How long ago was it? Inland or outland application? Which office?
"In Process" is what your application status will show for almost the whole duration of the application process.
Then it will change to "Decision Made" and, finally, to "COMPLETED". But this will be only they're done processing your case.
Look here for a better explanation:
Below is an example of eCAS for my close family's application under spousal sponsorship inland. They've received their PR already by attending a landing interview, but eCAS still hasn't been updated to reflect all of it... And the general status says, DECISION MADE.
We received your application for permanent residence on July 19, 2010.
We started processing your application on September 22, 2010.
We received the requested information on June 2, 2011. Thank you for providing the information.
Medical results have been received.
A decision has been made and you will be contacted.
We sent you a letter on December 9, 2011 to XXXXXXXXXX, Canada, about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us.