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  1. browntrout

    Pls ans if you can

    have to add that they they say "unlimited" they don't actually mean unlimited. They mean reasonable, for them its reasonable to be within 5GB.
  2. browntrout

    What's it like to live in Canada?

    some very emotional responses here.... Anyhow, Canada is a large country. I've lived in 3 states in the US, and all were completely different. Being such a large place, there will be a place for most everyone.
  3. browntrout

    Pls ans if you can

    Only heard good things about the below 2, use Skype to talk to your family back home. Wind http://www.windmobile.ca/plans-and-devices/plans/mobile-plan-details/phone-monthly-plan-2 30/month, unlimited province calling, unlimited data Mobilicity http://mobilicity.ca/plans/ 30/month...
  4. browntrout

    Government controlled Internet traffic (ISP privacy in Canada)

    Will be moving over soon, and one of the first things i would get is a fast line for our house there. How is the internet privacy in Canada? Not trying to hack the government or anything, but lets say "hypothetically" if i wanted to enjoy downloading some Blu-Ray movie, or just wanted to be...
  5. browntrout


    heard these immigration lawyers are charging a lot also. Just to compare, i reached out to a few to help with an out-land application as i was initially recommended to go via a lawyer. Went to a few, and got quotes from 3-4500 CAD. I did it myself for under 1000 (including postage, paper...
  6. browntrout

    Case Re-Opened!! Suggestions Please??

    that is indeed a long time, mine had been with the embassy for 3 weeks, and to me that's way too long already. In my case its because a local police report was delayed in being sent from the police directly to the embassy, so they really didn't have a choice.
  7. browntrout

    Buying furniture second hand ??

    +1, don't get soft stuff used (soft couch, mattress etc) not only bedbugs, but bacteria etc. Leather i would get used, if its taken care of properly, but a used leather is often times more expensive than a new fabric one. Also, any of the bed & mattress stores have very cheap stuff so you can...
  8. browntrout

    How to reach CIC Call Centre toll free number from outside Canada??

    tried called a few months back, but i too got a hold of someone that didn't know anything... strange indeed, and i think they weren't actually employed by CIC, rather another "help" agency, that sometimes you get connect to.
  9. browntrout

    Have I resided in other countries other than Canada, how far back do I go?

    they might i think, and i would prepare it so that if they do ask for it i would just be able to provide it quickly
  10. browntrout

    Have I resided in other countries other than Canada, how far back do I go?

    Did my university in the states, and probably lived in 6 apartments in total during the 4 year period i was there. Couldn't remember exactly what dates etc, so ended up putting just one address on the form, which seems to be fine. But like the previous posted said, try as good as you can.
  11. browntrout

    Schedule A form question

    Unfortunately, but hopefully you can supply what they want. I think in many cases they just REQUEST more information just to test things like 1) is your address working, 2) are you genuine. 3) others reasons
  12. browntrout

    Status in country - Europeans

    I'm Swedish,working in Hong Kong. I put "permanent resident" technically i am not "permanent resident" since you have to have lived here for 7 years before you are considered "permanent", but since there wasn't any "resident" available, i put "permanent resident" so that's what i would suggest
  13. browntrout

    Timing of Medical Test

    Hi, it could be at any time, for me it was at the end of the process. But I actually did the medicals just after submitting the application. When they do issue the landing papers you usually have 1 year to LAND, from the time you did the medical check. So depends whats the average processing...
  14. browntrout

    Spousal sponsorship 'Decision Made'

    good sign indeed, and shouldn't be longer than 4-6 weeks after you pay your $490
  15. browntrout

    China Applicants Thread

    better be faster than that, HK VO have had my passport for 3 weeks now
  16. browntrout

    Reg: Mailing of Application forms - family class

    +1 to tracking, in fact use registered or any other form of premium mail that allows you to track what you sent. Many cases i see people here send in things, then are asked to resend, keeping all these slips throughout the process keeps track and could be more helpful than you think should there...
  17. browntrout

    Hong Kong timeline

    I know! i was told 4-6 weeks initially. But like i said, i started calling them bugging them, and i also sent a few emails and after 2.5 weeks they apparently processed it. Not sure if that's they average time, or because i bugged them a bit....
  18. browntrout

    Hong Kong timeline

    yeah i know, its unlike Hong Kong to be slow like that.... everything is usually fast here. Didn't make sense in the first place that i had to show them the letter from CIC requesting the certificate before they could issue it either. I requested my letter on Nov 15th, and been calling them for...
  19. browntrout

    Driver Licence (Licence from USA convert to BC licence)

    perfect thats the info i was looking for, mine was issued in 2009 and expire now in march 2014 (planning to LAND in Canada in january) so i should be fine.
  20. browntrout

    New Canadian Resident (Check-list)

    good info, and i am looking for something like that. I am on fiber right now here in Hong Kong, but 100mb ul/dl would suffiice for my needs.