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  1. C


    Thank You iKhalid
  2. C

    URGENT - landing queries

    +1 to iamroth. 1. I believe if you are staying within airport in Dubai/Frankfurt you dont need a transit visa as long as you are holding a valid visa to Canada. You dont have to travel to US. 2. You can stay in Canada as long as you want after landing, you are a PR. But keep in mind that when...
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    PR Card Address and ECAS Address Question

    Hi, Is there a connection between the address we give for mailing PR cards when we land and the Mailing address which is there is ECAS? I had given my home address for PR Card mailing and the address in ECAS has a typo. I have updated the address in ECAS but wondering whether these 2 are...
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    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Hi, I landed on Apr 02. I dont see COMPLETE in ECAS. Is that normal ? I landed in Queenston-Lewiston Bridge.
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    Finally LANDED today :) at Queenston-Lewiston. It was very easy. The CBSA officer didnt even ask for my Driver's license. Just asked me the address where PR card needs to be sent. I just had a list of "Goods to follow", he signed it then stamped. Thats it, everything was over in 15mins. Cant...
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    Mailing Instruction

    I sent mine in Xpresspost to courier address with sigature request. The return Xpresspost envelop had a CIC address on FROM part (NOT a PO Box address). Total time taken 5days including weekends.
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    Flagpole with US visa ?

    Thank You Vinny, I'm planning to LAND this week :)
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    Does any body got success after providing additional documents on VO request

    What kind of additional document are you referring to? It depends on the document and content. Please give more details.
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    Flagpole with US visa ?

    Hi Vinny, Can you please share your landing experience? Did you do flag pole ? Just curious.
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    Landing from Ottawa - Prescott?

    I wonder why, but thanks.
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    QQ: There are lots of threads that indicate we can do Flagpole and land. But so far I havent read anything about the "Adiministrative Refusal". What happens to that ? Does CBSA keep it ? OR will it be given back to us ? Seniors who have landed, can you please tell? Thank You
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    Landing from Ottawa - Prescott?

    Hi sistemc, First of all Congrats. I read that officer asked whether it was your car. Did you rent or was it your own ? I'm sure we can rent and cross the border but not sure why that question poped. Thanks
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    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    Congrats Khalid :) ... Good Luck
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    Yes, give it time. Get the 2nd notes and then apply for 3rd.
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    RPRF receipt email address

    Use 2nd one, RPRF should be sent to CPPO-Cost-Recovery@cic.gc.ca. Go with CIC, I did the same.
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    I would say apply for Electronic because that's what I did. But how did you do your 2nd request ? was it physical or electronic ?
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    Hi CEC_May 13, please don't panic. I know how it feels after waiting for such a long time and not seeing anything in GCMS. There are few sections which you need to see. 1. On the first page what is the GCMS Requested date ? Requested Date will be on the first few lines on top of the page. If...
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    June 2013 Applications

    We might meet :) I'm also planning to land next week.