some people dont get any updates and go straight from application received to decision made (and get the decision made after they receive...
  11. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    come on guys think positive we can do this together :) take comfort in the fact that we're all in this together and you're not alone. I hope and pray that we all hear something soon :) God know's we've waited long enough.
  12. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    I pray the december group hears something this week :) I dont care who or where just someone from our group hearing something would make this process easier.
  13. C

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I think they're just closed to the public, and walk ins. I think they are there working on files.
  14. C

    question about exporting a car from the US

    lol i wanted to count saturday :P oh well....just means ill have to move around some of my vacation days when the time comes....and rent a truck and trailer (the car has expired plates on it) so we're going to tow it to and from the border :) now....just have to figure out if U Haul will let us...
  15. C

    question about exporting a car from the US

    crap...3 buisness days? i thought it was just 72 hours :(
  16. C

    question about exporting a car from the US

    ugh! trying to research this sucks! all the sites are about people buying a car and bringing it to the border :( might have to call the border and ask :(
  17. C

    question about exporting a car from the US

    Hi! I am trying to plan for when my hubby gets his PPR (soon I hope!) and and trying to plan fininacially as well. My hubby is visiting me in Canada while we wait and he has his car with him. Now I know you have to send in the paperwork to the American Border 72 hours in advance and we plan on...
  18. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    I agree, though I realize some cases will take longer then others there is no reason us december people are all stuck. hopefully we will hear something soon :)
  19. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    I dont even look at their thread its depressing i might look at jan or nov but thats it
  20. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    Im gonna cross my fingers and toes one or more of us december peoples hear something. Its getting harder and harder to be happy for people who applied after us when we aren't seeing any movement. I will try to stay positive though :)