Please see my comments above.
+ 2 general comments:
1. If you say you “firmly disagree” at the beginning of your essay then don’t write about the positive sides of the question in the body paragraphs at all. And restate that you strongly disagree in the conclusion, too.
If you want to also mention some positive sides, then say you “mainly disagree”. You see, your current essay would lose marks if written at the exam, because you contradict yourself. First you say you firmly disagree (which is quite an extreme position btw) and then in your body paragraphs you indicate why the opposite position might also be valid. So what you could do, you could say that you mainly disagree and by this it would be ok that you’re also considering the opposite effect of the technology.
And indeed, for questions like “to what extent do you agree” it is more probable to get high scores if you “mainly agree” or “mainly disagree” rather than if you decide to discuss only one side of the question.
2. Regarding the structure: to be on the safe side I would suggest you not to mix pros and cons within the same paragraph, but to separate it. I’m not saying that’s the only correct way to do it, but if I were you this essay would have the following structure:
- I’d say in the introduction that I mainly agree, since technology has improved transportation and social interaction/communication, however MIGHT have minor drawbacks if misused (or any other slight drawback).
- Then you should talk about the side you don’t give much importance to in BP 1. So your first body paragraph would be about ONE OF the technology’s drawbacks. Select only one disadvantage, because you’re saying you mainly disagree, so you should show that the positive aspects are more essential. Your current essay talks about two possible drawbacks, choose only one, discuss it and then say why it’s not that big (e.g. as you’ve said people have already started replacing fuel cars with electric ones, so pollution is not a big deal any longer).
- Then you can either have one or two body paragraphs about the positive aspects of technology. With your current level I guess you can handle two more paragraphs, but it’s up to you of course.

have only one main idea in each BP. E.g. BP 2 - positive impact on transportation, BP 3 - positive impact on communication. Don’t mention any negative in BP 2 and 3.
You can say you strongly disagree and leave BP 2 and BP 3 only, but then you should not mention any negative sides at all, as if you don’t think there is anything bad about technology at all. This is a less “mature” position, but can still work if you don’t target more than 7 or 7.5.
Good luck!