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  1. QuebecOkie

    Can I drive with my US license if I extended my stay?

    After "settlement." Which I read as obtaining PR. She has not begun to "settle" in Québec yet. She is just a visiting American at this point.
  2. QuebecOkie

    Do we need to live in Quebec?

    Thanks! I'm pretty thrilled. A lot of the Anglophone spouses in this area don't make any real effort to learn French, never mind find work. I arrived almost two years ago with NO French, and here I am, about to start working in a position where my main job is to communicate with people. So...
  3. QuebecOkie

    Can I drive with my US license if I extended my stay?

    The length of time you've been licensed isn't about when you can exchange it for a Québec license, it's about how much "credit" Québec gives you, and whether they'll give you a full license or a probationary one. Hubby had a probationary license for a while. I was insured the whole time...
  4. QuebecOkie

    American coming to Canada (Outland-Spouse sponsorship)

    The way I read that, the ONLY proof of relationship was 4 wedding photos (no other photos, no essay?). I sent a bare minimum of proof (submitted before I found this forum; lucky I made it through the process!). 8 photos posted into my essay talking about when we first met, when we met each...
  5. QuebecOkie

    Can I drive with my US license if I extended my stay?

    I drove on my OK drivers license until a couple of months after I got PR (also in Québec, as you know). You're a US citizen visiting here, and you're driving on a valid US drivers license. Pretty sure they wanted my PR paperwork when I went to the SAAQ to exchange my license, anyhow...
  6. QuebecOkie

    Do we need to live in Quebec?

    Exactly, you won't apply for the CSQ until CIC tells you to do so (you need the letter from them to get the CSQ), so just leave that blank. Keesio, THANK YOU! I appreciate the kind words. And great timing. I'm on cloud 9 today after GETTING MY FIRST JOB here! I start training on Monday to...
  7. QuebecOkie

    How Does Conditional PR Affect Me?

    It will likely apply to you (it's not clear if CIC is counting only the duration of the marriage, or of the entire relationship). It just means you have to live together as a married couple for at least two years following the date when you become a PR. You can travel freely, separately or...
  8. QuebecOkie


    Congratulations! It's ooooooooooover now!
  9. QuebecOkie

    Permanent resident of Quebec sponsoring an egyptian husband

    Québec makes things as confusing as possible. Basically, ignore Québec for now. I think the only real difference in the beginning is that you don't have to include the Option C form for proof of income. Complete the sponsorship AND PR applications and send them together to Mississaugua. The...
  10. QuebecOkie

    Working in Canada - Do you need a PR Card?

    Sure there is. I didn't apply for an OWP because it would have been a waste of money. I didn't speak enough French to work here until pretty recently.
  11. QuebecOkie

    Sponsoring my girlfriend, not so simple

    You may already know this, but just to be sure... One of the things you do as you go through the PR process for her is to promise the Candian government that you will be responsible for her for three years following her receipt of Canadian PR status. If she should collect social assistance...
  12. QuebecOkie

    Canadian Woman Marrying American Man and Living in Canada

    I have already landed, so it's not an issue for me (to answer you, though, it's quite likely he'll be stationed elsewhere, as we're at the only RCAF base in Québec). If your husband has to move during the process, it's no big deal. You'll just need to inform CIC of the change of address...
  13. QuebecOkie

    we intend to live in Alberta but they say my wife should apply for CSQ .

    Hooray, congrats! So once in a *GREAT* while, CIC actually does something logical. After screwing around for a while first to waste time.
  14. QuebecOkie

    Canadian Woman Marrying American Man and Living in Canada

    Yeah, even when we were separated early in this process, him knowing he had his HOME to come back to after his course was really good for his mind and heart while he was in Ontario. At least your situation IS temporary, even if it feels like it will last forever. As for learning French, I...
  15. QuebecOkie

    Sponsorship application after deportation

    If she cannot come to Canada, you will be filing an outland application. The forms can be found here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/fc.asp.
  16. QuebecOkie

    Canadian Woman Marrying American Man and Living in Canada

    We're not rich, but I'm VERY grateful for his quite adequate salary that allows him to support both of us. It's the difference between being able to stay with him, the love of my life and my very best friend, and having my heart broken beyond repair at our separation. Even immigration issues...
  17. QuebecOkie

    American Medical Exam, Obamacare

    I got mine done here in Québec (City), and I don't remember the exact amount, but it was around $340. The prices seem to vary a LOT by country and then by region of the country.
  18. QuebecOkie

    Canadian Woman Marrying American Man and Living in Canada

    THAT part doesn't surprise me. There's no special treatment for military or any other applicants/sponsors (i.e. everyone is left in the dark and forced to wait it out with no good answers or information). But while there are a lot of American soldiers who can't make ends meet, Canada pays a...
  19. QuebecOkie

    Sufficient Proof of PR Application at US/Canada Border Crossing (by car)?

    It sounds like a good plan. No one can tell you 100% that you won't have any trouble at the border. Unfortunately, it's up to the border agent at that particular moment. But you definitely sound well-prepared. Try not to stress out too badly, and just answer questions as asked. Good luck!
  20. QuebecOkie

    Canadian Woman Marrying American Man and Living in Canada

    Oh WOW! I, too, am an American married to a Canadian military member. I can't believe they're doing this to you two! Sorry they're making you jump through all of those extra hoops, and fingers crossed that your further proofs will finally get them to move foward with your app.