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  1. K

    Child Board Abroad to Divorced non-Canadian

    So I assume the child was born in Iraq and you were a Canadian citizen at the date of birth of your child. If your child's Iraqi birth certificate states you as the father, then obtaining Canadian citizenship is a matter of applying for the child's certificate of citizenship. Here's official...
  2. K

    Do I need valid passport for citizenship interveiw?

    It's not absolutely required to bring a valid passport. However, you may want to bring additional proof that you haven't travelled outside Canada since the expiry date of your old passport. Detailed info: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/notice-new-cit.asp
  3. K

    As of February 1, 2012 new citizens will need to wait at least two business days

    Thanks for sharing this news. I was going to apply for Cdn passport same day, I guess will have to wait couple of days... Why I wander? For the new certificate's number to be exchanged between CIC and Passport Canada's information systems, perhaps?
  4. K

    citizenship test results

    True! But it's okay, it was our choice to come to this beautiful land of opportunity and even though it's tough sometimes, the good things overweight by a lot! :) Soon this long-dragging nerve-racking 'waiting game' will be over for all of us, no more dealings with CIC for us personally. :)...
  5. K

    mississauga office - time line

    Did you try calling CIC??
  6. K

    Canadian Citizenship Application and H1B Visa To US

    Let's hope your case goes through before October. A couple of questions to you: - Your employer in the US - is it a Canadian-based entity by any chance? - Do you have a family? If yes, will they be moving to the US with you? As a starter, read this manual carefully...
  7. K

    citizenship test results

    You are welcome. So, basically, your test paper hasn't been processed yet... Must be very frustrating for you to wait for so long without knowing anything!!! Too bad the call centre wasn't of much help to you... From another thread, it seems Surrey office is seriously understaffed or...
  8. K

    Some concerns please, any one can help ? citizenship test

    No worries. As long as you've clearly selected just one correct answer for each question, you're good.
  9. K

    citizenship test results

    Please pick up the phone and call 1-888-242-2100. Push 1 - 3 and 0, speak to a call centre agent and ask them to give you the status of your citizenship application. Have your Client ID (found on your PR Card) handy. They will tell you whether you passed the test or not and what are the next...
  10. K

    Citizenship test day - By TKD

    No worries about the absence after applying for citizenship. They look into the four-year period that immediately precedes the date of application. However, your wife has to maintain her permanent residency status, by living in Canada for at least two years within a five-year period. In other...
  11. K

    Calgary Office - citizenship timeline

    My (updated) timeline: Received: Feb 07, 2011. Processing started: Nov 04, 2011. Transferred: Nov. 21, 2001 Test: Mar 05, 2012 Oath Ceremony: March, 27, 2012 Almost there!
  12. K

    PR expired Oath Pending

    Depends on which office it is. In Calgary I was told this week the waiting time for immigration judge interview is around 12 months...
  13. K

    citizenship application documentation help!

    http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/CIT0001ETOC.asp So here's the official checklist of supporting documentation to submit along with your application: - A birth certificate which lists your parents (issued by responsible government authorities in the country where...
  14. K

    Test and Oath ceremony on the same day...

    Yes, sometimes they do it like that. Which local CIC office is it? Thanks
  15. K

    Calgary Office - citizenship timeline

    My Calgary timeline: ******* We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on February 7, 2011. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called A Look at Canada on February 7, 2011. Please consider delays in mail...
  16. K

    should I do the medical on my own initiative?

    Of course you can do it yourself, you have the right to provide the VO on your own initiative with any information that facilitates the processing of your case, including medical :) You can indeed gain a month or two by doing it proactively. Usually, it's requested right after the interview or...
  17. K


    Only a month passed and you are already worrying? :) It's taken 20 months for my close family.............. Applied in summer 2009, received PR in Jan 2011.... You're only in the beginning of the waiting game.... But some cases are faster, you never know. So you'll see this In Process ->...
  18. K

    Family Class in Canada Sponsorship questions.

    So, NOT a good idea to try and cross the border with a big load of household stuff at the border. :) Makes perfect sense if the immigration officials will see it, it'll raise their red flags all over the place and you actually want to keep a low profile about your immigration plans as much as...
  19. K

    Permanent resident application

    You're welcome. I've been in your shoes, so I know exactly how it feels to wait in uncertainty... Very frustrating sometimes. My close family got their PR (inland) a few weeks ago, but their eCAS status still hasn't been updated to reflect it... So, eCAS can be slow too...
  20. K


    How long ago was it? Inland or outland application? Which office? "In Process" is what your application status will show for almost the whole duration of the application process. Then it will change to "Decision Made" and, finally, to "COMPLETED". But this will be only they're done processing...