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  1. QuebecOkie

    US citizen wife and moving back to Canada

    I would definitely gather whatever paperwork you have that shows the cars were purchased in Canada and previously registered there, as well as the paperwork from your mother for the transfer of ownership. Other than that, I really don't have any advice. Are you able to call the border crossing...
  2. QuebecOkie

    US citizen wife and moving back to Canada

    This was July 2012. He was just so nice! I didn't dare try my luck again after...I felt I'd use up all of my luck on getting him for my agent during the move. :-D
  3. QuebecOkie

    US citizen wife and moving back to Canada

    As others have said, you can file outland right now, with you still in the US. You'll have to show proof of your plan to return to Canada, which will be easy with your job offer (detail your plan to return, where you'll work - include proof of job offer, where you'll live - include a lease or...
  4. QuebecOkie

    Common-Law Sponsorhip refused

    Status restoration is only available for a set period of time (I think I've read 90 days, but I am not at ALL sure of that). And CIC isn't in the business of caring. They won't care why you overstayed, unfortunately.
  5. QuebecOkie

    Petitioning CIC to improve inland processing time and grant Open Work Permit

    And anything that divides those of us who DO care deeply about immigration issues is absolutely dead in the water. We've already seen in this thread that talking about only inland applications instantly raises the ire of those who cannot be with their spouses during the process.
  6. QuebecOkie

    Petitioning CIC to improve inland processing time and grant Open Work Permit

    I think the wait times are pretty disheartening for inland and (many) outland applicants. I would like to see those times improved, but being married to a military man (big government bureaucracy) and having worked most of my adult life for a large state university in the States (another big...
  7. QuebecOkie

    Sponsoring a Common Law partner

    There's no requirement that he be separated from his past partner for a set period of time. If they have lived together for at least 12 consecutive months (and they can PROVE it, they need to be able to show things like both names on the lease/mortgage, and other ties such as joint bank...
  8. QuebecOkie

    Getting married to a Canadian- How to get sponsored?

    Also, I wanted to add, I know this is confusing with the wide ranges on timelines. Unfortunately, you're going to have to get used to a lot of uncertainty. CIC timelines range pretty wildly, with two nearly identical applications, submitted around the same time, often having a difference of...
  9. QuebecOkie

    Getting married to a Canadian- How to get sponsored?

    If you file inland, you must be in Canada with him. It is recommended that you do not leave Canada during the entire process, which should take 1-2 years. (One year is pretty optimistic.) If you leave Canada and for some reason are refused reentry, your application is considered abandoned...
  10. QuebecOkie

    Please please help! Inland or Outland confusion

    To choose Beijing as the VO processing her application, you have to choose outland (outside of Canada). It is absolutely fine if she is here in Canada with you while you file outland. She will need to keep her status current to stay here (an extension to a visitor visa can be requested from...
  11. QuebecOkie

    Please I would appreciate some help with common law

    While the OP may have ignored some advice earlier and contributed greatly to his own problems, I can't help but be (ONCE AGAIN) very frustrated with the way CIC handles common law status. For those who wish to sponsor a common-law partner, there's a heavy burden of evidence (joint leases, bank...
  12. QuebecOkie

    inland spouse sponsor mississagua

    Yes, inland and outland apps now go to Mississaugua. You won't receive anything until CIC gets around to sending you an AOR letter (acknowledgement of receipt). Mine took about three months, but times vary greatly, and I've no idea of the current timeline. You might want to read some in the...
  13. QuebecOkie

    please help

    I did mine after we submitted my application, and stated that I wished to stay with my husband in Québec for the duration of the PR application process. I requested and received a one-year extension. NOTE: you will have to show how your partner will be supported during the time his visitor...
  14. QuebecOkie

    please help

  15. QuebecOkie

    please help

    I've read that paying the RPRF up front, with the other fees, is more important for outland applicants, that they are more likely to experience delays than inland applicants who choose to pay it later. I can't tell you how true that is, though. I was an inland applicant, and I paid my RPRF on...
  16. QuebecOkie

    please help

    The police certificate must be included in your application packet. It has to be received by CIC within three months of the date it was issued, so keep that in mind when deciding when to request that from the UK. I don't know anything about UK police certificates, so I can't tell you anything...
  17. QuebecOkie

    a few questions need your help!!!

    If you plan to live in Québec, it's easier in the long run to apply from within Québec than to apply from within another province and move to Québec later. As it's perfectly legal for a PR to move about freely within Canada, I'm sure you can get by here (Québec) without a CSQ (their unique step...
  18. QuebecOkie

    what ıf ı tell them ı dont want to move to Canada wıthout my hubby?

    (Scylla beat me to it, but I'll post anyhow.) Are you a citizen? If you are a citizen, you may continue to live abroad with him and file an outland application (it seems you have to file outland, in any case, because your husband can't get a visitor visa). You will have to provide proof to...
  19. QuebecOkie

    proving authenticity of marital relationship (IMM 5490)

    All I sent was 8 photos of us together, including three that showed us during our travels together, and the three flight itineraries from those trips. I just pasted digital photos into a Word document, then typed up a short description of each photo. At the end of that document, I also typed a...
  20. QuebecOkie

    How do you Americans like Canada? :P

    OMG! THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so, SO proud of myself when I ordered pizza for delivery the first time here (spaking French on the phone is MUCH harder for me than in person), but then so very disappointed when the pizza arrived. They call them "TOPPINGS" because they're supposed to go...