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  1. C

    File Transfer from Buffalo to Detroit - Interview Scheduled

    Hope you pass the interview. What does that mean? If you are a scheduled an interview in a country which you can't get a visa to for example, does this mean you can't continue the process of Canada immigration? What if you don't have a valid visa to USA and your interview will be there and they...
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    Asked for your CV also?

    I mean the applicant on the old system before 2008. Those who were asked to update their documents and applications. Was anyone asked to submit the resume'?
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    Asked for your CV also?

    Hello all, Those who got the update letter. where you asked to send your CV also?
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    Very importatnt query plse give me your opinions, Qorax and seniors

    Qorax? your opinion plse. I don't want to tell my employers. How can I manage the issue?
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    Very importatnt query plse give me your opinions, Qorax and seniors

    Thank you for your responses. It will be very hard if I talk to my employer about this issue yet I was wondering why would CIC tell my employer who is calling. I mean what's the logic behind it as long as they can get to what they need to know without revealing my intenetions and without telling...
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    Very importatnt query plse give me your opinions, Qorax and seniors

    Hi all, I brought and already sent to CHC, a work reference letter from my employers (Manager) without telling about my immigration intentions at all since I have been long long working in this same company and I am in a senior position. They gave me the letter stating some of my accomplishments...
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    Reference letter and Role based experience letter from the current company Query

    Thank you Ice Cube, But is it always that immigration office would reveal to my employers who they are. when they inquire, do they tell who they are? why? Especially that the letter starts with "To whom it may concern". My letter also includes some facts that they can track through other than my...
  8. C

    Reference letter and Role based experience letter from the current company Query

    Hi all, This is really a critical issue to all of us. I have a similar situation. I got the letter from my employers after I gave them some reason in which I completely hid my immigration plans. Now I'm on my nerves. I'm afraid that CHC might inquire about it and reveal to my company that they...
  9. C

    Qorax , all seniors pleaaaaaase helllllllp!!!!

    All thanks Qorax, but I was wondering what do we lose if we send this correction? Does it affect the application in on way or another. Does it keep a negative sign. Since it's not considered very important why don't we stay on the safe side? Can you explain this to me plse?
  10. C

    Qorax , all seniors pleaaaaaase helllllllp!!!!

    Dear all, you still remember my case. I asked you previously about a mistake in the application of my spouse (question 9: sought refugee status....) and I the principal applicant ticked no instead of yes which was complete oversight, and as I updated my documents, I just copied the first page...
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    Mistake in IMM 0008 urgent please seniors

    Thank you Qorax, Pray for me please. I hope that this wouldn't affect my application like causing a delay or rejection (God forbid).
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    Mistake in IMM 0008 urgent please seniors

    please seniors I need a response. I need some guidance.
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    Mistake in IMM 0008 urgent please seniors

    Hello again, qorax and any other professionals I have a representative (lawyer). would it be better to inform my representative, send him the letter including this mistake and making him check this letter in case he recommends any special format or the like and then let him send the letter to...
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    Mistake in IMM 0008 urgent please seniors

    Hello Qorax, Thank you for your quick response. I will go by your recommendation.
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    Mistake in IMM 0008 urgent please seniors

    Professionals, seniors, answeeeerrrr pleeeeeaaaaase.......
  16. C

    Mistake in IMM 0008 urgent please seniors

    Hello all seniors in this forum, I made an unintentional mistake in my spouse's application. under question 9 part 3 (sought refugee status ...immigration...), I ticked No instead of yes this was complete oversight for the phrase (or any other country). I did this mistake in the first...