They did not! it's not even mentioned in the required docs for OCI?
I'm just wondering why they would need that when they have a copy of my Canadian Passport? doesn't that override all previous immigration documents?
I thought COPR was only useful in Canada later when applying for pension plan?
I remember reading somewhere that its to find out if a person became canadian citizen after being a refugee. In that case it will be shown in landing papers i think. BLS asked me to upload it. Its not in checklist. sometime back there was a checklist screenshot from brampton office and it had that as well
Anyways, you're right looks like I'm able to re-upload a document in the Online OCI Services. Please let me know if I should override my "India Visa" document from a copy of my Entry Visa to COPR?
I think you can override the entry visa and upload copr. entry visa has no significance in this process.
I think you may be fine without uploading as BLS did not ask for it. But you can upload to be on safer side