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  1. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    Nothing to report here either, Thinking I'll make the hubby email them if we dont hear anything by friday. Then again hopefully this means they're working on files :)
  2. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    Congratz Quakingaspen!!!
  3. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    I think the F file numbers are the ones that are in the new system (thats my guess anyway) hopefully now that all the AORs are out for our buffalo group we can start getting some IAs (might get my hubby to email buffalo and find out whats goin on). If I do and I hear anything I'll pass it on :)
  4. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    Congratz Sparkle!!!
  5. C

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I dont see why you couldn't rent a car, I've rented a car and driven it across the border no problem and other family members have done it before as well. (As long as the rental agency has no policy against you driving the car across the border). When my husband gets his pasport request we plan...
  6. C

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    so if buffalo received our application on Jan 26th (according to our AOR) we should hear something soon then? *crosses fingers* oh and Hi other Buffalo people!!!!! (I've been mainly posting in the December thread :) )
  7. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    hmmm...Buffalo seems to have slowed down again.....I think we need a bigger stick to poke them with, the other one hasn't had much luck. *goes off to find a bigger stick* I hope you hear something from them soon Sparkle!
  8. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    hopefully they will speedy things up. *crosses fingers for IA this week*
  9. C

    Blizz-Con Anyone?

    Hubby and I would love to go! (met playing WoW as well!!!) but sadly dont have the money this year...maybe one year we'll be able to go :) would love to meet up with some of our guild there as well...oh wells :) now if only 4.1 would come out! I want my panther pet!!!!!
  10. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    I have a question, if the file is transferred what happens if you need an interview? is it still held in buffalo? (just courious)
  11. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    Congrats Maja!!!! Good Luck Sparkle! I hope your poking is successful :)
  12. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    that sucks, Hope you hear something soon Sparkle! Still no IA or in process here, resisting the urge to poke my computer with a stick and see if its still working....or mabe poke Buffalo with a stick.
  13. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    its been so quiet lately....hopefully it means they are working on files :)
  14. C

    Paying Right of Perminant Residence fee

    well I want to pay it now before they ask for it :) (still waiting on IA) I have heard that waiting to pay it can slow down the process so I want to get it paid asap :) Hopefully your app wont take two years :) Cool Thanks! I will pay online and fax in the receipt asap! (Hopefully I haven't...
  15. C

    Paying Right of Perminant Residence fee

    I didn't know you could go into their offices, I'm not to far away from Mississuaga I could go pick one up (Thanks for the offer ^_^)....Or I guess I could just bite the bullet and pay online...might be faster. I assume I would get a receipt if I pay online? where would I mail that to Buffalo?
  16. C

    Paying Right of Perminant Residence fee

    Ok so I waited to pay the Right of Perminant Residence fee and now my application is in buffalo. I would like to pay this asap as to hopefully prevent delays in processing. I cant pay it online (I try not to use credit cards and stuff and the only one I use regularly is one you load up with...
  17. C


    You could file without it or wait, because they are talking about the 2010 tax year...then again i`m not too sure on that. I would suggest you call the Canada Revenue Agency Hotline (they are open until about 9pm EST I believe) and they should be able to clarify that for you :)
  18. C


    If you are married you should file as Married not Single (I'm dealing with all this stuff now) Got some bad advise in 2010 and filed as single when I was married and now H&R block and Canada Revenue Agency said I should have filed as Married. Luckily for me my husband made $0 for 2009 but if he...
  19. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    Congrats guys!!! soo happy for you! hopefully some more AORs and IAs come through soon *crosses fingers*
  20. C

    Thread for December 2010 Applicants

    Cool, Thanks!......Congrats MandP!