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  1. K

    apply for PR upon marriage to a PR holder in canada

    I know you can apply for a visitor visa (temporary residence permit) at the same time you submit your inland PR application and they will give it to you automatically because there is a PR case in process... Maybe you should try and get a new (or extended) work permit instead?? NOT based on the...
  2. K

    please help P.O Box address problem in saudi arabia, Filipino guy here.

    This is not a standard situation for sure. So, you're living in a building still partially under construction? For your mailing address, you can use anything, I'm sure you understand that. As long as all the incoming mail from the visa office will get to you safely and promptly...
  3. K


    When you click on In Process, what does it say in more details? It means they're still processing your application or, if a decision has already made, it might be that your eCAS hasn't been updated yet to reflect the actual status. eCAS is not updated daily, usually once a week or slower...
  4. K

    Permanent resident application

    Sorry, no comments on exactly how much longer it's going to take... CHC Colombo is a very slow visa office... But as it's been about a month since you've sent your second medical, I think it's another month or two maximum for you to wait to receive the letter saying, "We are pleased to advise...
  5. K

    Family Class in Canada Sponsorship questions.

    Good correction. Average is plus or minus a range, in this case we should say, 'up to' or 'a maximum of'. If you word it differently, there's an 80% probability that your case processing won't take longer than 20 months... + 2 months for 1st stage approval. Same idea, 80% probability that...
  6. K

    Help - General questions for landing in Canada

    Tried to search the web for accounts of landing experience by spouses without sponsors for you (both in English and Russian), could find only one so far! http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=705288 "Just to update...... My husband has Landed! He flew to Canada on his own this week...
  7. K

    Help - General questions for landing in Canada

    http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/enf/enf04-eng.pdf See chapter 12 (not all paragraphs of 1-17 apply to your situation). The sponsor's presence is not required for the landing. There must be a very serious reason to be found inadmissible at the border... It's not like they turn...
  8. K

    Help - General questions for landing in Canada

    For successful landing: - Passport with immigrant visa. - Confirmation of Permanent Residence. - a Canadian address to which his PR card would be sent to, with a firm arrangement to forward it to you guys when it comes in, you don't want to lose it!!! - A 'goods to follow' list. And to...
  9. K

    Family Class in Canada Sponsorship questions.

    I don't know if there would be any complications with immigration, but what about customs and import duties? Have no experience like that, we flew by air, and immigration didn't see our baggage. If you request your app processed in the US, then it's an outland application, so the rule you...
  10. K

    Family Class in Canada Sponsorship questions.

    Sorry, I was wrong on Question 2. You can apply for an Open Work Permit after 1st stage approval of your PR application if you applied inland. But my niece who applied inland received both approvals at the same time last December, and got her PR in Jan, so there wasn't much use in that, she...
  11. K

    Medical Questions

    This one is even better! :)
  12. K

    Medical Questions

    Complete A to Z? That's a good deal.
  13. K

    Help - General questions for landing in Canada

    In "Goods to follow" form, you can list your personal belongings in groups like "kitchen utensils -- $300" rather than give details of each and every one. That would apply to clothing as well and jewellery, etc. If a good does have a serial number then it is your call -- you could list it...
  14. K

    Does request for rprf usually mean you have been accepted?

    Yes. Get ready for passport request.
  15. K

    Anybody used the online application option for PR??

    But who knows, maybe some day they will offer an online option, this so simplifies processing for them, I'm sure... Just a little bit more scanning :) However, there might be some legal obstacles, I don't know, like, original signatures or something........
  16. K


    Been there, done that :) I've been in your shoes, so I know exactly how it feels. No worries, with enough effort you can prepare your app package just fine. You've come to the right place, many experienced people here ready to help
  17. K


    NO. Plain photocopies are fine. However, if a document is not in either English or French, then you should provide a photocopy with a certified translation into English or French.
  18. K

    Please help with form IMM 5409 HELP HELP

    UK Solicitor should be fine. This form is for sponsors who have a co-signer (who is their common law partner) to meet necessary financial requirements to sponsor other family members, not for people sponsoring common law partners. Source...
  19. K


    Absolutely. No worries!