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  1. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    thanks for the positive words Sharuu... thing is, I am not sure when my file was transferred...I think September applicants were transferred in May? Pre-September applicants were transferred a bit later I think...PPR will be issues according to the transfer sequence I guess.
  2. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Hi Sharu, his timeline - We received your application on Sep 10, 2011. - We started processing your application on May 2, 2012 - Medicals results received. more importantly it was a QSW and September applicant. not sure when his file was transferred....I will order my GCMS notes if my...
  3. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    well one QSW got PPR who applied and went into process roughly 2 weeks ahead of me. Can that be on any significance....not too sure but we will see... good luck everyone
  4. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    yep at least not on forum anyways....somewhere someone must have got PPR the wait continues....
  5. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    according to the operational bulletin, they extend the results upto 1 year provided they request the extension during 3 months...so lets say in 15 months, if still VO doesnt judge case ready for PPR, then forget the extension....otherwise, they can extend till one whole year!!
  6. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Sharuu our medicals are expired... so lets say (feels good to assume at least), its our turn for PPR. then we will have even more delay because the visa officer has to check with medical board if he can extend the medicals or issue a new medical form....do you agree?
  7. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    i think its the lack of system which is causing all the dilemma here.....its all completely random after AOR. but then again this is how immigration works...no two applications are same. also we need to keep in mind that many applicants are not on this forum so we cant say we received just one...
  8. suduko

    Application reached Buffalo on 30 November 2011

    congrats nlpnp!!!! can you please share your timeline from ECAS.....thanks a lot
  9. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    i am a september applicant which category I fall in :-\
  10. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    but urs is a better case at least...u did medicals when they asked for...I did in advance so I am just hoping they will extend mine....but looks like slim chance...
  11. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    man my medicals are already expired... :-\ looking down the barrel really.. anyways, life moves on really... :-X
  12. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    yep man, today was just briliiant...keep em rolling Ottawa....dun want to wait till next year.....December gonna be very slow again :-[
  13. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    yeah seems like... I have seen few PPR's from people who went in process in May, about 2 weeks before me so that gives hope....maybe its around the corner....in process now for 4 months now.. hoping to hear something soon 8)
  14. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    some people have got that 10 month processing time promise from Ottawa in AOR or subsequent communications while others have not...I wonder whats causing that..just random answering perhaps....
  15. suduko

    Application reached Buffalo on 30 November 2011

    that is another positive news from Ottawa..... :) best of luck for your future process ...
  16. suduko

    Application reached Buffalo on 30 November 2011

    congrats buddy today was definitely the best day so far from Ottawa...lots of PPR....great to know that.....
  17. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    man you should be hearing within a week or two time... Reason being recently another QSW Smokhtari got the PPR and his timeline was just like yours. I mean he applied a month before you and went in process about 3 weeks before you so perhaps this shows things are moving....if your case is...
  18. suduko

    Application reached Buffalo on 30 November 2011

    big congrats lilbabu!!! your timeline is pretty fast...enjoy your time... are you from some European country? many congrats man
  19. suduko

    Application reached Buffalo on 30 November 2011

    congrats buddy can you please share your ECAS status?...also which category you applied in thanks a lot.
  20. suduko

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    hey Mohana, I think all that means is your background checks are in progress still....... the worrying part is that the transferred files have 1 year to complete in Ottawa...I mean thats the limit really....so most of the people should hear soon but this limit is too much.....they shouldve...