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  1. C

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I only sent in an FBI report but I have a feeling it wont be valid by the time they process my application (I received it a month prior to us sending our application). I wonder if they will request either just another FBI report and/or a state clearance report additionaly. My husband is comming...
  2. C

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Did any of you include a state clearance report as well as a FBI report in your application? If you didn't, did any of you get requested to send one?
  3. C

    Quebec selection certificate family class processing time

    Ah, you're doing inland-- I'm outland so It may be a bit different. Thank you though for your reply, best of luck! =)
  4. C

    Quebec selection certificate family class processing time

    Perkele: So they send you (the sponsor) a letter after they received the first part of your sponsorship application right--how long since you sent the application did it take to receive that letter? I was under the impression you had to wait until you were aproved as a sponsor before you can...
  5. C

    August 2012 Applicants Thread =)

    Hmm curious, are any of you by any chance also applying for residency in the province of Quebec?
  6. C

    August 2012 Applicants Thread =)

    Thank you Sweden--I feel much more relief--I had waken up from a dream about it =b But I feel good now! Louie_ann: Thanks! My VO is CPP-O =)
  7. C

    Do I need to redo my police records from another country?

    Oi, it does sound like a headache... I can relate to the feeling but I dont have any usefull advice, hope you get some soon though!
  8. C

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    They are different-- when you go do your Meds they will need a couple of photos (I had to go to a pharmacie next door since the lady had only told me I needed one). Then you need to send an extra four in your application. I took those the day I sent my husband everything from my end so they all...
  9. C

    August 2012 Applicants Thread =)

    Also, Louie_ann, may I get added too? =)
  10. C

    August 2012 Applicants Thread =)

    Yay, I was hoping a thread for this month would start up! I did my Meds June 30 and received our police report a week prior. We sent our application July 31 and it was received August 1st. I'm worried about having to redo my medicals too... especially since they were so expensive here but I...
  11. C

    US Police Report

    I just have a small question...do all US police report look strange? Like mine is a small little paragraph that says i have no prior arrest data... it just seems so strange and small....
  12. C

    CSQ -- Help Plase!!

    Thank you!!!
  13. C

    U.S. outland visa office

    Thank you guys! =)
  14. C

    CSQ -- Help Plase!!

    Im working on my application right now. As far as my husband was concerned he believed we dont send in the CSQ until after he is approved as a sponsor... but on form 0008 it asks when i have applied. What if i havent applied yet? Where we suppose to apply before?? Do we send in the csq...
  15. C

    U.S. outland visa office

    I'm a bit confused because I know the buffalo office is closed now. We are getting ready to send out our application but which office should I send it to?? Would it be best to L.A. or Washington D.C.??
  16. C

    Canadian Visiting Spouse

    It seems like it--Ive onyl heard of a few trying it but no one has hear anything back yet. simb, of course, I've always been blunt while crossing the border, just as soon as you are married it raises red flags but I figured if we have receits it should be fine. He will be crossing the border...
  17. C

    Canadian Visiting Spouse

    That's a good question...do they?? We are going to file outland hopefully by next month. It feels so overwhelming putting the application together but I can imagine how nice it must feel once it's completed and sent out. =) I have another question...does anyone here have any experience with...
  18. C

    Canadian Visiting Spouse

    Yay! =D I'd like for his to come here during thanksgiving then we can go back to Canada together for Christmas. =)
  19. C

    Canadian Visiting Spouse

    My husband and i are planning on sending our application in soon. I'm not sure if I read wrong previously, but I'm wondering, once our application is sent and is in process, would it be okay if he comes visits me here in the states for thanksgiving?? I'm not sure but I remember reading...
  20. C

    Fingerprint Cards U.S.

    I have a simple question: For all those who had to get FBI certificates in the states, did any of you just print out the sheets on the FBI site? Is it really okay to just print them out on regular printing paper and get then sent in like that? I have had terrible experiences with getting my...