Mulher, que surpresa te ver por aqui. :P Vou te dar um oi no Facebook depois.
You'd have to legally change your name through the province, nothing to do with CIC now. And then change all the documents.
If you're a full-time student during the academic year (e.g. September-April for post-secondary), then that time doesn't count toward the residency requirement. You'd have to stay out of school for the year or be a part-time student.
For financial aid I believe you have to have resided in the province for 12 months continously prior to applying; that's what I was required to, but perhaps it'd be different since you weren't raised here? Otherwise I'd just believe you have to live here for 12 months before becoming eligible...
Both passport and PR Card have the person's pictures in it, so yes. When I sent in my application, I sent in photocopy of passport, PR Card, and health card (the old one did not have a picture, the new one does). All good.
Just wait and see. Calling CIC frequently (I read your other posts) only adds up to your anxiety; the officer already gave you as much information as they have: test will be scheduled at some point, you gotta wait, there's nothing you can do right now other than waiting. They may take a while...
On October 28th the current PM will still be Harper. Trudeau will take office later on. Some questions may be outdated in the test because of the ongoing/recent changes; I had one that was very much outdated but I answered according to what is in Discover Canada and got it right.
There's no dress code for the test as far as I know. Everybody was very casual when I went in for my test.
For mine, not at all.
I took with me what was required in the list, but they only checked COPR, PRC, passports, and language proof.
Nah, no thank yous or hugs, it's $5 per perceptually helpful comments. Alternatively, I can be paid in chocolates, or books. Also, my birthday is coming up soon. ;)
Honestly, I guess it's up to you. I would remove it (but save somewhere safe and return at the next border crossing whenever...
I frequently forgot to return my I-94, the last one was from an entry in June 1st, 2014 and returned it when I entered the US again on June 21st, 2015. Prior to that I had the same thing occurring in other years. It was never an issue to me, not for re-entering the US, and much less in my...
Read the instruction guide, you need to provide a letter explaining the gap:
"3. Biographical page of passport(s)/travel document(s)
The biographical page means the page that has your name, photo, passport/travel document number, issue date and expiration date.
Provide photocopies of the...
There's no SIN card mailed to you anymore, this was abolished over a year and a half ago. You go to Service Canada, they give you a letter on the spot stating that that's your SIN and some of your information, and that's it.
For an application made in Canada:
* Child application form (PPTC 155)
* Proof of your child’s Canadian citizenship (long-form birth certificate or citizenship certificate) (original document only).
* Two identical passport photos (the name and address of the photographer and the date the...
I agree with everybody else and it's something I did myself: write a letter explaining the gap. It is, since June 11th, 2015, even requested in the instruction guide:
"3. Biographical page of passport(s)/travel document(s)
The biographical page means the page that has your name, photo...
Yes. He asked a few questions about how often I travel to the US (including day trips) and how often I travel to my country of birth. That's it. He also apologized for asking about day trips - which I thought was kinda funny - after I informed him that I had listed all my day trips in the...