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  1. QuebecOkie

    Marry or Common Law

    I can't really speak with any authority or personal experience on the cohabitation proof issue, but it seems to me that your evidence shows you've been cohabitating. Testimonials, letter from landlord, and having the same address on file with immigration sounds like a good bit of proof to me. I...
  2. QuebecOkie


    Yes, congrats, you just got DM!!! It's almost over! I don't know anything about Etobicoke. And yes, your passport is your identification document.
  3. QuebecOkie

    FBI Fingerprints

    I can't speak at all to whether you can do them yourself or not (I had the military police do mine, as hubby is military, and I had to show ID to prove I was me), but I know that regular old white printer paper works for the fingerprint card, as that's what I used.
  4. QuebecOkie


    That's a whole lot of typing just to say, "MICC is supposed to send the CSQ directly to CIC, but sometimes this gets botched [like every other aspect of the PR application process] and you're provided a copy of the CSQ that you can forward to CIC." I was an inland applicant. CIC received my...
  5. QuebecOkie

    we intend to live in Alberta but they say my wife should apply for CSQ .

    You have to pay the $269 for the CSQ when you submit the undertaking to Québec's MICC. If I remember correctly, there's a form you fill out and list your credit card number. They charge the card when they get the undertaking application and start to process it. But it's definitely paid...
  6. QuebecOkie

    we intend to live in Alberta but they say my wife should apply for CSQ .

    I do not think you should have to apply for a CSQ, based on what I understand. (See my replies in the other thread in which you asked about this). Further, I do not believe it's appropriate to apply for the CSQ, as you obviously cannot commit to the things Québec asks you to commit to. The...
  7. QuebecOkie

    Is CSQ necessary for everyone?

    Man, the CIC website leaves a lot to be desired. All I could find was what is in the outland application guide (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3900ETOC.asp#3900E3): As you are not living in Québec and do not intend to reside in Québec upon your return, I don't...
  8. QuebecOkie

    Is CSQ necessary for everyone?

    I am trying to find more info for you now, but my understanding is that you will not need a CSQ. A CSQ is needed only for those applicants who will be settling in the province of Québec. You will need to make sure to show CIC a very good plan detailing your plans to settle in Alberta (you are...
  9. QuebecOkie

    A question about Québec sponsorship visa! :)

    Ha! You know I can't resist a thread with "Quebec" in the title. ;) Oh, one more thing, for the OP. When you start looking at the actual application paperwork - IGNORE QUÉBEC'S STUFF until after you've sent off the full application to Mississaugua (the full application includes the...
  10. QuebecOkie

    A question about Québec sponsorship visa! :)

    Just wanted to add my voice to what others have said. I, too, worried in the beginning that my lack of French would be a problem. There is, as you may have read, one extra step in the process for those who apply through Québec (it's NOT a big deal, it's just a "check in the box" really, where...
  11. QuebecOkie

    2012 Quebec Inland Applicants

    I'm not sure whether you can land in Toronto and then continue on to Québec or not. I imagine the opposite would be problematic (trying to land in Québec, without a CSQ, and then continue on to another province), but I'm not at all sure you have to enter Canada through Québec. I would suggest...
  12. QuebecOkie

    Facebook group created for spousal sponsorship.

    Request sent. I'm Megan. :) I'm done with the process, but might be able to be of help with some questions there, or at least I can definitely emphathize with the stress.
  13. QuebecOkie

    Don't know where to begin... Please help.

    Fees are $1040 total (unless you are in Québec, in which case you get to pay an extra $266). Once you are married, you will be putting together his application for permanent residence through the family class stream. The spousal sponsorship is a part of the complete application packet. You...
  14. QuebecOkie

    Help with application for sponsoring spouse inland

    You do not need a police certificate. He doesn't need one from Canada. (CIC does, sometimes, request an RCMP check, usually only when there's someone with a similar/identical name who has a police record. I believe that's pretty rare.) He will need a police certificate from any country in...
  15. QuebecOkie

    Help with application for sponsoring spouse inland

    1. Yes, you should send police checks with application packet. Process varies by country. For the US, I had to get my finger prints done and send the finger print card, along with the request form and payment form, to the FBI for processing. Here's the information CIC provides for Greece...
  16. QuebecOkie

    Leaving Canada for holiday while inland PR application pending?

    Yeah, I'm pretty risk-averse. Risk-intolerant, you might say. NO WAY would I have wanted to start that process over again at any point!
  17. QuebecOkie

    Leaving Canada for holiday while inland PR application pending?

    That was my thought, too. I desperately wanted to see my family (my young nephew - the only one I've got, is growing up without knowing his "Tantie Meg"), but I knew I would be so stressed about the possibility of anything going wrong that I wouldn't really enjoy the visit. I didn't travel...
  18. QuebecOkie

    spousal support

    He may be able to visit you, but it can be hard for a foreign spouse to get a visa. He will need to apply for a visa and demonstrate significant ties to his home country. You say he's a doctor. Can his employer write him a letter stating that he has been granted (two weeks/three weeks/a...
  19. QuebecOkie

    About to send in our spousal application.. what (if anything) am I missing?

    At least you found this forum and got some helpful advice *before* submitting your app. I found the forum *after*. And I got to clean up some pretty messy mistakes. Good luck!
  20. QuebecOkie

    About to send in our spousal application.. what (if anything) am I missing?

    Definitely no need for the PR card form. The first PR card is sent automatically after the new PR lands. No application needed.