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  1. c2h5oh


    What? and I was pissed when I paid $250 in Toronto last year
  2. c2h5oh

    security check after MR and RPRP , Join here

    Thanks :-) Just to clarify: I'm not saying that if you're from middle east you automatically will have a very long and detailed security check. But if you are from / lived in a country that: - is known for a hostile attitude towards Canada - is subject to a military operation aided by Canada...
  3. c2h5oh

    Status confusion (CEC)

    Yes, you lose implied status when you leave Canada.
  4. c2h5oh

    security check after MR and RPRP , Join here

    For me medical / last documents to application approved was over 10 months. I'm from a "boring" security-wise EU country, no 2nd review. A co-worker who is from a less "boring" middle-eastern country waited for 2.5 years for security check to complete, despite the fact he lived in Canada for 5...
  5. c2h5oh

    Do we need IELTS for CEC

    Weeks you've worked 30 hours or more count as 1 week Weeks you worked less than 30 hours count as number of hours / 30 of a week (so 15 hours / week counts as 1/2 of a week of experience for CEC) You need 1 full year of work, 30 hours/week or more. More hours don't shorten 1 year requirement...
  6. c2h5oh

    Specialist NOC A or B?

    The regulations: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2002-227/page-19.html#h-51 What you care about is: There is NO mention of job title. Job title is a label applied pretty much freely chosen by the employer. They could give the lady that vacuums floors in their office "chief...
  7. c2h5oh

    July - 2014 Applications

    If you are from visa exempt country and you've paid RPRF upfront you might not be contacted by CIC at all. The last communication I've had from them was in February 2015 - MR and yesterday I found COPR in mailbox (not a surprise - I've noticed status changed to Decision Made on Monday). ZERO...
  8. c2h5oh

    Work done after completion of studies and before PGWP for CEC

    This is all the the existing regulations have to say about this: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2002-227/page-19.html#h-51 My understanding (not a lawyer) is that experience on ANY valid work permit qualifies, not only before you got PGWP, but even before you've applied for...
  9. c2h5oh

    Do we need IELTS for CEC

    More info: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/language-testing.asp http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/language.asp
  10. c2h5oh

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    It wasn't a legitimate request - got 2nd email explaining it was an error like everybody else. I'm from a visa exempt country - that means no PPR and no ready for visa email. The last communication I got from CIC was when they requested medicals almost a year ago - since then I only got the...
  11. c2h5oh

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Thanks. And yes, I did - I resent the payment confirmation when I got it.
  12. c2h5oh

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Got COPR today :-)
  13. c2h5oh

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Status of my application has changed to decision made sometime between Friday (the last time I've checked) and today. So, assuming decision was made on Saturday: - it's exactly 20 months since they've received my application - it's 18.5 months since AOR - it's exactly 11 months since I've done...
  14. c2h5oh

    renew medicals

    I finally got through to them and: * all medicals expire after 12 months - regardless if they are upfront or not * if your medicals expire before the decision is made you may be asked to do them again - this is purely at the discretion of the agent reviewing the file * if you have left Canada...
  15. c2h5oh

    renew medicals

    I tried 3 times and every single time I got "due to high volume of calls we cannot transfer you to an agent.." I'll keep trying.
  16. c2h5oh

    Qualifying Skilled Work Experience . No LMIA from work

    Find one that does. If the employer is not willing to spend $1000 to keep a skilled employee when it costs x10 more (or x50) to find a replacement then the best course of action is to start looking for a new job.
  17. c2h5oh

    OHIP Under CEC

    You will need: 1. photo id. Passport, ontario photo id or drivers licence will do 2. employment letter clearly stating you are employed full time (having 40h/week instead of full time might not work) and since when 3. proof of ontario address - utility bill or lease is preferred, bank...
  18. c2h5oh

    Leaving the country shortly after landed?

    It is possible at Pearson at least (and I'm not sure if it's 24/7 or for example just weekdays).
  19. c2h5oh

    June 2014 - CEC applications

    Another RPRF request here. I've paid mine upfront 4 months ago. I didn't.