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  1. fallenstar831

    New Passport

    We did this for my husband as well. We just mailed a copy of the new passport and a brief letter explaining why we updated. IT was no issue at all, when I called the CIC to confirm that was all they needed they said it is done all the time and a non issue.
  2. fallenstar831

    An absolute confusion here

    You can apply for an extension to your 6 month visitor visa through here... http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/extend-stay.asp
  3. fallenstar831

    Crossing the border to get married

    Thanks! Everything went smooth. We got SIN numbers and drivers licence's settled. Very exciting.
  4. fallenstar831

    Crossing the border to get married

    There are some coutries that require Visa's annd stuff to get married. I know if you go to the UK you have to have a special Visa... But you should be fine! Congratulations!
  5. fallenstar831

    Crossing the border to get married

    The strongest word of advice I can give to anyone ever... dont lie. Ever. Just don't do it. When my husband (the fiance) came over to get married he told them at customs that he was here for a visit with his fiance. They asked a few questions, marriage came up, so he told them we were getting...
  6. fallenstar831


    If I had a nickle for every time this question was asked in the last 6 months, I'd have a few coffees under my belf for sure :P Use search people!
  7. fallenstar831

    canada post screw up

    I did send mine this way... they still lost it. I'm pretty sure the OP did too. And I would for sure call... they arent going to give you shit... it's your passport, that's serious business.
  8. fallenstar831

    canada post screw up

    They screwed up my application when I sent it in too. I feel for you. Hang in there and keep calling. Don't take no for an answer. And tell them they suck!
  9. fallenstar831

    Sponsor applies outland and then moves back before partner

    As long as you are a Canadian citizen this is totally fine.
  10. fallenstar831

    Thread for Applications sent November 2009

    If you go on the royal mail site and use the same tracking number the details will show up. Also, nothing changes online. They just come back one day. It's exciting. But the wait is not for the weak at heart.
  11. fallenstar831

    Getting Passport Stamped for visiting extension

    Don't worry about the stamp so much... Border control has your enter and entrance dates and times. If you really want a stamp so you have proof - just ask - they have them. Here is information about extending your stay -> http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/extend-stay.asp
  12. fallenstar831

    Visiting while PR application in process

    My husband is British and he came over during the process to visit and stayed about 6 weeks. There is always a risk you will get denied entry... however he brought stuff that proved he was going back... his exam timetable from uni as well as a copy of his lease agreement. They never asked...
  13. fallenstar831

    Thread for Applications sent November 2009

    Lol... oops! http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/international/05-fc-spouses.asp Singapore is running about 5 months at the quickest for Spousal apps. You still have a bit of a wait...
  14. fallenstar831

    JUST HEARD MY VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED!!! Now for a question...

    My husband is in Bristol, he sent it to London with a prepaid envelope for express delivery for next day. It cost him about 2 quid I think. He paid it for peace of mind. If they sent it regular mail it could be a week... He had his passport back with his visa in just under 2 weeks I believe.
  15. fallenstar831

    Thread for Applications sent November 2009

    What office are you applying though HappyGirl.
  16. fallenstar831

    Proof of continuing relation- Using Skype n MSN

    We put in 2 or 3 screenshots that we had kept of funny things. We didnt document every day... thats a bit of overkill.
  17. fallenstar831

    Proof of continuing relation- Using Skype n MSN

    We didnt submit any of this. We use Skype and MSN faithfully. It is best to have it - don't get me wrong, if you have strong proof in other items a good solid explanation works as well. We went into a lot of detail to describe how we keep in touch, what time of the day and holw long we...
  18. fallenstar831

    how "permanent" is wife's PR if we move abroad for my work?

    To meet these residency obligations, you must be physically present in Canada for at least 730 days (2 years) in every 5-year period.
  19. fallenstar831

    Just lost my job, will it be a big problem to be a sponsor

    Most will agree on here that as much information without overkilling is the best way to go. If you have a year end from the UK I'd submit it, though it is not necessary... other than that a copy of your bank book with a well worded not should be more than sufficient.
  20. fallenstar831

    Photos for Medical

    No negatives required. Negatives are obsolete with digital imaging.